TreeMaker how to write return null statement - javac

like this code
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return null;
i want use treeMaker write return null statement, but i dont know how to do this.

I made a mistake in this question, primitive can not return null.
return null statement can gengrated by like this code
JCTree.JCStatement aNull = treeMaker.Return(treeMaker.Literal(TypeTag.BOT, null));
for example
public String equal(Object o) {
return null;
public JCTree.JCMethodDecl generateEqualMethod(JCTree.JCClassDecl classDecl) {
JCTree.JCModifiers publicModifier = treeMaker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC);
JCTree.JCExpression returnType = treeMaker.Ident(names.fromString("java"));
returnType = treeMaker.Select(returnType, names.fromString("lang"));
returnType = treeMaker.Select(returnType, names.fromString("String"));
Name method = names.fromString("equal");
JCTree.JCExpression ObjectExpr = treeMaker.Ident(names.fromString("java"));
ObjectExpr = treeMaker.Select(ObjectExpr, names.fromString("lang"));
ObjectExpr = treeMaker.Select(ObjectExpr, names.fromString("Object"));
JCTree.JCVariableDecl param =
param.pos = classDecl.pos;
List<JCTree.JCVariableDecl> params = List.of(param);
List<JCTree.JCStatement> statement = List.nil();
JCTree.JCStatement aNull = treeMaker.Return(treeMaker.Literal(TypeTag.BOT, null));
statement = statement.append(aNull);
JCTree.JCBlock block = treeMaker.Block(0, statement);
JCTree.JCMethodDecl methodDecl = treeMaker.MethodDef(publicModifier, method, returnType, List.nil(), params, List.nil(), block, null);
return methodDecl;


Dapper Dynamic Parameter wirth optional return value mvc

Hello I have a common function which looks like below,
public async Task<SPResponse> ExecuteAsync(string spName, DynamicParameters p)
SPResponse response = new SPResponse();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connStr))
using (SqlTransaction transaction = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
p.Add("#SP_MESSAGE", dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Output, size: 4000);
p.Add("#RETURNSTATUS", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.ReturnValue);
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql: spName, param: p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: transaction);
response.ReturnMessage = p.Get<string>("#SP_MESSAGE");
response.ReturnStatus = Convert.ToString(p.Get<int>("#RETURNSTATUS"));
if (response.ReturnStatus == "0")
response.Ref1 = Convert.ToString(p.Get<int>("#SP_ID"));
catch (Exception ex)
return response;
now on response.Ref1 = Convert.ToString(p.Get<int>("#SP_ID")); line in some of my procedure I am getting SP_ID as output parameter and in some I am not getting SP_ID as output parameter
but the problem is when I am not returning SP_ID as output parameter I am getting error of
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I want to check the key before execution of p.get<int>()
how can I do this?
So I fixed this by myself and thanks to #MarcGravell.
I declared a parameter in my DapperClass where I am using common ExecuteAsync method.
private DynamicParameters _Param;
public DapperClass()
_Param = new DynamicParameters();
now before transaction.Commit() line I am assigning the value to my parameter _Param = p;
and I created a public method with return type of DynamicParameters like below
public DynamicParameters GetDynamicParameters()
return _Param;
and also added a code like below from where I am executing my common dapper class
SPResponse response = await _Dapper.ExecuteAsync("[dbo].[TemplateAdd]", _DynamicParameter);
if (response.ReturnStatus == "0")
DynamicParameters dp = _Dapper.GetDynamicParameters();
response.Ref1 = Convert.ToString(dp.Get<int>("#SP_ID"));
response.Ref2 = request.FileServerId;

Given a TFS build definition how to get the value and type of an arbitrary process parameter?

Given a build definition, I extract the following pieces from it:
m_template = (DynamicActivity)WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeWorkflow(buildDefinition.Process.Parameters);
Properties = m_template.Properties.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Metadata = WorkflowHelpers.GetCombinedMetadata(m_template).ToDictionary(m => m.ParameterName);
m_parameters = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildDefinition.ProcessParameters)
Now I wish to know the value of an arbitrary process parameter.
My current code is:
public ParameterValue GetParameterValue(string name)
object propValue;
var valueType = GetParameterType(name, out propValue);
object value;
if (!m_parameters.TryGetValue(name, out value))
value = propValue;
return new ParameterValue(valueType, value);
private Type GetParameterType(string name, out object value)
value = null;
if (Properties != null)
DynamicActivityProperty property;
if (Properties.TryGetValue(name, out property))
var inArgument = property.Value as InArgument;
if (inArgument != null)
if (inArgument.Expression != null)
var exprString = inArgument.Expression.ToString();
if (!exprString.StartsWith(": VisualBasicValue<"))
value = exprString;
return inArgument.ArgumentType;
if (property.Value != null)
value = property.Value;
return property.Value.GetType();
var typeName = property.Type.ToString();
if (typeName.StartsWith(IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX))
typeName = typeName.Substring(IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX.Length, typeName.Length - IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX.Length - 1);
return Type.GetType(typeName, true);
return property.Type;
return typeof(string);
Unfortunately, this code stumbles for parameters satisfying all of the following conditions:
The parameter value is wrapped as InArgument<T>.
T is a non primitive type, for example string[]
The build definition does not override the value inherited from the process template.
What happens is that:
Because the value is non primitive exprString.StartsWith(": VisualBasicValue<") and I do not know how to handle it. Hence propValue is null.
Because the value is not overridden by the build definition !m_parameters.TryGetValue(name, out value) and hence I just return propValue.
As a result my logic returns null. But it is wrong! For example, I have a string[] parameter which has a list of string in the process template, but my logic returns null for the reasons explained.
So, what is the proper way to compute it?
You can use the following code (included in another link) to get value and type of one process parameter:
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfctc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://tfsservername:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection"));
IBuildServer bs = tfctc.GetService<IBuildServer>();
IBuildDetail[] builds = bs.QueryBuilds("teamprojectname", "builddefinitionname");
foreach (var build in builds)
var buildefinition = build.BuildDefinition;
IDictionary<String, Object> paramValues = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildefinition.ProcessParameters);
string processParametersValue = paramValues["argument1"].ToString();
Also have a check on this case: TFS 2010: Why is it not possible to deserialize a Dictionary<string, object> with XamlWriter.Save when I can use XamlReader for deserializing

