While using Harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue - docker

While using harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue as below:
I followed the https cert generation instruction as link: https://goharbor.io/docs/1.10/install-config/configure-https/
Harbor installed successfully, and logged in to create the 'New Registry Endpoint', and showed the issue 'registry https://hub.csp.cn is unhealthy: unhealthy'
the issue image as below
I checked the harbor logs warning
'Jun 25 09:40:26 core[1034]: 2020-06-25T01:40:26Z [ERROR] [/replication/adapter/native/adapter.go:154]: failed to ping registry https://hub.csp.cn: Head https://hub.csp.cn/v2/: Get https://hub.csp.cn/v2/: dial tcp: lookup hub.csp.cn on no such host'
The vmware IP is '' and domain mapping is 'hub.csp.cn'
I followed the issue log to check the source as below:
code screenshot
I'm not familiar with the Go source code.
Does anyone have any idea about the issue?

I know this is old but thought I might be able to help someone else.
I had this happen using Terraform to add a dockerhub registry to Harbor. It was actually dockerhub telling me it didn't like my credentials. I hard-coded them to test and it worked.
Pretty sure I just needed to add double quotes around my token (which was an environment variable) instead of single quotes... That seems to be what fixed it.


Nexus - authentication password: must not be blank

our Nexus (Nexus3 3.38.0) is currently down and just keeps on restarting, we use docker to run nexus as a container and when we check the container logs, we get this error:
javax.validation.constraintViolationExceiption: attributes[httpclient].authentication.password: must not be blank
We got this error logs after shutting down nexus and restarting docker service.
we suspect it might be due to one of the proxy repository password field that became blank (which we usually update using curl by a jenkins job)
Can you please suggest if:
There is any workaround for this issue
Since we can’t open into nexus portal, can we fix this using backend / config files?
Is there any way to disable / delete docker proxy repository using nexus data / config files?
Any other suggestion which might help us here

