Is there a photo display control available for ipad? - ipad

Like a photo gallery control, where you can load and display pictures in thumbnails, and then tap on them, and see full image, zoom in/out?

The three20 library has a photo viewer that mimics the iPhone's photo viewer:
Specifically the TTPhotoViewController class.

Since nobody replied, gonna give my answer, which is no. There is no such control available as of today unfortunately. Also the photos app slider is nice, would like to see some more controls like that.


How to use default iOS camera controls with react-native-camera

Is there a way to use the default iOS camera controls with react-native-camera? Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:
I'd like to use this standard iOS UI for taking a photo, toggling front/back camera, toggling flash, etc, and not create buttons for each of those from scratch. Thanks for any help.
Answering my own question here: react-native-image-picker is a better choice for this task. It lets the user either pick a photo from their camera roll OR use the native camera (with default iOS controls) to take a photo.

iOS Image Viewer like Photo app

I am developing an app that has an internal gallery with some images.
What I want to achieve is exactly a result that behaves and looks like the Apple Photo app image viewer.
With a collection view I implemented the gallery images with thumbnails and now I would like to show the image on fullscreen on press.
The image viewer should have exactly the Apple's Photo behavior:
Full screen on single tap,
Delete, Share button etc...
Pinch to zoom, double tap zoom...
My question is. Is that really possible that such a common feature is not already given by iOS? Is there maybe a view controller already build in that we can use but I am not aware of?
I know there are some libraries around that make such thing, but I'm wondering if there's already something given.

ios stock edit screen

When you open a picture in your photo album and you select a picture there is an edit button top right which opens up auto enhance/red eye and crop features. Is there a way to get this view/screen in iOS SDK?
If you're using UIImagePickerController to allow the user to select images from their library you can set its allowsEditing property to yes. I think this only allows the cropping feature though, not the red-eye. If you want a red-eye feature you'd have to do it yourself, consider Core Image auto adjustment.
As #Wain stated, with UIImagePickerController you can't do much with the allowsEditing set to YES other than crop/resize.
See Core Image Programming Guide for more information on editing photos.
Additionally, there are third-party libraries and SDK's that'll allow you to edit the image more thoroughly.
AviarySDK is easy to set up and use in your apps. You can download their sample app for free in the app store if you want to see what it can do. Check it out here:

Creating my own Image Picker

I'd like to create a custom image browser in my app that uses the images from the camera roll.
i.e. I'd like to completely replace UIImagePickerController and use my own control.
Is there a way of accessing the camera roll photos in this way?
Cluster App does this but I can't find a picture of it.
You need to use ALAssetsLibrary to access the images.
Have a look at the QBImagePickerController on the GitHub. They implemented custom image picker controller very similar to UIImagePickerController with added multiple selection feature. It will help you. Atleast look at this file
Check out RengarViewController
a custom image picker controller which make use of Photo Framework (introduced in iOS 8).
It has nice UI, can be scrolled and panned.

iPad Photo Gallery Framework

I am looking for some framework that allows me to create a Photo Gallery that allows the user to swipe through pictures, and then select one and it takes them to a specific view based on that image. I seen this idea in another App, and didnt know if this was an open source framework, or if there is anything similar.
I wrote a library that should be able to handle this:
Check out the "custom" or "time machine" carousels in the example app for something similar to what you've shown.
Here's a screenshot. Don't worry that it's not exactly the same as your picture; the angle, panel size, etc. can all be configured.
