iOS not respecting URL parameters in SMS messages - ios

My app sends unique URLs to users, there's a URL parameter that unique identifies that particular user.
For example:
Hi. Here's your password reset token:
In iOS, when opening the link in the SMS message the browser opens up without the rest of the URL.
Is there some special encoding iOS requires for URLs in SMS messages to open properly?

Turns out it was a domain redirecting issue where a # was inserted in the URL and client's couldn't follow it properly.


Verify email on appwrite (my docker container) without mobile

var result = await account.createVerification (url:'' );
sends a link to the mail
Redirects to the browser and in the browser window json
how to make sure that mail on the site is verified without redirection to the mobile? Can I create a page on the site for verification? And why verification does not happen automatically when clicking on the link, it would be very convenient!
For me a problem to receive in the userId and secret application in flutter from url userId=63972f2f56d0c39fc9f8&secret=3ab63c4dee.41&expire=2022-12-20+19%3A42%3A10.896.
Instead of passing, you'll need to pass a URL to some page or something that will receive the secret so you can make the update verification API call. You can either host a web page to do it or set up a universal link that will link the user into your app where you can handle it in your app.

How to Forward SMS Message to URL

I used this as my helpguide: Twilio: Forward received SMS to URL
But the problem is I cannot extract anything from the set of parameters.
I'm using Classic ASP and I'm try to capture anything that exists in the Request.QueryString by placing it into a database.
All I want to do is to insert the from phone number and body/text message into my database every time a message is received. All I get is an empty record in the database.
By default when Twilio receives an SMS to your Twilio phone number it makes a POST request to your ASP page, sending a set of form-encoded values. This means you should use:
If you want Twilio to make a GET request instead, allowing you to use Request.Querystring, you can configure that on the phone number configuration page in your Twilio Console.
According to the docs, the default value for Twilio's StatusCallbackMethod is POST, so unless you've specified otherwise, you will be receiving your desired parameters in the POST body, not in the query string.
If you just want to forward an SMS to a URL or Rest API there are few android apps that do just that, most of them are paid ones.
This is one example:

Instagram API prevents redirection to iOS app upon successful login with 400 bad request error

I'm trying to integrate Instagram login into my app to get the logged in user's details, I've registered my app on Instagram and got my client ID, then I added a new URL Type in the project settings with the identifier: igxxxx (where xxxx is my client id), i've also set the redirect URI to be (xxxx://authorize), once I successfully log in (using a webView) Instagram displays a white blank page with (400 Bad Request) text written on top, however, when I change the redirect URI to anything else, it opens without problems after a successful login.
how can I redirect the user to the app after he logs in with Instagram.
p.s. I use this library to ease up things.
thanks in advance.
Here's what I have found so far. I have been able to resolve the issue to get the app to work on the iPhone. However, this solution doesn't allow me to submit the app on the app store as you will read ahead. I have submitted a bug with instagram, not sure how long they will take.
I would suggest everyone go to this link and "Report Issue":
I have had an app in app store for couple months without problems.
However, since June 19, all the users trying to authenticate get a white page with "400 Bad Request" after they login with their IG account.
The issue is very common as you will see on this stack overflow page:
Instagram API prevents redirection to iOS app upon successful login with 400 bad request error
And google shows the same issue with many users since June 19.
I have figured out that the old redirect URI which we were using:
is the issue.
If we change this redirect URI to:
This all starts working fine and we get the access token.
However as per RFC1738, this is not a valid format for URL schemes which is used in iOS development.
So we get error when submitting our apps to app store:
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
So we can't submit to app store with this solution.
So unless instagram does something to fix this back to how it used to be, we are stuck :(

error:Redirect uri invalid for vimeo using oath in ios app

In my app I'm integrating OAuth2.0 library for vimeo upload. I'm getting error as invalid redirect uri after user log into his account.
My code,
self.oauthClient = [[LROAuth2Client alloc] initWithClientID:#"**** client ID ****"
secret:#" * secret * " redirectURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"testMyApp://oauth"]];
In the plist i have given "testMyApp" as string in url schemes.
is this the right way to specify redirect uri? please help!
Your redirect url must 100% match the url configured on the developer site.
If your user is redirected to testMyApp://oauth your configured redirect url must be exactly testMyApp://oauth
The 3 pieces of information that you pass back to the Vimeo API (redirect_uri, code, grant_type) must be form URL encoded body parameters.
If they're being passed as query parameters, for example, the request will fail and return the error you're seeing.
For the Vimeo API to allow for your redirect, you have to register it for your app with the developer site. When it is registered there you are able to use it when you specify the redirect.
The plist scheme registration only notifies iOS that you can handle the scheme; Vimeo is unaware that it's a valid thing to redirect to for your app without this step.
The redirect url in the developer site must exactly match with the one in your application authentication request. I faced the same problem because of difference in the redirect url. But I fixed that and its working.
Developer site redirect url:
My app's request url:
the value of the key redirect_url in above request is exact to the developer site. Please feel free to comment..
In my case, I had forgotten to enable implicit authentication and was getting the missing redirect_uri message.

iOS deep linking is stripped out in Gmail

I'm trying to send an email with deep linking to my iOS app, using myapp:// format to open it up from email. It works (i.e. tapping on it opens the app) in any iOS mail client (Mail, Mailbox, etc.) but not in Gmail app (or even web), that strips it out leaving text only. Does anyone has a solution/alternative beside creating a web link that redirects then from browser to app?
Nope, unfortunately Gmail detects non-http/https protocols in links and strips the anchor () tag (so using data: or javascript: to perform a redirect is out too).
If/When Google implements Actions on Gmail for iOS/Android, those may work (, but as of now, they are not rendered on native mobile clients.
You can create a server with a regular endpoint that will redirect to the "special" myapp:// link.
If you are running Node + Express, here's an example of a middleware that does exactly that:
