jquery tablesorter: nested tables - tablesorter

I have nested tables where both the inner and outer tables have rows added to them dynamically. When I trigger an update of an inner table, after the inner table order has been changed, the order of the outer table is also changed. I've created a jsfiddle to demonstrate this:
which is forked from the OS question Nested jQuery Tablesorter tables, all sortable
To see the problem sort the outer table by Make so that Toyota is at the top and then click the "update" button. The update button triggers an update of the inner toyota table but also sorts the outer table as well to reflect the sort direction of the Toyota Doors column.
How can I sort the inner table after adding additional rows without sorting the outer table as well?
<script type="text/javascript">
function updateRW() {
$("#toyota").trigger("update", [true]);
<table class="tablesorter">
<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 30px 0 30px;">
<table class="tablesorter-child">
<td>Honda 2-Door</td>
<td>Honda Red</td>
<td>Honda 4-Door</td>
<td>Honda Blue</td>
<tr class="tablesorter-childRow">
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 30px 0 30px;">
<table id="toyota" class="tablesorter-child">
<td>Toyota 2-Door</td>
<td>Toyota Yellow</td>
<td>Toyota 4-Door</td>
<td>Toyota Green</td>
<input type=button value="update" onclick="updateRW()">
$("table").tablesorter({selectorHeaders: '> thead > tr > th'});

This appears to be a bug in tablesorter!
I've opened an issue so we can track it, and I should have this fixed in the next update.
Thanks for reporting it!


How to hide the Property name

It's a lot that I used MVC but I need to create a widget using Abp.IO,
What I currently got is
But I want to hide this SenzaAgente and ConAgente, I think this is generated since I use abp-input and it get the value of the property, does exist a way of hiding it and gaining the space (The SENZA Agente on the left should be on the same line of the number)
The code I used is
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>
You can use suppress-label="true" attribute
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>

tablesorter data-math-filter returns no results when given a valid css selector

I'm using Mottie's tablesorter plugin with the Math extension. I have a conditionally formatted table - the categories of conditional formatting are indicated in a data-color attribute on the data cell.
In the footer, I have several rows that summarize the values of the conditional formatting. The footer cells are decorated with data-math-filter="[data-color='color1']".
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<td data-color='red' style='background-color:red'>
<td data-color='blue' style='background-color:blue'>
<td data-color='green' style='background-color:green'>
<td data-color='red' style='background-color:red'>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="red"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="red"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="green"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="green"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="blue"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="blue"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
My reading of the docs leads me to believe that the math function will filter for the data-elements - but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried a bunch of different CSS filters - nothing seems to work.
What am I doing wrong?

how to add table with nested values

I want to display terms attribute using thymeleaf. I tried like
<tr th:each="term: ${contractMap.contractTerms}">
<tr th:each="termRow: ${term.rows}">
<tr th:each="atr: ${termRow.attributes}">
<td th:text="${atr.value}"></td>
</tr ></table>
But it is not working.

How to set the highchart and the table horizontally?

This is what my highchart looks like atm
I kinda want the chart to be on the right side while the table to be on the left
this is my html:
<div id="words" style="width:70%;float:left;">
<table border="1" class="highchart" data-graph-container-before="1" data-graph-type="column">
What should i do to achieve such output?
If you can change HTML, then simply put table before Highcharts container and set proper styles (float, width). For example you can also use two divs: http://jsfiddle.net/68qdew8g/
<div style="float: left; width: 30%;">
<table border="1" class="highchart" data-graph-container-before="1" data-graph-type="column">
<div id="words" style="width:70%;float:left;"></div>

jQuery UI sortable with fixed rows

I'm using a jQuery UI sortable with a table (works fine). I would like to make the header and last row fixed (non-moveable).
The jQuery UI docs indicate this can be done using a selector for items, but I am at a loss for the syntax.
Here is the relevant code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#response_options tbody.content").sortable();
$("#response_options tbody.content").disableSelection();
<table id="response_options" class="data-table">
<tbody class="content">
<tr class="sortable-row">
<td>Item 1</td>
<tr class="sortable-row">
<td>Item 2</td>
<tr class="sortable-row">
<td>Item 3</td>
<tr class="sortable-row">
<td>Item 4</td>
<tr class="sortable-row">
<td>Item 5</td>
<td>Item 1</td>
The selector goes inside .sortable(...):
$("#response_options tbody.content").sortable();
$("#response_options tbody.content").sortable( items: ??? );
and it should be possible to select only items with class="sortable-row"; but again, I am at a loss for the syntax.
This should work:
$("#response_options tbody.content").sortable({items: 'tr.sortable-row'});
This worked for me:
jQuery(".sortable tbody").sortable({
items: 'tr:not(:first)'
For this markup:
<table id="tableid">
Use this jQuery:
$('#tableid tbody').sortable();
It will move only body content of table you cannot move header part.
