How can I public a site in Composum platform - sling

I try to public a site in composum platform but it can not show component content.
When I access url:http://localhost:8080/content/sites/site1/home/product.html
It shows
When I access the http://localhost:8080/public/sites/site1/home/product.html
It shows
I saw in the error.log, It display
GET /content/sites/mysite/home/test.html HTTP/1.1] No clientlib found for path 'null' / category 'composum.pages.components.view'
when I run on debug mode in file
at line 448 in getResourceInternal method the Resource result variable always return null in the anonymous access. I think because I access by anonymous user.
This is the image when I do not login
Please help me.
Thank you


Slack Conversations API conversations.kick returning "channel_not_found" for a public channel

I am writing a Slack integration that can boot certain users out of public channels when certain conditions are met. I have added several OAuth scopes to the bot token, including the following:
I am writing my bot in Python using the slack-bolt library and asyncio. However when I try to invoke this code:
await app.client.conversations_kick(channel=channel_id, user=user_id)
I get the following error:
slack_sdk.errors.SlackApiError: The request to the Slack API failed. (url:
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'channel_not_found'}
I know for a fact that both the channel_id and user_id arguments I'm passing in are valid. The channel ID I'm using is the string C01PAE3DB0A. I know it is valid because I can use the very same value for channel_id in the following API call:
response = await app.client.conversations_info(channel=channel_id)
And when I call conversations_info like that I get all of the information about my channel. (The same is true for calling users_info with the user_id - it returns successfully.) So why is that when I pass my valid channel_id parameter to conversations_kick I consistently receive this channel_not_found error? What am I missing?
So I got in touch directly with Slack support about this and they confirmed that there is a bug on their end. Specifically, the bug is that I should have received a restricted_action error response instead of a channel_not_found response. Apparently this is a known issue that is on their backlog.
The reason the API call would (try to) return this restricted_action error is simply because there is a workspace setting that, by default, prevents non-admins from kicking people out of public channels. Furthermore, this setting can only be changed by the workspace owner - one tier above admins.
But assuming you are the owner of the Slack workspace, you simply have to log into the Settings & Permissions page, which should look something like this:
And then you have to change the setting labeled "People who can remove members from public channels" from "Workspace admins and owners only (default)" to "Everyone, except guests."
Once I made that change, my API calls started succeeding.

How to get file content on O365 sharepoint folder using graph API

Using Python and the adal and requests packages I'm attempting to use the MS graph API to find files on sharepoint (when providing a sharepoint site name, folder name where the file is expected to be, and name of file.
Using various calls I can manage to do the following
Get an authentication token (using user auth to an app which has full permission to use users credentials and do all read/write on files being accessed)
establish a valid session
search sites and obtain details on my current site
microsoft_info = SESSION.get('')
Obtain drive information associated with the site
for site in microsoft_info['value']:
if site['displayName'] == siteDisplayNameInput:
siteId = site['id']
drives = SESSION.get(""+siteId+"/drives")
drives = drives.json()
Obtain file information from drive of interest
for drive in drives['value']:
if(drive['name']) == folderNameInput:
driveId = drive['id']
files = SESSION.get("" + driveId +"/root/search(q='')")
files = files.json()
And then at point 6 everything falls apart and I get 404 errors returned saying that resource is not found - despite using the identifiers provided by the API which are clearly indicating the presence of a resource.
if file['name'] == 'Pipeline Pilot Forms.pptx':
print("List of properties on file")
for x in file:
print(x+" "+str(file[x]))
fileId = file['id']
callToDLFile = SESSION.get(""+driveId+"/items/"+fileId+"/content"
appears to be the code that should work for this (indentation appears to have failed copying things into this, but it is all good) but it returns 404 errors - any help would be greatly appreciated on this, I don't see (in a reasonably lengthy search) anything which matches this issue exactly out there.

How to create system user in Sling?

How can I create a system user in Sling?
I tried searching but all I find is related to AEM, which I don't use. Is it possible to create the user using Jackrabbit API or Sling Initial Content (descriptor files)?
I tried to execute the following:
curl -u admin:admin -F:name=myuser -Fpwd=mypwd -FpwdConfirm=mypwd -Frep:principalName=myuser -Fjcr:primaryType=rep:SystemUser http://localhost:8080/home/users/system/*
But there is an error:
*ERROR* [ [1465215465364] POST /home/users/system/* HTTP/1.1] Exception during response processing.
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Property is protected: rep:principalName = myuser
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.NodeDelegate.setProperty(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.ItemImpl.perform(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl.setProperty(
There is an out-of-the box solution based on Sling and Jackrabbit Oak. It features a text-based DSL for setting users and ACLs, for instance:
create service user bob,alice
set ACL on /libs,/apps
remove * for alice
allow jcr:read for bob
It is also possible to embed these instructions in the provisioning model used to build a Sling launchpad - assuming you're using the slingstart-maven-plugin.
The complete documentation can be found at Repository Initializers and Repository Initialization Language
Not sure this is possible through a post request per:
The suggested solution is to use the jackrabbit api to do this. This would look something like:
//get a user manager
try {
User systemUser = userManager.createSystemUser("myuser", "/home/users/system");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error adding user",e);
throw e;
//commit changes
It's very important to note that this doesn't allow you to set a password for this user, nor can one be set with user.changePassword() -- when I try that I get an error:
javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException: system user
From the java doc:
Create a new system user for the specified userID. The new authorizable is required to have the following characteristics:
User.isSystemUser() returns true.
The system user doesn't have a password set and doesn't allow change the password.
Here's my whole activator class:

Openbravo: generate url to the components

I installed ERP "Openbravo" following the custom approach:
So I followed the steps from the tutorial.I set "localhost" for the parameter "Web URL" in the configuration file. After that I ran the servers, Apache and Tomcat.
When accessing the application via browser using http://localhost/openbravo
The problem I am facing is that,the browser doesn't find some components.
I got this log in console of Google-chrome like this:
Login_F1.html:11 GET http://localhost/openbravo/security/localhost/js/ajax.js 404 (Not Found)
When i try to accede to the previous url in a new tab i got "not found",
but when i change by this URL "http://localhost/openbravo/web/js/utils.js" works well.
My question is that how i can make Openbravo generate "/web/" instead "/security/localhost/".
If you look at file
//Static content URL. Use the default value to make it dynamic.
//Don't change this unless you know what you are doing
// Full URL of the context, *only* used by the Web Services installation
and diagnostic task
#actual_url_context# will get replaced by domain name with port number and application context name (for example: mydomain:8989/openbravo)
404 is due to application is not able to locate ajax.js under
1 ==> To fix the issue you can just restore to #actual_url_context# and perform smartbuild.
or do an install.source
2 ==> To add any client side customization or to support static content under web folder you can follow
an example:

What is the correct REST Endpoint to retrieve user (profile) information from a connections installation

Based on this information:
And a working url for posting updates:
I created this one to try and find out to whom this access token belongs:
But than I get Error 501: No service defined for path people/#me/#self
what should the url be ?
Apperently you don't need to include: #Self
This is it:
See also :
You can use the Profiles REST API URLs:
