Similar message sending via url with Telegram - url

Similar to WhatsApp example, how to achieve it with Telegram with URL only? The username and message are required.
I will put the URL in HTML anchor tag href attribute e.g. Click. Thanks.


iOS not respecting URL parameters in SMS messages

My app sends unique URLs to users, there's a URL parameter that unique identifies that particular user.
For example:
Hi. Here's your password reset token:
In iOS, when opening the link in the SMS message the browser opens up without the rest of the URL.
Is there some special encoding iOS requires for URLs in SMS messages to open properly?
Turns out it was a domain redirecting issue where a # was inserted in the URL and client's couldn't follow it properly.

Open draft from link with Gmail API in browser

I'm trying to directly open a Gmail draft message, I've tried using a hyperlink formatted like this:
"" + idDraft
However, every time I open the draft message the link takes me to the Draft List. Is it possible with the link or do I have to look for an alternative option?

Pre-populate the sms body text with an https url

I am trying to pre-populate an sms with text and an url. But the iOS is removing the whole url and only the text "https" is left in the text.
Send SMS
Look at this awesome link: https
As you are already in a link, you need to encode the URL (the : and slashes / to be specific).
As example, would become
In your case, you'd need to change your URL to
Full link:
Send SMS
Reference to URL encoding:
And just as a side note: Both ways are looking to work on Android (At least on Android 7.0)

Slack Upload Email using API

I´m trying to upload an email (I have the html code) to slack.
I know that there is a possiblity to upload files using a slack email adress, but in my case I cannot use it.
I used the slack api method files.upload for this, but the files only appear as code lines and not as html content.
Yes, you can upload emails to Slack, but only as plain text files using files.upload. That however works pretty well.
To upload a plain text file with files.upload sent the file contents as string in content (this must be sent via a POST) and set filetype to text.

SendGrid modifies links inside email and they dont redirect to correct page

I have a rails app running in production with sengrid.
At one point in my app I am sending an email with a confirmation link which redirects to a specific confirmation page :
%a.button.button-custom.button-blue{href: confirm_votes_path(#vote.confirmation_token, only_path: false)
However in production, Sengrid seems to modify the link inside my mails. I get something like :
and the link redirects to the base url of my website and not the good confirmation url like it does locally.
What is going on with SendGrid here
You need to disable click tracking.
What should the final URL look like? SendGrid is click-tracking, like bwest said, but that will still work with tokens in the URL and such. SendGrid does the substitution-variable replacement first, then tracks the resulting URL.
