iOS simulator colours going wrong - ios

My iOS simulator colours are going haywire. It seems to be specially when drawing blurred background. I reinstalled Xcode, deleted all the simulators, and the Xcode preferences in the library and it still hasn't gone away.
Please see attached image. The colour behind the dock is not what is expected.
Any ideas
Here is what it should look like.

The simulator with the issue was using iOS 14.3. I downloaded iOS 14.2 and the issue is now resolved. No warnings and no drawing issues.

Reza, this is a normal background for the iOS simulator. It is the default background. You can customize it by going to your Photos and selecting a new background.
I recommend changing the default background to something else when you are getting ready to take screenshots for posting to the App Store.
You mentioned issues with the blurred background. Can you include some examples of the issues there?


iOS App icon turns black in only iPhone 13pro and max. Does any one having that issue or any solution?

We using the same code and there is no any special code required for setting up app icon for iOS apps.
I found strange issue which the app icon show black in app store where that appear correct in the devices up to iPhone 13.
That appears black only from iPhone 13 and 13 max pro.
Off course we checked all the size and added all the size.
We not added app icon at appstore connect as now that grab from build.
We also not setting transparent app icon we are sure about it.
I am not sure that bugs from Apple side or is there anything required to setting up. Let me know if you have same issue and having any solution for it.
Thank you very much

Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds

Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds. After that, it correctly shows the images from my storyboard... I tried everything to get rid of that first white blank screen, but I can't. Can someone help, please?
Removed Launchscreen.storyboard and regenerated.
Removed app from
device and reinstalled
Tried everything here:
Launch Screen not displaying iOS 8
Changed these configurations.
Bot nothing works at all. I am using Flutter and flutter_native_splash and generated the icons with this, but they did not help either.
Note: I noticed that I only see launchscreen and main as options in general > app icons and launch images in Xcode. Shouldn't I be able to see the option launschreen_storyboard as well?
Note: Android works fine. It only is a problem at iOS.
I have fixed the issue by restarting my device. Apparently this is an iPhone/iOS cache bug.

iOS Simulator not showing iPhone Frame

I've read a few other posts on this, and tried the solutions but they don't work. I also tried CMD-1 to show it at full resolution, and still no frame. I also added a frame.png file to the contents->resources folder for iOS Simulator app and still nothing. To be clear, I'm trying to get the iPhone frame around my emulator
I'm building my iOS application with ionic. I'm using iOS Simulator 8.1 and Xcode 6.1.1
Would appreciate any help, giving a presentation tomorrow at school and hoping to have this thing polished. Thanks in advance for helping.
As #timgcarlson said, Apple removed this in Xcode 5 (or around that time). You cannot get this feature any longer. Bummer!

Xcode 6.1 issues while opening the simulator

I have recently started working on IOS app development and was encountering an issue. I have downloaded XCode 6.1.1 and my target SDK is IOS 8.1.
On building and running my application I dont have the mobile/Iphone interface coming up in which I can check my layout how the app will be presented once it is deployed on Iphone. All I get is a rectangular box which is definitely not resizable and I am unable to check my app.
On this rectangular box which is definitely not the one I am expecting, I can see my labels and buttons in a crap state.
I tried changing the SDK version to 7.1, changed the build type from debug to release, change the deployment target to 7.1 also, using Iphone 5S,7.1 simulator also but the issue seems non-resolved.
It looks like you're on 100% zoom, so you should be able to see the full phone by zooming out. In the iOS simulator, in the top bar go to Window->Scale and select 50% or 75%. If the zoom level is the problem, that should fix it. Hope it helps :)

Splash screen still displayed although I removed the Default.png

I don't want any more the splash screen, I have removed the Default.png from the resources file, also I have removed the sleep function. However, when I run the app, the splash screen is still there, can you help me to figure out why it still displayed? Thanks in advance :)
Did you clean the targets after you removed the image? Xcode sometimes requires a clean between builds in order to notice changes to your images. And if that does not work, uninstall the app from the simulator and rebuild.
Try cleaning the targets (Cmd+Shift+K), and if this doesn't work try to delete the app from the simulator/device and to reinstall it.
iOS always displays a "splash screen", AKA launch screen. When you don't provide an image, it initially shows a black screen. When the quits the app, iOS takes a screenshot just after your code return the applicationDidEnterBackground: and uses it as the new launch image (as long as your app doesn't quit).
I experienced the same issue and none of the cleaning activities nor uninstalling the app from simulator helped.
From my point of view there was a bug in xcode 3.x which is now properly fixed in V. 4.x