Docker login to Gitea registry fails even though curl succeeds

I'm using Gitea (on Kubernetes, behind an Ingress) as a Docker image registry. On my network I have gitea.avril aliased to the IP where it's running. I recently found that my Kubernetes cluster was failing to pull images:
Failed to pull image "gitea.avril/scubbo/<image_name>:<tag>": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "gitea.avril/scubbo/<image_name>:<tag>": failed to resolve reference "gitea.avril/scubbo/<image_name>:<tag>": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 530
While trying to debug this, I found that I am unable to login to the registry, even though curling with the same credentials succeeds:
$ curl -k -u "scubbo:$(cat /tmp/gitea-password)" https://gitea.avril/v2/_catalog
{"repositories":[...populated list...]}
# Tell docker login to treat `gitea.avril` as insecure, since certificate is provided by Kubernetes
$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries": ["gitea.avril"]
$ docker login -u scubbo -p $(cat /tmp/gitea-password) https://gitea.avril
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: Get "https://gitea.avril/v2/": received unexpected HTTP status: 530
The first request shows up as a 200 OK in the Gitea logs, the second as a 401 Unauthorized.
I get a similar error when I kubectl exec onto the Gitea container itself, install Docker, and try to docker login localhost:3000 - after an error indicating that server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client, it falls back to the http protocol and similarly reports a 530.
I've tried restart Gitea with GITEA__log__LEVEL=Debug, but that didn't result in any extra logging. I've also tried creating a fresh user (in case I have some weirdness cached somewhere) and using that - same behaviour.
EDIT: after increasing log level to Trace, I noticed that successful attempts to curl result in the following lines:
...rvices/auth/basic.go:67:Verify() [T] [638d16c4] Basic Authorization: Attempting login for: scubbo
...rvices/auth/basic.go:112:Verify() [T] [638d16c4] Basic Authorization: Attempting SignIn for scubbo
...rvices/auth/basic.go:125:Verify() [T] [638d16c4] Basic Authorization: Logged in user 1:scubbo
whereas attempts to docker login result in:
...es/container/auth.go:27:Verify() [T] [638d16d4] ParseAuthorizationToken: no token
This is the case even when doing docker login localhost:3000 from the Gitea container itself (that is - this is not due to some authentication getting dropped by the Kubernetes Ingress).
I'm not sure what could be causing this - I'll start up a fresh Gitea registry to compare.
EDIT: in this Github issue, the Gitea team pointed out that standard docker authentication includes creating a Bearer token which references the ROOT_URL, explaining this issue.
Text below preserved for posterity:
...Huh. I have a fix, and I think it indicates some incorrect (or, at least, unexpected) behaviour; but in fairness it only comes about because I'm doing some pretty unexpected things as well...
TL;DR attempting to docker login to Gitea from an alternative domain name can result in an error if the primary domain name is unavailable; apparently because, while doing so, Gitea itself makes a call to ROOT_URL rather than localhost
Gitea has a configuration variable called ROOT_URL. This is, among other things, used to generate the copiable "HTTPS" links from repo pages. This is presumed to be the "main" URL on which users will access Gitea.
I use Cloudflared Tunnels to make some of my Kubernetes services (including Gitea) available externally (on <foo>.scubbo.org addresses) without opening ports to the outside world. Since Cloudflared tunnels do not automatically update DNS records when a new service is added, I have written a small tool[0] which can be run as an initContainer "before" restarting the Cloudflared tunnel, to refresh DNS[1].
Cold-start problem
However, now there is a cold-start problem:
(Unless I temporarily disable this initContainer) I can't start Cloudflared tunnels if Gitea is unavailable (because it's the source for the initContainer's image)
Gitea('s public address) will be unavailable until Cloudflared tunnels start up.
To get around this cold-start problem, in the Cloudflared initContainers definition, I reference the image by a Kubernetes Ingress name (which is DNS-aliased by my router) gitea.avril rather than by the public (Cloudflared tunnel) name gitea.scubbo.org. The cold-start startup sequence then becomes:
Cloudflared tries to start up, fails to find a registry at gitea.avril, continues to attempt
Gitea (Pod and Ingress) start up
Cloudflared detects that gitea.avril is now responding, pulls the Cloudflared initContainer image, and successfully deploys
gitea.scubbo.org is now available (via Cloudflared)
So far, so good. Except that testing now indicates[2] that, when trying to docker login (or docker pull, or presumably, many other docker commands) to a Gitea instance will result in a call to the ROOT_URL domain - which, if Cloudflared isn't up yet, will result in an error[3].
So what?
My particular usage of this is clearly an edge case, and I could easily get around this in a number of ways (including moving my "Cloudflared tunnel startup" to a separately-initialized, only-privately-available registry). However, what this reduces to is that "docker API calls to a Gitea instance will fail if the ROOT_URL for the instance is unavailable", which seems like unexpected behaviour to me - if the API call can get through to the Gitea service in the first place, it should be able to succeed in calling itself?
However, I totally recognize that the complexity of fixing this (going through and replacing $ROOT_URL with localhost:$PORT throughout Gitea) might not be worth the value. I'll open an issue on the Gitea team, but I'd be perfectly content with a WILLNOTFIX.
[0]: Note - depending on when you follow that link, you might see a red warning banner indicating "_Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is https://gitea.avril/ but you are visiting https://gitea.scubbo.org/scubbo/cloudflaredtunneldns_". That's because of this very issue!
[1]: Note from the linked issue that the Cloudflared team indicate that this is unexpected usage - "We don't expect the origins to be dynamically added or removed services behind cloudflared".
[2]: I think this is new behaviour, as I'm reasonably certain that I've done a successful "cold start" before. However, I wouldn't swear to it.
[3]: After I've , the error is instead error parsing HTTP 404 response body: unexpected end of JSON input: "" rather than the 530-related errors I got before. This is probably a quirk of Cloudflared's caching or DNS behaviour. I'm working on a minimal reproducing example that circumvents Cloudflared.

Jenkins integration in Gitlab, "Jenkins url can't be blank"

When I try to link a jenkins project to my gitlab project, I have the following error :
Here is the form and the error message.
The jenkins project "test" does exists and the credentials are good.
The issue is probably not about the credentials but that gitlab seem to not be able to read the fields.
I tried with both chrome and Firefox.
I also tried to use webhook, but for services hosted on the same network, doc says it may be hazardous. So I'd rather use the first method.
Some information about my environment:
Linux Centos 7
jenkins and gitlab are built by docker-compose
hosted on localhost
jenkins and gitlab use different ports (8080 and 8081)
I found only one thread on the internet about it here but no answer were given.
Any ideas?
This is my first post, I hope I did not make any mistake.\

