How to use default iOS camera controls with react-native-camera - ios

Is there a way to use the default iOS camera controls with react-native-camera? Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:
I'd like to use this standard iOS UI for taking a photo, toggling front/back camera, toggling flash, etc, and not create buttons for each of those from scratch. Thanks for any help.

Answering my own question here: react-native-image-picker is a better choice for this task. It lets the user either pick a photo from their camera roll OR use the native camera (with default iOS controls) to take a photo.


how to develop iOS camera view like bank deposit check

Could anybody tell me how I can develop the feature like deposit checks feature in Wells Fargo bank iOS app ? To implement it, should I customize the default UIImagePickerController or AVCaptureSession or something else? the camera function I want looks like the attached screenshot : Wells Fargo iOS app - deposit check
I don't need the image processing function ,just want to know how to customize the camera view like this.
It depends on the functionality you need.
You can customize the UIImagePickerController interface. In the image capture interface, you can hide the standard controls by setting shows- CameraControls to false, replacing them with your own overlay view, which you supply as the value of the cameraOverlayView. If it is all you need UIPickerImagePickerController might be all you need.
But you should probably consider getting rid of UIImagePickerController altogether and designing your own image capture interface from scratch, based around AV Foundation and AVCaptureSession. You get no help with interface, but you get vastly more detailed control than UIImagePickerController can give you. For example, for stills, you can control focus and exposure directly and independently and so on.

xamarin forms livecast-like page-inline camera

I was wondering if anyone here knows how to add a camera area like this one(similar to snapchat I guess) in Xamarin Forms (preferably,mainly with XAML)Camera area is suppose to have a livecast & it is going to be on iOS
needed this screen:
I tried Xam.Plugins.Media but couldn't manage to create the needed screen
The media plugin, goes into the platform specific Camera Screen, takes a picture then returns. You can't put extra buttons on the screen in this way.
To get a video feed and manage the capture yourself, you will need to implement a lot of platform specific things.
iOS (Look at the AV samples)

ios stock edit screen

When you open a picture in your photo album and you select a picture there is an edit button top right which opens up auto enhance/red eye and crop features. Is there a way to get this view/screen in iOS SDK?
If you're using UIImagePickerController to allow the user to select images from their library you can set its allowsEditing property to yes. I think this only allows the cropping feature though, not the red-eye. If you want a red-eye feature you'd have to do it yourself, consider Core Image auto adjustment.
As #Wain stated, with UIImagePickerController you can't do much with the allowsEditing set to YES other than crop/resize.
See Core Image Programming Guide for more information on editing photos.
Additionally, there are third-party libraries and SDK's that'll allow you to edit the image more thoroughly.
AviarySDK is easy to set up and use in your apps. You can download their sample app for free in the app store if you want to see what it can do. Check it out here:

Custom Camera view for UIImagePickerController that uses the base camera UI?

I'm trying to build a slightly modified UIImagePickerController with a UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera source-type. I would like to retain the default controls of Flash, Front/Read facing camera, and Photo Capture but replace the default cancel button with a smaller cancel button & a button to launch the user's device photo-library. Is there a way to do this without having to recreate the entire camera UI? If there's not a way, is there a 3rd party library (commercial or open-source) that allows for this? Thanks.
I can tell you that there is no way to modify the standard camera UI unless you recreate it entirely, but I don't know if there is any library to help you with this. I had to create a new UI and I didn't find it difficult. You can easily bind the UI elements with the functionalities you need. This might get you started.

Is there a photo display control available for ipad?

Like a photo gallery control, where you can load and display pictures in thumbnails, and then tap on them, and see full image, zoom in/out?
The three20 library has a photo viewer that mimics the iPhone's photo viewer:
Specifically the TTPhotoViewController class.
Since nobody replied, gonna give my answer, which is no. There is no such control available as of today unfortunately. Also the photos app slider is nice, would like to see some more controls like that.
