Mouseflow session id Adobe Analytics - adobe-analytics

Can someone help me how to implement mouseflow session-id and how I suppose to assign to an evar using Adobe Launch?
Help is highly appreciated.


Is it still possible to implement iOS Campaign Tracking using Google Analytics?

I am trying to implement Campaign Tracking using GA on my iOS app, but it turns out that the guide provided by Google to do that is outdated(???) as most of the options required to setup the property in GA are not there anymore. Options such as Campaign Tracking is On, Customization tab, Google Analytics Property Id (e.g. UA-XXXX-Y) are nowhere to be found. Can anyone guide me through to find these options so I can proceed? Is this something that is not supported anymore by GA? Am I looking at an outdated guide?
Any help would be appreciated!
P.S: This is the guide I am using

How to select application type in GoogleCast dashboard?

I'm trying to integrate GoogleCast in my iOS application to play the videos on TV/Monitors. But when i'm trying to create an application id in Google cast dashboard, i'm very confused what to select. The options are like in the following screenshot.
Somebody please help me how to proceed
Finally figured out myself with the help of KENdi comment, Remote Display Receiver is the suitable option for my app purpose.

Calender implementaion in my application to track my events and synch on google calender

I'm new in ios development and I want to create an application which synch event from google calender.
I search over google but didn't found any sample code that can help me, from where I can start my app?
Please help me out, your suggestion can be my start up point, or could be the direction for me.
Thanks in Advance.

Accessing device contact list using Corona Sdk?

I am working on a project which fetches the contact list and the user will be able to send an email. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. I know it can be done in phone-gap.
Thanks in advance.
Getting the contact list is not possible with Corona.
You could consider making Facebook work with your app :
If you use a plugin you can do everything you need. Here is a good place to start.

Saving data to to devices calendar

I am using query mobile, and phonegap to create an app. Within the app I am building a basic list which holds dates and associated information. I want the user to be able to click the list item and for the data to be saved to their own calendar.
I have searched online, and can't seem to find anything relating. Can anyone help push me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance...
Phonegap does not expose an API to access the device calendar.But I think you can create a phone gap plugin for this purpose.I am not sure about the feasibility of this.May be this link will give you more information.
Try this Android Calendar access plugin for PhoneGap :
