Android Xamarin Stripe Integration -

I am busy creating an android Xamarin app where users should be able to use Stripe to make a payment for a product. I have used stripe before on our web based platform but can't seem to find any documentation or tutorials on how to integrate stripe into android Xamarin. Is there anyone who can provide some guidance on how to do that?


Can Google Pay be used in webviews

Can Google Pay be implemented in Webviews/WKWebview/SFSafariViewController for both IOS device and Android devices?
Google pay FAQ page said "For Android apps which use WebViews, you must invoke platform specific Android Google Pay APIs." - I'm not sure what does that mean...
Most other question I saw involves Stripe, I'm not using Stripe however.

How do you integrate Venmo Payments with a React Native IOS App

I am currently trying to figure out how I can integrate Venmo as a payment method for a React Native IOS app I am working on. I know this must be possible because UberEats, an app that I believe is also built with React Native, has integrated Venmo as a payment method.
I have looked at the documentation for integrating Venmo into an app or a website and there seems to be 3 different SDKs to choose from (Android v4, IOS v5, or Javascript v3), with none of them being specific to React Native.
Does anyone know how I should go about implementing Venmo payments into the app? Should I be using the Javascript v3 SDK, or should I be using the IOS v5 SDK even though the app is in React Native? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
There are plenty of guides available for using Braintree with React Native. See for example this one.

Square: How to integrate square in-app payment api with Xamarin.iOS and Android?

I want to integrate square in-app payment in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Is there any way to do this in Xamarin for both android and iOS cross platform application(Not the Xamarin forms please)? I have contacted Square support and they replied with "we don't support generation of a nonce through Xamarin, which is what we use to process a card.". But I need to integrate this in my app. Is there any other way without nonce.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
The only way to process online or in-app payments with Square is via a nonce. Currently, there's no Xamarin plugin available for the Square In-App Payments SDK. Since the SDK exists for both iOS and Android already, theoretically a plugin/wrapper could be built, but we don't offer support on making it work since we don't formally have a plugin already.
I'll share the feedback with our In-App Payments team in the meantime, though.

How to Integrate Braintree Paypal with iOS?

Is the a braintree iOS latest Version SDK for native iOS app payment system integration that uses paypal payments too?
I cannot seem to find a smart Sampleone. Is there a any sample code?
Or is there a smart guide on how to do it?
Yes, you can integrate Braintree and Paypal using the same SDK. Please Click here for more details.
Hope this will help you.

iOS Old MPL SDK, Where's the download?

I'm trying to start implementing MPL into a new app.
I only found links to the current Paypal iOS SDK , but that one is only supported inside the US, so It's not a solid option for me.
Trying to find a download for the classic MPL SDK but their website is not very helpful.
Would appreciate any assistance on this.
PayPal is replacing the Mobile Payments Library with the iOS/Android SDK. You should be able to download the SDK from the the github site here. Non-US developers, can continue to use the MPL and you should be able to find it here.
