How do you integrate Venmo Payments with a React Native IOS App - ios

I am currently trying to figure out how I can integrate Venmo as a payment method for a React Native IOS app I am working on. I know this must be possible because UberEats, an app that I believe is also built with React Native, has integrated Venmo as a payment method.
I have looked at the documentation for integrating Venmo into an app or a website and there seems to be 3 different SDKs to choose from (Android v4, IOS v5, or Javascript v3), with none of them being specific to React Native.
Does anyone know how I should go about implementing Venmo payments into the app? Should I be using the Javascript v3 SDK, or should I be using the IOS v5 SDK even though the app is in React Native? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

There are plenty of guides available for using Braintree with React Native. See for example this one.


Android Xamarin Stripe Integration

I am busy creating an android Xamarin app where users should be able to use Stripe to make a payment for a product. I have used stripe before on our web based platform but can't seem to find any documentation or tutorials on how to integrate stripe into android Xamarin. Is there anyone who can provide some guidance on how to do that?

PayFort SDK Integration in iOS (Objective C)

I want to integrate Payfort payment gateway in my app and i cant seem to understand the guidelines provided by the sdk... if possible, can anyone provide the steps? to generate the sdk token/signature and the bill? thanks in advance.

Using Here Maps in React Native on iOS

I'm working on a proof of concept for work and am trying to recreate a portion of our current iOS app in react-native. I've been doing a lot of research and have only found ways to use Google Maps in react-native for iOS. My company uses Here maps so I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to implement them in React Native?
Or at least know why they can't currently be implemented.
HERE maps does not have any react native bindings. You will need to write a react binding to the HERE maps APIs yourself.

Twitter integration that supports for IOS4 & IOS 5 and IOS6

I am trying to integrate twitter in my universal application which should run on devices with IOS4+. After googling i came to know that for the devices with IOS<4.0 we can use Sharekit and for the devices with IOS>5 we have to use the twitter framework. And that twitter framework should be added weakly (BuildPhases-> beside twitter framework make it optional).
Should i use both of them in my app? If so is there any samples that can be run on devices IOS 4+ devices with the help of either Sharekit or twitter framework. Checking the version of the device and proceeding with the relavant process(either sharekit or twitter framework) is possible? If possible can you help with the snippets or sample.
DETweetComposeViewController will give you a tweet composer on iOS 4 that looks like the native one in iOS 5/6. In iOS 5+ it will use the native twitter libraries instead. It's pretty straight forward to setup and use.

Proper Way to use Admob in Phonegap app for iOS

I have built an iOS app with Phonegap (Cordova 1.8.1),and now I'm trying to add admob ads to my app.As you know that AdMob is now not allowing to chose "smartphone web", so can I just simply implementing JavaScript code in the index.html or do I need to using Admob iOS SDK?(OR JUST USING Google AdSense??)
We are simplifying our suite of products by transitioning AdMob mobile web publishers to Google AdSense. Starting May 1, 2012 support for mobile web sites on AdMob will be discontinued and you must have a Google AdSense account to monetize mobile web sites. More information is available here.
I believe that according to their terms of service you'll have to integrate the iOS SDK since you're still releasing a native application.
It's pretty easy to integrate an AdMob ad using the iOS SDK. In (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)theWebView, you can add a GADBannerView and follow the integration instructions outlined here.
An important caveat to remember is that you'll have to decrease the size of the UIWebView to make room for the advertisement. Make sure the MainViewController is your RootViewController.