Failed to connect Hyperledger Explorer to Fabric project

I have a Fabric project up and running with 7 org/5 channel setup with each org having 2 peers. Everything is up and running. Now i am trying to connect Hyperledger Explorer to view the blockchain data. However there is an issue i am facing in the configuration part.
Steps i performed:
Pulled the images and added the following containers in a single docker-compose.yaml file for startup: hyperledger/explorer-db:latest, hyperledger/explorer:latest, prom/prometheus:latest, grafana/grafana:latest
Edited the created containers with the respective configurations needed and volume mounts.
Since its a multi-org setup i edited the config.json files and accordingly pointed them to the respective connection profiles as per the organization setup
"network-configs": {
"org1-network": {
"name": "Sample-1",
"profile": "./connection-profile/org1-network.json"
}, and so on for other orgs
Edited the prometheus.yml to put in the static configurations
targets: ['localhost:8443','localhost:8444', and so on for every peer service]
targets: ['orderer0-service:8443','orderer1-service:8444', and so on for every orderer service]
Edited the peer services in my docker-compose.yaml file to add in the below values on each peer config
CORE_METRICS_PROVIDER=prometheus # Prometheus will pull metrics
Issue: (Now resolved - see below)
It seems that explorer isn't able to find my Admin#org1-cert.pem' path in the given location. But i double checked everything and that particular path is present and also accessible. All permissions to that path is also open to avoid any permissioning issue.
Path in question [Full path is provided not the relative path]: /home/auro/Desktop/HLF/fabricapp/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp/signcerts/Admin#org1-cert.pem
The config files is also setup properly. I am unable to find a way to correct way. Would be really glad if someone can tell me what is going on with this path issue, because i tried everything i think i could but still not able to get it working.
Other details:
Using Hypereldger Explorer - v1.1.0 - Pulling the latest docker image
Using Hyperledger Fabric - v.1.4.6 - Pulling the specific version from docker hub for this
Update: Okay, i managed to solve this. Apparently the path to be given in the config file isnt that of the local system but of the docker container. I replaced the path with the path to my docker container where the files are placed and it worked.
New Problem -1: (Now solved) Now i am getting an error as shown below. Highlighted in yellow
I had a look at peer-0-org-1-service node logs when this happened and this is the error it had logged.
2020-07-20 04:38:15.995 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 028 TLS handshake failed with error tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
Update: Okay, i managed to solve this too. There were 2 issues. The TLS handshake wasn't happening because the TLS certificate wasn't set to true in the config. The second issue of STREAM removed happened because the url in the config wasnt specified as grpc. Once changes were done, it resolved
New Problem -2: (Current Issue)
It seems that the channel issue is there. Somehow it still shows "not assigned to this channel" and a new error of "Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses". This same error happened for all the peers across 7 orgs.
And not to mention suddenly the peers are not able to talk to each other.
Error Received: Could not connect to Endpoint: peer0-org2-service:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0-org2-service:7051, PKI-ID: , Metadata: : context deadline exceeded
I checked the peer channel connection details and everything seems to be in order. Stuck in this for now. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
As you can see from the edits i got one problem solved before another came along. After banging my head for a lot of times, i removed the entire build, rebuilt it again with my corrections given above and it simply started working.
You seem to be using old Explorer image. I strongly recommend to use the latest one v1.1.1. Note: There are some updates of settings format in connection profile (e.g. login credential of Explorer). Please refer README-CONFIG for detail.

Rancher server not finding the rancher agent on same server

So my problem is that I can't get the rancher server to find the rancher agent. I've looked at the Rancher Troubleshooting FAQs but that haven't helped with my issue. I'm using one server for both the rancher server and the agent and I'm setting the CATTLE_AGENT_IP to the IP of the physical server.
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and docker 1.12.3.
At first I thought it might be a firewall issue, but I've tried disabled it and no luck.
Rancher agent error log message
time="2016-10-27T11:56:50Z" level="info" msg="Host not registered yet. Sleeping 1 second and trying again." Attempt=5 reportedUuid="492dc65c-6359-4a40-b6e3-89c6da704ffb"
I feel like I've tried everything without any result. Anyone have an idea what could be wrong or how I could continue to troubleshoot the problem?
Are you reusing the host from a previous Rancher install?
If so, there is sometimes old credentials that are tried instead of the new ones for the host. The files are in /var/lib/rancher. (they are .files so you need ls -a to view)
If you are using a self signed SSL cert it will fail to register if you are not bind mounting the CA root cert. See http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/v1.2/en/installing-rancher/installing-server/basic-ssl-config/ the last section "Adding Hosts" for more info.
I solved my issue. The problem was a faulty CATTLE_AGENT_IP. Apparently you can not have http:// before the IP address.
