Twilio Flex dashboard, trigger webhook when sending sms - twilio

When sending sms message from twilio flex dashboard directly, there is no webhook triggered , just wondering if there is a way to force webhook trigger for outgoing sms messages from twilio flex dashboard?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I believe (Flex isn't my specialty, I'm afraid) that Flex uses Proxy to send messages. You could look into hooking into the Proxy service webhooks.
Alternatively, you could create a Flex plugin that triggers an HTTP request when a user sends an outbound message.


Twilio WhatsApp Autopilot - How to Start The Conversation

Is there any way to make the Autopilot start the conversation. What i need is, I have Customer Mobile Numbers and i need to send to them a automated WhatsApp Message. and based on there inputs, Autopilot response to them.
you should be able to initiate a conversation using one of your WhatsApp approved templates using the Twilio Messages resources. Once the user responds (and the 24 hour free form text opens), you can configure the Webhook for WhatsApp to execute your Autopilot assistant.
Twilio WhatsApp production sender and template creation
Twilio API for WhatsApp *(Send an outbound freeform WhatsApp Message)
WhatsApp - Autopilot Channel
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Welcome to StackOverflow!
You can initiate a session with the user without the user greeting the bot by connecting the trigger widget's Rest API trigger event to either a make outgoing call or, in your case, the send message widget, as shown below.
Then, if the call is answered or the message is sent, you can connect those actions to the Send to Autopilot widget, below.
Lastly, under the config section of your Send to Autopilot widget, put in the Collection task you want to run when the outbound call or message is initiated by your Twilio client and not the user.
Let me know if this helps :D

Twilio Flex, Intercept Incoming Messages in order to send Slack Notifications

I currently have Twilio Flex set up but need to intercept all incoming messages in order to send slack notifications to reps, if they're offline and need to respond.
Is there a way to intercept (using a webhook) only Incoming messages so that I can send those slack notifications.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you go into your Flex project to the Studio dashboard you will find three flows, including the Messaging Flow. Incoming messages are directed to this Flow.
If you open the Messaging Flow you will see that by default it sends the message straight to Flex.
You can add a widget in here to invoke a Twilio Function before sending the message onto Flex. Twilio Functions allow you to write Node.js to perform custom tasks, like sending a Slack notification.

Twilio - Messaging Service Inbound Setting to Twilio Function instead of Webhook

I have a phone number that I configured the inbound messaging to run a Twilio function sends the message to the AWS SQS service.
But due to outbound traffic and other limitations, I setup a Messaging Service and I'm using the Passthrough API for bulk outbound. But for the inbound configurations for the Messaging Service, we are only limited to dumping the message, executing a webhook, or starting a conversation. I don't have the ability to run a Twilio function.
If I go back to the phone number configuration I can't have it both ways... it's either the Function or the Messaging Service.
Is there a way I can run a Twilio function on inbound messages to the Messaging Service or do I need to do this all in the webhook?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you choose Function in the inbound configuration for a number, it is just setting up the number to point to the Function's webhook URL.
So, you can enter the Function URL as the webhook URL for your messaging service and you shouldn't need to change anything else.

Integrating FlowXO with twilio

How can one create a bot in Flow.xo that listens to twilio messages? In other words can I write a bot in FlowXO to send and receive SMS messages from my twilio account?
Flow.XO allows one to send SMS messages via their twilio integration function, but it only has two functions:
1> Twilio calls
2> Twilio SMS messages
Both these are outward bound, and we can only send messages (calls, or SMS) via twilio from Flow.xo. Can I receive messages in FlowspellingXO from Twilio too? How is this accomplished?
Thanks in anticipation.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I haven't used Flow.XO before, but a quick look through the documentation suggests that this is the guide for you:
Going through that process will create a URL that you will apply to your Twilio number or messaging service. That URL is the webhook URL that Twilio will use to send details about incoming messages so that your bot can respond to replies from your user.
Let me know if that helps!

Twilio webhook backup solutions

I want to implement a Twilio webhook to receive sms responses for my initial sms message. However, instead of implementing the secondary "failover" webhook URL, is there a way to call a Twilio REST service to find out which webhook callback from Twilio to my service failed so my application can retrieve the failed message from the failed webhook call?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I definitely recommend implementing a fallback webhook so that you can at least record failures and know whether to call this other service.
However, you can call the Twilio Monitor API to find out about Alerts. This is a service that will give you information on all webhooks and REST API calls that your application has made that failed or produced a warning of some sort.
Let me know if that helps at all.