Web API + ODataQueryOptions + $top or $skip is causing a SqlException

This code has been simplified for this example.
The query is actually returned from a service, which is why I would prefer to write the method this way.
public PageResult<ExceptionLog> Logging(ODataQueryOptions<ExceptionLog> options)
var query = from o in _exceptionLoggingService.entities.ExceptionDatas
select new ExceptionLog {
ExceptionDataId = o.ExceptionDataId,
SiteId = o.SiteId,
ExceptionDateTime = o.ExceptionDateTime,
StatusCode = o.StatusCode,
Url = o.Url,
ExceptionType = o.ExceptionType,
ExceptionMessage = o.ExceptionMessage,
Exception = o.Exception,
RequestData = o.RequestData
var results = options.ApplyTo(query) as IEnumerable<ExceptionLog>;
var count = results.LongCount();
return new PageResult<ExceptionLog>(results, Request.GetNextPageLink(), count);
The above code errors on "results.LongCount()" with the following Exception:
SqlException: The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
It appears that I'm getting an exception with when trying to page, like this "$top=2". Everything works fine if my querystring is like this "$filter=ExceptionDataId gt 100".
Since ExceptionData (the Entity) matches ExceptionLog (business model) I can do something like this as a workaround:
public PageResult<ExceptionLog> Logging(ODataQueryOptions<ExceptionData> options)
var query = from o in _exceptionLoggingService.entities.ExceptionDatas
orderby o.ExceptionDateTime descending
select o;
var results = from o in options.ApplyTo(query) as IEnumerable<ExceptionData>
select new ExceptionLog {
ExceptionDataId = o.ExceptionDataId,
SiteId = o.SiteId,
ExceptionDateTime = o.ExceptionDateTime,
StatusCode = o.StatusCode,
Url = o.Url,
ExceptionType = o.ExceptionType,
ExceptionMessage = o.ExceptionMessage,
Exception = o.Exception,
RequestData = o.RequestData
return new PageResult<ExceptionLog>(results, Request.GetNextPageLink(), results.LongCount());
But this doesn't completely work for me because it's a little hackish and I can't use the service's method which already gives me an IQueryable.
Another thing to note, is if the Logging method is converted to IQueryable, everything works correctly. But I need to return the Count with the query so I have to return a PageResult.
This is the workaround I'm using. I only apply the filter from the ODataQueryOptions and I manually apply the Top and Skip.
First I created some extension methods:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Web.Http.OData.Query
public static class ODataQuerySettingsExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> ApplyFilter<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, ODataQueryOptions<T> options)
if (options.Filter == null)
return query;
return options.Filter.ApplyTo(query, new ODataQuerySettings()) as IEnumerable<T>;
public static IEnumerable<T> ApplyTopAndTake<T>(this IEnumerable<T> query, ODataQueryOptions<T> options)
IEnumerable<T> value = query;
if (options.Top != null)
value = value.Take(options.Top.Value);
if (options.Skip != null)
value = value.Skip(options.Skip.Value);
return value;
Now my method looks like this:
public PageResult<ExceptionLog> Logging(ODataQueryOptions<ExceptionLog> options)
// GetLogs returns an IQueryable<ExceptionLog> as seen in Question above.
var query = _exceptionLoggingService.GetLogs()
var count = query.Count();
var results = query.ApplyTopAndTake(options);
return new PageResult<ExceptionLog>(results, Request.GetNextPageLink(), count);

