Deploying an Intra Business App for Ipad, Details? - ipad

Recently I have been tasked with creating an application for a business that basically deals with strange and volatile inventory requirements . I know there are many more robust alternatives but they rather have their hearts set on deploying the field portion of the application using iPad's. I dabbled with cocoa and Objective-C apps in the past, I even wrote a couple of useless apps. I do not think the client side application will be that complicated. However, I'm wondering how I would deploy an update the application on the iPad. Does apple have a service for this or do I have to jail break them ? I looked on Apple's website, however did not find very much information regarding client specific application.
Does anyone have any experience with this ???

You should look at the iOS Developer Enterprise Program for developing in-house apps.


Mobile app (iOS) security dump memory dump (Frida)

We have an issue with releasing our mobile app as user data have been found with the iOS memory, which is odd as we have used secure data storage though out the mobile app. Before we send the mobile app for a re-test we would like to understand in-house to verify our changes have fixed the issue.
Data has been found in the following locations:
After a lot of research we are still unclear how we can download the iOS memory, we are not sure if it's a major test development tool investigate or we can do it with Frida? Our development platform is Xamarin and I would think it would be possible to view the memory using a debugger via the simulator?
Just looking for advise if this is something very simple using a simple commercial
software/mobile app etc Or highly complex with specialist development tool.

Is there any free way to use Phonegap to develop for an iOS device?

I'm trying to figure out how to get PhoneGap to work for cross-platform development. Android is fairly straightforward, but when it comes to iOS, I haven't found a solution that isn't expensive.
I know you can use to do it over the cloud, but you need a provisioning profile, which I can't access unless I pay $100 to Apple. I have a free developer account so I had access to my certificates at least, but I can't go further than that unfortunately. I'm just trying to do a homework assignment and I'd rather not pay that much for it.
I'm currently on a Windows 10 laptop, but also I have a Virtual Machine that is running OSX Mojave if that makes a difference.
Or does anyone know if there are any free alternatives that allow me to use HTML/CSS/JS to create apps cross-platform?
Thank you :)
Seems like there is no other way to do this other than purchasing a full developer account.
Unfortunately, there is no free or even inexpensive solution for developing applications on iOS.
You need a developer account (99$) and if it is for a serious project, a virtual machine will not be enough to debug.
For your need of make a crossplatform application with HTML/CSS/JS you can see with PWA.
These are not native applications but once installed, the user won't notice anything.
Here is a list of links that can help you :
How to create :
And apple in there?

What does Apple think about complete Web Based Apps?

I used to be a Web Developer and I'm not experienced at developing iOS Apps.
I've just found out that I can make the whole App a Mobile Website. So my question is if Apple accept these kind of Apps, where the whole content is a normal mobile friendly Website. As Apple can't control the content displayed in such an App.
There are three ways you can leverage your expertise as a web developer to develop iOS apps:
Use SFWebView or WKWebView and use it to present HTML (either stored or retrieved remotely) to the user. In this case your app would have to go through AppStore review. There's plenty of apps like these, so I would assume it would not be a huge issue.
Use a framework like React Native that compiles Javascript dialects into native UIKit. Again, the app would be up for review in the AppStore. It would feel more iOS-like to the users.
Develop a bona-fide web app that looks great on any phone and you skip the AppStore part.
I'm working as a web developer too and we did a few iOS apps for our clients. Basically 90% or more where pure web view and so far we didn't had problems getting through with them.

Host native iphone app on server

I have a native iOS application, I want to host it on my own server, and provide a link to download it. I am relatively new to this field and dont have much experience with hosting apps on server. So it would be great if somebody could help me with the steps.
Why not just let Apple host it in the store?
Consider taking a look at distributing the app using OTA (Over the Air) assuming you have an Enterprise Apple Developer Account.
There's a guide here:
Or here:
For various reasons, it is terribly bad practice to host iOS apps on your own. For starters, there is absolutely no quality or signature control. There is also no assurance for the user that what they are downloading is safe.
For this reason, Apple pretty well has it locked down that you HAVE to have your app in THEIR store, and nowhere else.
Even if you could provide the binary, good luck getting people to ever download and install it.
Android is very similar in this respect. I host my own apps from my own servers. But only for development purposes. Production is all handled by Google Play (and Amazon). I never expect anyone will actually download the local version. And I don't blame them.

Creating an SDK or API from an app to run in another app

I have been contacted by a company installing iPads in hotels, they are developing an app that has many apps with different functionality. There developer is asking for an SDK or API of our app to include in there system. i have never heard of this. Does anyone know how to go about this or if it is even possible to do?
Our app is a complex clock radio, Beautiful Clock Radio for the iPad.
Thanks Mark
Please consider the following links
Creating Static Libraries For iOS
How to build a framework or library for other developers, the
secure way?
Creating the Library
And I hope this would help you! :)
