Tablesorter - How to ignore sort for certain cell value? - tablesorter

How can I prevent Tablesorter from sorting a certain value or keep these values at the bottom? More specifically, this certain value will always be a -
<table id="myTable" class="tablesorter">
I want to keep Doe with the value "-" always at the bottom.

Tablesorter has an emptyTo option which can modify the sort behavior of empty, or non-numeric, cells (demo)
In this case, you might need to set a data-text attribute (modified by the textAttribute option to an empty string.
<td data-text="">-</td>
// ...
emptyTo: 'bottom'

This worked for me.
jQuery(function($) {
stringTo: 'bottom'


How to hide the Property name

It's a lot that I used MVC but I need to create a widget using Abp.IO,
What I currently got is
But I want to hide this SenzaAgente and ConAgente, I think this is generated since I use abp-input and it get the value of the property, does exist a way of hiding it and gaining the space (The SENZA Agente on the left should be on the same line of the number)
The code I used is
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>
You can use suppress-label="true" attribute
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>

Thymeleaf - Suggested approach when tabular data table returns zero records (empty list)?

<table id="identification-data" class="pure-table">
<tr th:each="row : ${identificationData}">
<td th:text="${row['Name']}">Brian Smith</td>
<td th:text="${#calendars.format(row['Date of Birth'], 'MM/dd/yyyy')}">10/11/1971</td>
<td th:text="${row['Gender']}">Male</td>
If the collection ${identificationData} is empty - is there a thymeleafy way to show a message like "no data found"?
I could do something on the controller side like:
if (identificationData.isEmpty()){
model.addAttribute("identificationDataNotFound", Boolean.TRUE);
model.addAttribute("identificationData", identificationData);
The most "thymeleafy" way that I can think of is to conditionally render a <tbody> containing the "No data found" message if the list is empty. You can use the utility object #lists to check if the list is empty in the UI (saving you one more boolean model attribute)
<tbody th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(identificationData)}">
<tr th:each="row : ${identificationData}">
<tbody th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(identificationData)}">
<td colspan="3">No Data found</td>

How to generate <table> compatible with jQueryMobile in TYPO3

I'm trying to create a jQueryMobile compatible <table> with TYPO3.
It means adding data-role="table" and class="class="ui-responsive"".
This table can be generated with RTE or a Table Content Element.
Default <table> HTML
<table style="" class="contenttable">
<th scope="col">head 1</th>
<th scope="col">head 2</th>
<th scope="col">head 3</th>
<td>L 1</td>
<td>L 2</td>
attempt to solve problem
I've added the following setup but jQuery seams not to work anymore. It load (spinning animation) indefinitely. = 1 = table
lib.parseFunc_RTE.externalBlocks.table.stdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.table.fixAttrib.class.default = ui-responsive
lib.parseFunc_RTE.externalBlocks.table.stdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.table.fixAttrib.class.list = ui-responsive
Content Element
Default <table> HTML
<table class="contenttable contenttable-0 test">
<tr class="tr-even tr-0">
<th class="td-0" scope="col" id="col162967-0">head 1</th>
<th class="td-1" scope="col" id="col162967-1">head 2</th>
<th class="td-last td-2" scope="col" id="col162967-2">head 3</th>
<tr class="tr-odd tr-1">
<td class="td-0" headers="col162967-0">L 1</td>
<td class="td-1" headers="col162967-1">...</td>
<td class="td-last td-2" headers="col162967-2">...</td>
<tr class="tr-even tr-last">
<td class="td-0" headers="col162967-0">L 2</td>
<td class="td-1" headers="col162967-1">...</td>
<td class="td-last td-2" headers="col162967-2">...</td>
attempt to solve problem
I don't find in tt_content where to add configuration to add a classand data-role.
For the TABLE content element you have at least 2 options:
A. Render the table yourself - You can create your own PHP method that would do the processing of the tables. I presume you are using css_styled_content extension whose method render_table() does the rendering of the tables. You can copy that method, add it to your own class and modify it so that it adds the data-role attribute as you want.
B. Do some replacing of the outputted code - You can try to use the replacement property (available in TYPO3 >=4.6) of the stdWrap to replace class="contenttable with data-role="table" class="ui-responsive. I currently cannot test it but try this:
tt_content.table.20.stdWrap.replacement {
10 {
search = class="contenttable
replace = data-role="table" class="ui-responsive
There's a bug report open at forge to override the Flexform values via TSconfig TYPO3 forge.
The suggested workaround by overriding the flexform completly works fine though:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPiFlexFormValue('*', 'FILE:EXT:'.$_EXTKEY.'/flexform_table.xml', 'table');

Is it possible to change table row colour if it contains a certain value in a gsp?

I have a table in a gsp containing 10 deiiferent values :
<table class="table table-striped">
<th scope="row">Name:</th>
<th scope="row">Address:</th>
I need to highlight (either change the background or text clour on some of the values if they are present in an array also available in the gsp.
Is this possible? For example using g:if? Like :
<th scope="row">Name:</th>
<g:if ${array}.contains("${}")>
//change styling of this cell
This should work, but I've not tried it:
<td class="${array.contains( ) ? 'highlight' : ''}">
So if it contains the name, then a 'highlight' class will be added to the td

jquery tablesorter: nested tables

I have nested tables where both the inner and outer tables have rows added to them dynamically. When I trigger an update of an inner table, after the inner table order has been changed, the order of the outer table is also changed. I've created a jsfiddle to demonstrate this:
which is forked from the OS question Nested jQuery Tablesorter tables, all sortable
To see the problem sort the outer table by Make so that Toyota is at the top and then click the "update" button. The update button triggers an update of the inner toyota table but also sorts the outer table as well to reflect the sort direction of the Toyota Doors column.
How can I sort the inner table after adding additional rows without sorting the outer table as well?
<script type="text/javascript">
function updateRW() {
$("#toyota").trigger("update", [true]);
<table class="tablesorter">
<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 30px 0 30px;">
<table class="tablesorter-child">
<td>Honda 2-Door</td>
<td>Honda Red</td>
<td>Honda 4-Door</td>
<td>Honda Blue</td>
<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 30px 0 30px;">
<table id="toyota" class="tablesorter-child">
<td>Toyota 2-Door</td>
<td>Toyota Yellow</td>
<td>Toyota 4-Door</td>
<td>Toyota Green</td>
<input type=button value="update" onclick="updateRW()">
$("table").tablesorter({selectorHeaders: '> thead > tr > th'});
This appears to be a bug in tablesorter!
I've opened an issue so we can track it, and I should have this fixed in the next update.
Thanks for reporting it!