Reflection + Entity Framework to update data in MVC app

I've got a complex form on a page that is bound to a POCO representing a rather complex entity. One of the requirements is that, on blur, I update the database.
I'm currently passing the property (as key), value, and CampaignId via ajax. The key might look something like: Campaign.FanSettings.SocialSharing.FacebookLinkText.
I am using the code below, and getting "close". My final propertyToSet is the FacebookLinkText is not being set, because my object source is of type Entities.Campaign, while my object value is simply a string. I understand these need to be the same type, but I don't understand how to do that. Two questions:
How do I modify the code below to be able to execute the propertyToSet.SetValue method
Since I'm casting this to an object, I don't see how this would actually update my entity, so when I call SaveChanges it updates appropriately. What am I missing?
public void UpdateCampaign(int id, string key, string value)
using (var context = new BetaEntities())
var camp = context.Campaigns.Where(e => e.Id == id).Single();
SetProperty(camp, key,value);
public void SetProperty(object source, string property, object value)
string[] bits = property.Split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length - 1; i++)
PropertyInfo prop = source.GetType().GetProperty(bits[i]);
source = prop.GetValue(source, null);
PropertyInfo propertyToSet = null;
if (source is IEnumerable)
foreach (object o in (source as IEnumerable))
propertyToSet = o.GetType().GetProperty(bits[bits.Length - 1]);
propertyToSet = source.GetType().GetProperty(bits[bits.Length - 1]);
propertyToSet.SetValue(source, value, null);
public void UpdateCampaign(int id, string key, string value)
using (var context = new BetaEntities())
var camp = context.Campaigns.Where(e => e.Id == id).Single();
SetProperty(camp, key, value);
public void SetProperty(object source, string property, object value)
string[] bits = property.Split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length - 1; i++)
PropertyInfo prop = source.GetType().GetProperty(bits[i]);
source = prop.GetValue(source, null);
PropertyInfo propertyToSet = null;
if (source is IEnumerable)
foreach (object o in (source as IEnumerable))
propertyToSet = o.GetType().GetProperty(bits[bits.Length - 1]);
propertyToSet.SetValue(o, value,null);
propertyToSet = source.GetType().GetProperty(bits[bits.Length - 1]);
propertyToSet.SetValue(source, value, null);

Call a method in Linq to EF

In order to create a ViewModel, I tried to call a method GetName() to find the FirstName and LastName for UserID and then add it to the model. But the error tells "Linq to Entities does not recognize the method".
How do I accomplish this in another way?
My code:
public IQueryable<SheetList> GetSheetData()
var query = from a in GetSheets()
select new SheetList
SheetId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.Id,
SheetTitle = a.ListAllSafetySheets.SafetySheetTitle,
ProductionManagerId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.ProductionManager,
ProductionManagerName = this.GetName(a.ListAllSafetySheets.ProductionManager),
ConstructionManagerId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.ConstructionManager,
Created = a.ListAllSafetySheets.Created,
CreatedBy = a.ListAllSafetySheets.CreatedBy,
UserProfile_UserId = a.ListAllUserProfiles.UserId,
Project_Id = a.ListAllProjects.Id,
ProjectLeaderId = a.ListAllProjects.ProjectLeader,
ConstructionLocation_Id = a.ListAllConstructionLocations.Id,
return query;
public IQueryable<DataCollection> GetSheets()
var query = from vSafety in _db.Sheets
join vUserProfile in _db.UserProfiles
on vSafety.Id
equals vUserProfile.UserId
join vProject in _db.Projects
on vSafety.Id
equals vProject.Id
join vConstructionLocation in _db.ConstructionLocations
on vSafety.Id
equals vConstructionLocation.Id
orderby vSafety.Created descending
select new SafetyAndProjectAndUserAndLocationCollection
ListAllSafetySheets = vSafety,
ListAllUserProfiles = vUserProfile,
ListAllProjects = vProject,
ListAllConstructionLocations = vConstructionLocation
return query;
public string GetName(int? id)
string returnValue;
if (id == null)
var userModel = _db.UserProfiles.Single(x => x.UserId == id);
string FirstName = userModel.FirstName;
string LastName = userModel.LastName;
returnValue = FirstName + ", " + LastName;
returnValue = "";
return returnValue;
You'll need to call the method after you build the model. You can try something like this:
public IQueryable<SheetList> GetSheetData()
var query = from a in GetSheets()
select new SheetList
SheetId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.Id,
SheetTitle = a.ListAllSafetySheets.SafetySheetTitle,
ProductionManagerId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.ProductionManager,
ProductionManagerName = a.ListAllSafetySheets.ProductionManager,
ConstructionManagerId = a.ListAllSafetySheets.ConstructionManager,
Created = a.ListAllSafetySheets.Created,
CreatedBy = a.ListAllSafetySheets.CreatedBy,
UserProfile_UserId = a.ListAllUserProfiles.UserId,
Project_Id = a.ListAllProjects.Id,
ProjectLeaderId = a.ListAllProjects.ProjectLeader,
ConstructionLocation_Id = a.ListAllConstructionLocations.Id,
var queryWithNames = query.ToList().ForEach(s => s.ProductionManagerName = this.GetName(s.ProductionManagerName));
return queryWithNames;
Since you're having trouble using .ForEach(), you can do this with a regular foreach loop:
foreach(var s in query)
s.ProductionManagerName = this.GetName(s.ProductionManagerName);
The downside to this is the call to .ToList will enumerate the queryable, executing the query against the database, so if you need to do further filters later outside this method, you may be downloading additional data that you don't need, causing additional overhead.
