Cordova storage working on android and dev ios but not on other ios devices - ios

We successfully built and deployed a cordova application utilizing the localstorage to persist login data.
This application works as debug build on android and our development iphone (iphone 6s running latest ios 14) but customers reported after rollout that data doesn't get stored (not even while app is running) on ios devices.
We then switched to the codova native storage plugin (, again working on our devices but not on other customers devices. (The app store build also works on our dev iphone)
Does anyone know what could be the difference between our device and all others?
Our last idea is to use file storage.

Nevermind, we were having cors - issues as ios handles the origin different than android


How do I deploy a Xamarin Forms iOS app to iPhone test device offsite

I have a Xamarin Forms app and I would like to distribute the iOS version to our tester, but the tester is not local, so I have no physical access to their iPhone device. I would like to do this remotely somehow.
I have searched for instructions on this, but all I find are deployments to the App Store or deployments to a physical device attached to my mac (which I have done fine). Can anyone advise the process of deploying this to our remote working tester please?

Is it possible to publish Mac Catalyst app as seperate, macOS only version?

When enabling macOS support in my iOS project it runs fine on my Mac. However, I am not sure how this version will be published.
Is it possible to maintain different targets which can be submitted as different apps? One target to the iOS App Store (without macOS support) and one target to the macOS App Store (without iOS support)?
An iPhone + iPad version of my app has been in the iOS App Store (bundle ID for many years. So has a native macOS version in the Mac App Store (bundle ID
Although the iOS and macOS versions doe share a lot of code, it has always quite a lot of work to maintain these two version. Working on a shared project where "only" the UI has to adopted to work well on macOS would be great.
However, I would like to use the Catalyst version to replace the existing, native macOS app. Not as universal new iOS+macOS App. Is this possible?
I'm doing this with a few of my apps.
However, with the most recent one, Apple wouldn't let me give the Mac app and the iOS app the same name. I'm not sure if that was their way of trying to force me to release a universal app, or if it was a temporary App Store Connect issue. The apps I previously released with matching names are still available and I haven't released a new app since then.

Run flutter app on iOS from android studio

So I'm trying to build an app on flutter SDK using the android studio platform and now I want to run it on an iOS device. I've serched on google like 1h but I couldn't find anything(they only said how to run it on MAC which I don't have) . Is there any way how can I run the app from my android studio (or output the iOS app like the android app file which I can find in the project folder?)
I believe your asking how to run your app on a physical iOS device which you can find on flutters website scroll down a little past half way and you will see a section called deploy to iOS devices. Since you don't have a mac testing on a physical device would be your only other option because you can not run a iOS simulator on anything but a mac computer. Gotta love apple :)
If you are without a mac there are some options to you. I will link to a couple articles below. Your best option is to get access to a mac I understand this isn't an option for everyone.How to sign Flutter apps for iOS automatically without a MacDeveloping and debugging Flutter apps for iOS without a Mac

Xamarin Android App is crashing on SAMSUNG SM-A5000 and LG-H815T phone

Let me explain the scenario.
We have developed an APP in And tested it on various emulator and some mobile phones. Those emulators and mobile phones laid into API 16 to API 23. Here App was worked fine.
After the development, we uploaded this app on HockyApp for testing and generating crashing reports if any exists. One of our testers has aforementioned mobile phones. and App is immediately crash on the mobile phone. I have shared a screenshot with this post.
Then we decided to upload the App on xamarin Test Cloud Platform. And we have tested App on various mobile phones. And it was working fine. Then I have tested App on LG-H815 mobile which is located on Xamarin Test Cloud Platform. And also app works fine.
Can you please suggest why App is only crashing aforementioned mobile phones.
Try to set the processor settings to armeabi-v7a only, the others are for emulator and obsoleted processors. Also make sure the target framework is high enough for this phone.
Go to Project options (double click on Android project)
Go to Android build under build section
Go to Advanced tab and only use armeabi-v7a
Test it again on your LG-H815
We had the same problem with the Samsung S6 + 7 (edge).

Is there an alternative emulator for IOS and Xcode

I am having some trouble getting sound to play remotely through the IOS simulators. I have contacted the hosting company for the mac and they say it is a problem with IOS emulator and rdp. This is only a problem in the emulator not on the remote mac itself. I am wondering whether there are alternative emulators like genymotion for Android which maybe do not have this problem.
There are many iOS features that just don't work on the simulator. The only way to test those features is on an actual device. This might be one of those situations.
There are many iOS emulators tha can play iOS apps like iPadian OS 10.
But if you want to run iOS apps on android then apportable(google it) is your thing(if you are a developer) but if you are not a developer the there are several apps like iEMU and Cyder emulator and if you don't know how to install here is the guide.
Features of iOS emulator.
1) Play iOS apps and games on android/PC
2) It needs android version 2.3 or higher
3) The size of this iOS emulator is 62 MB
4) Your primary device(on which you are planning to install this) should have above 512 MB RAM
