How to use AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper Jenkins plugin - jenkins

I want to use the AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper Jenkins plugin in my build.
Above is the link to that plugin. The issue is I didn't find any proper source on how to use that plugin in the jenkinsfile.
When I installed that plugin to my local Jenkins, I couldn't see how to configure that plugin in any jenkins build configuration page as well.
If anyone can shed some light on this issue, that would be great.
My ultimate goal is to access some things from the AWS Parameter store. If there's any other way that I can achieve this, I'm more than happy to use that way instead of this plugin as well.


Can I use Jenkins and Nexus without Maven

I am in a process of configuring Jenkins to deploy artifacts. I only need apache ant and java to create artifacts(both are available on the host machine) and no other external libraries. So, I think using Maven will make it unnecessarily complex as I have only 2 ant files. I want to keep it as simple as possible.
What I want to achieve is:
1. Trigger a Jenkins job 'A' to build the artifact and deploy it to nexus repository.
2. Trigger another Jenkins Job 'B' to take same artifact generated in in step above and deploy it to target environment.
Can anyone please help me to identify challenges with my approach and share some useful links to achieve what I have specified.
A short answer is Yes you can. Each of the component you mentioned can be used individually and can be integrated into your build pipeline. TBH, your use case isn't one off and can be easily done if you start here.

AWS CodeDeploy Jenkins Plugin with Jenkins Pileline

Is it possible to use AWSCodeDeployPublisher as step in Jenkins Pipeline? I know there is a pull request with support but maybe there is a workaround for unsupported plugins like this one to use them as step in Jenkinsfile?
It looks like support has been added in this PR.

Artifactory Jenkins Plugin

I'm using the Artifactory plugin for my Java projects and also for some RPMs that I'm building (c++).
Some of Jenkins jobs are pushing artifacts using the REST API via CURL.
Is there any way via the plugin and/or via REST, to prevent overriding of an existing artifact (sometimes our versioning mechanism is not working properly, so I need to prevent this scenario)?
You should leverage the permissions for that. In Artifactory "add" and "override" are different permissions. Just prevent the user which pushes from Jenkins from overriding, and you're done.

Configuring Jenkins plugins with Puppet

I'm using the rtyler/jenkins Puppet module to deploy my Jenkins instance. One thing I can't seem to find documentation on is how to use Puppet to configure the Jenkins plugins once I've installed them. Can someone point me to some documentation and/or write a quick example? Thanks.
the module he provides is only for managing/configuring jenkins and managing plugins. All plugins are vastly different, there is no possibility his scripts would be able to manage the wide breadth of jenkins plugins out there. You would want to try to capture that using jenkins backups or by looking into how each module allows configuration.
For anyone interested in how to pull this off, I'm using the Jenkins SCM plugin available here:
This requires manually setting up Jenkins and having the plugin sync all the configuration settings to a repository. All future Jenkins instances provisioned by Puppet will need to have all the necessary plugins installed, but the SCM plugin will automatically download all the necessary settings. However, do note that some of the plugins will require you to manually add includes into the SCM to begin tracking them:

Puppet Plugin for Jenkins

How to integrate Jenkins with Puppet?
As of now i am integrating Jenkins with Puppet. But We dont know which puppet plugin will support for jenkins. Can you please help on us.
It depends on what you want to achieve. If you simply want to deploy the manifests, there is no need for a puppet plugin. You could use the Publish over SSH plugin or something that let you push your code to the puppet master.
To actually execute puppet commands a generic job configuration would be fine.
If you are looking for a full chain of source control, tests and deployment for your manifests, you should take a look at Gerrit and how to integrate it with Jenkins using the Gerrit Trigger plugin
