Twilio Flex, Intercept Incoming Messages in order to send Slack Notifications - twilio

I currently have Twilio Flex set up but need to intercept all incoming messages in order to send slack notifications to reps, if they're offline and need to respond.
Is there a way to intercept (using a webhook) only Incoming messages so that I can send those slack notifications.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you go into your Flex project to the Studio dashboard you will find three flows, including the Messaging Flow. Incoming messages are directed to this Flow.
If you open the Messaging Flow you will see that by default it sends the message straight to Flex.
You can add a widget in here to invoke a Twilio Function before sending the message onto Flex. Twilio Functions allow you to write Node.js to perform custom tasks, like sending a Slack notification.


How to transfer incoming calls on Twilio using webhook to mobile client

We are using Twilio to make outbound calls.
Now we want to add the option for incoming calls, so if a person calls a number we bought from Twilio the mobile client will get the VoIP notification.
We have the webhook and it get called correctly, but what (and how) should we do inside the webhook to transfer the call to the correct mobile user.

Twilio Flex dashboard, trigger webhook when sending sms

When sending sms message from twilio flex dashboard directly, there is no webhook triggered , just wondering if there is a way to force webhook trigger for outgoing sms messages from twilio flex dashboard?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I believe (Flex isn't my specialty, I'm afraid) that Flex uses Proxy to send messages. You could look into hooking into the Proxy service webhooks.
Alternatively, you could create a Flex plugin that triggers an HTTP request when a user sends an outbound message.

Integrating FlowXO with twilio

How can one create a bot in Flow.xo that listens to twilio messages? In other words can I write a bot in FlowXO to send and receive SMS messages from my twilio account?
Flow.XO allows one to send SMS messages via their twilio integration function, but it only has two functions:
1> Twilio calls
2> Twilio SMS messages
Both these are outward bound, and we can only send messages (calls, or SMS) via twilio from Flow.xo. Can I receive messages in FlowspellingXO from Twilio too? How is this accomplished?
Thanks in anticipation.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I haven't used Flow.XO before, but a quick look through the documentation suggests that this is the guide for you:
Going through that process will create a URL that you will apply to your Twilio number or messaging service. That URL is the webhook URL that Twilio will use to send details about incoming messages so that your bot can respond to replies from your user.
Let me know if that helps!

undefined:undefined Twilio Studio Flow SMS Forwarding Function Error

I've been attempting to create a two-way conversation using SMS forwarding in Twilio Studio flow. I know there are multiple ways to set up SMS forwarding in Twilio, and I have been successful in doing so using functions on their own, TwiML and Studio Flow SMS on the send message widget. However, I am struggling with creating a flow that extends beyond one message. I've added the function for SMS forwarding into my flow, but every time a response is received it displays as "undefined:undefined" as opposed to "+15555555555:Hello SMS", Am i missing something?
You might want to use the CHAT product from Twilio instead which would manage all of the sessions, conversations and everything else.

twilio rest API for event registration and listening

I'm using twilio rest API to implement a chat iOS app in objective-c. Though twilio has iOS SDK, I'm required to use rest API only. My question is does anyone know how to use twilio rest API for event registration and listening, such as message sending?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The Twilio Programmable Chat API uses webhooks to notify your application of incoming messages. Note though that webhooks are not fired for events that are initiated from the REST API. Since you are in control of sending messages via the REST API you should be able to notify other parts of your application when you do so too.
