AWS CodeDeploy Jenkins Plugin with Jenkins Pileline - jenkins

Is it possible to use AWSCodeDeployPublisher as step in Jenkins Pipeline? I know there is a pull request with support but maybe there is a workaround for unsupported plugins like this one to use them as step in Jenkinsfile?

It looks like support has been added in this PR.


How to use AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper Jenkins plugin

I want to use the AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper Jenkins plugin in my build.
Above is the link to that plugin. The issue is I didn't find any proper source on how to use that plugin in the jenkinsfile.
When I installed that plugin to my local Jenkins, I couldn't see how to configure that plugin in any jenkins build configuration page as well.
If anyone can shed some light on this issue, that would be great.
My ultimate goal is to access some things from the AWS Parameter store. If there's any other way that I can achieve this, I'm more than happy to use that way instead of this plugin as well.

trigger a Jenkins from bamboo

My requirement:
My build pipeline is in Bamboo and Test integration pipeline is implemented in Jenkins. So once CI pipeline is completed in Bamboo, there should be a trigger from Bamboo to Jenkins job.
I'm aware this can be done via API call to Jenkins, however I also saw that there is some kind of plugin in Bamboo which can integrate with Jenkins.
I could not find the name of that plugin anywhere, can someone of you help me is providing the plugin name ?
Please do let me know for more question.
You might be referring to the following plugin: However, this plugin is for Bitbucket and not Bamboo. As far as I'm aware, there is no Jenkins specific plugin for Bamboo.
There is however a generic webhooks plugin for Bamboo:, which can be configured to trigger Jenkins at the end of a build.

Jenkins Pipeline - Why does the Pipeline option not show up

I have Jenkins Jenkins ver. 2.82 running and would like to use the Pipeline function when creating a new job. But I dont see this listed as option. I can only choose between free-style Project, maven Project, external Project and multiconfigruation. How can I use the Pipeline option, as for example explained here: . I tried to find a solution, but yet I was not successfull. Any help is very much appreciated.
You need to install the Pipeline plugin.

Is there an easy way to convert existing Jenkins freestyle job to New Jenkins 2.x pipeline view

I have tons of existing Freestyle Jenkins jobs in my old Jenkins Instance and now I would like to migrate them to New Jenkins 2.0 pipeline jobs using a Jenkins file.
I am following this page to create a Jenkins file:
Can someone please suggest me if there is any easy way (or) plugin i can use to convert these existing job's to pipeline view.
I haven't tried the plugin but while searching for same i came across this post:
Maybe this can help. Will update more after actually giving it a ago. You can go through and try by yourself as well.
don't think there is an automatic tool to convert jobs.
We created all new jobs with Jenkins DSL plugin
for the Jenkinsfile - we created some good examples of our basic flows and each team convert the relevant jobs.

Puppet Plugin for Jenkins

How to integrate Jenkins with Puppet?
As of now i am integrating Jenkins with Puppet. But We dont know which puppet plugin will support for jenkins. Can you please help on us.
It depends on what you want to achieve. If you simply want to deploy the manifests, there is no need for a puppet plugin. You could use the Publish over SSH plugin or something that let you push your code to the puppet master.
To actually execute puppet commands a generic job configuration would be fine.
If you are looking for a full chain of source control, tests and deployment for your manifests, you should take a look at Gerrit and how to integrate it with Jenkins using the Gerrit Trigger plugin
