Reset a destination date column value - zapier

I can already change the value of a destination DateTime field by assigning it e.g. 2000-01-01 00:00. But if either of the systems changes their timezone, this value will also change with them, so I cannot rely on it always keeping this value.
So, is there a way to clear the value of the column?
If we do not type or insert a value, Zapier assumes that we do not want to update it.



Can I create my own DATE Value set and use it in segments?
Because when I create my own DATE Value set, I can't save it on Segments Summary form, can anyone answer me ?

Is there an intrinsic timezone for a date column in the database

I am using ruby on rails. When you save a column with type datetime then an intrinsic timezone is stored for the date and time. How is a column of type date stored and in particular is there any timezone associated with the date?
Active record tries to retrieve all stored dates as UTC, although you can configure it to use a local time:
config.active_record.default_timezone determines whether to use Time.local (if set to :local) or Time.utc (if set to :utc) when pulling dates and times from the database. The default is :utc.
Based on Garrett Motzner's comments, there is no intrinsic timezone stored with date column as opposed to a datetime column which does have a timezone associated with it. This means that if users have different timezones, then you will need to manually account for the timezone if using a date column. The alternative is to use a datetime column to store the date and process it to account for the fact that only a date is being stored.

writing jira query to find tickets where a set custom due date field has been set

I’m trying to set up a filter than returns all the tickets where a custom Due Date field has been set AND then changed to some future date. So I don't want to get tickets back that have gone from unset to set, just where the date has been changed again after being set to an initial date.
Seems I can't use the CHANGED parameter on date fields.

Should date field in DW date-map be of Date data type or of String data type, if I want to put placeholders?

I have a date map (date dimension) like every other data warehouse.
The most obvious way to store date field in the date field is in date datatype. However, I want to keep some records in my date dimension which ID as negative values and the date field should give description of why this date is invalid.
For example, in my fact table, let's say I have a field called order_date_id which references the date dimension. However, for some records in the fact table, I want to say that the order_date was not recorded by the system and hence we can't use it. But I want it's entry present.
I thought that I would make an entry in the date dimension with ID=-1 and date = 'Date was not recorded'. But to use this kind of a placeholder, I will have to keep date as a string value. If I store it as a string value it will be very ineffective when I compare two dates.
Please advise a good practice.
I think you are confusing two things;
Date Dimension Design
Identification of Date not assigned by system
This is how I would design the date dimension
Date_id = number with yyyymmdd - intelligent key and this will be the primary key; this saves doing a lookup to the database to assign the id
Date - the actual date
Year - year
Month - Month (yyyy-mmm or yyyy-mmmm)
Month_Nbr - Month ( yyyy-mm )
Quarter - yyyy-Qn(1,2,3,4)
all the other attributes you need
if there are sales order which do not have a date assigned, assign them 19000101 and have them in your fact table...
if you incrementally keep getting sales order without dates, then I would consult the business and put in the 1st day of the month of when they are arriving into the system; this will be a more acceptable solution.

How to add an HH:MM time value to an Access database?

I want to add time only as HH:MM to MS Access in Delphi.
It is shown as '21:21:00' in the Access table but it shows up as '30.12.1899 21:21:00' in my dbgrid.
Note: I changed editmask option to short time of TMaskEdit1
Thank in advance.
The data is correctly stored, it's just not displayed as you would like.
The Date/Time in Access as the Delphi TDateTime is storing casually spoken
the date in the integer part and the time in the fractional part.
To get the Time shown as desired just set the DisplayFormat property of your field to hh:nn:ss.
In the pictures below you can see the always same field formatted, not formatted and as float.
You need to tweak the formatting for that column of your dbgrid to only show the time component. Access only has a Date/Time column type (it does not have separate Date and Time column types) so a Date/Time value entered without a date part is stored as 1899-12-30 hh:mm:ss. If you are only interested in the time part then you just need to format the dbgrid column appropriately. (Access automatically does that for you in its own controls, ref: here.)
You can do it programatically, after you open the dataset:
TDateTimeField (FieldByName ('Time')).DisplayFormat:='HH:mm';
