Create new invoice in XERO after deal was won on MONDAY - zapier

Want to create a new invoice in XERO automatically after a deal was won on
The problem is that can't find a specific event for this on Zapier.
Or maybe it's possible to do this in any other way?

adelak I'm assuming that deal won on is represented by a status column meaning your trigger should be 'update column value'.
On XERO your action is probably 'create sales invoice'

looks possible to me..
Although yeah I don't see all the endpoints mapped out as options..
Ideally to get that granular monday would need to build their own integration to Xero.


Zapier to, is there a way to retrieve or save the numerical monday pulse ID to reference later?

So I have an board that we get customer survey responses from.
I have a board where I track these responses and our follow ups for management.
I am using a zapier zap, that filters the responses, that works. BUT it currently puts all the data I want into a new pulse in the first column only. Someone has to move it all manually into each column (me) after it arrives.
I am trying to develop a new zap that creates the pulse then puts the data into the correct columns. I have a zapier structure like this.
When this happens … New Response in AskNicely
Do this … New Pulse on a Board in
Do this … Update column B in
Do this … Update column C in
... etc.
My issue is that in order to update a now existing pulse (3 onwards) I have to populate Pulse Id1 2 3 field which accepts only a number.
Here are my questions;
Can I get Zapier to "catch" the pulse ID upon creation so I can save and reference it later?
Or can I retrieve the numerical pulse ID by searching with the text field I first created the pulse with? pulses.getID().contains(someaskicelyTextField);
Or lastly, is there a better approach to this than the one Im using?
I have a java background and its frustrating using these visual widgets instead of working in the actual code to do the above. I am new to both products so if this has been asked before I apologize.
spencemw, you can get the pulseID when you configure the zap.
On the 'Update column value' step, on the item ID, reference the parameter from the previous step.
(Make sure to click the 'show all options')
#Roy Nevo answered. Here are the screen shots for finding the data I was looking for.

Jira JQL: how to find the busiest hours of a queue?

Jira Server v7.12.1#712002
We have noticed that at certain periods of the day there are more tickets assigned to "Operations" queue than usual, so we need to back this impression with real statistics.
We extracted all the tickets that at some point were assigned to "Operations" queue via the following query:
project = "Client Services" AND assignee WAS "Operations"
The results of the query above include the timestamp value in the "Updated" field, however this field reflects the last time the ticket was updated - not what we want. We want a timestamp which shows when the ticket arrived to "Operations" queue.
The tickets can arrive in two ways:
1) Ticket may come from other teams. In such cases, under History tab we can observe how 3 different fields change their values. For example, if ticket comes from certain Joe Smith, it would look like this:
Joe Smith made changes - 09/04/2020 12:08
Assignee Joe Smith Operations
2) Ticket may be created directly (by other teams). In such cases the first 2 entries under History tab always have this pattern:
Joe Smith created issue - 02/04/2020 19:27
Joe Smith made changes - 02/04/2020 19:27
Link Referred from ABC-12345
The pattern above is that created issue and made changes always have the identical timestamps.
Based on these examples, is there some way to extract the timestamps of all tickets' arrival to "Operations" queue? If not with JQL, maybe some other solution/tool exists?
There can be two ways you could achieve most of what you've asked for:
Use Recently Created Chart JIRA gadget.
With this, you could get a clear picture of number of tickets that you'd get in an hour of a day.
Or you could use the Created Vs Resolved built-in JIRA report
This helps in bringing out better information from the tickets, do some analysis etc.
You could find more details from this answer on Atlassian Community forum. Hope this answer helps!

Users/Friends with twitterizer that don't follow back

I am using twitterizer in an ASP.NET-project. I nned an example (code) how I can use twitterizer to show a list of followers (paged) for a special account that don't follow back.
The query is: Give me all users that I follow for e.g. 5 days but that didn't follow me back. The result should be displayed in a GridView with paging.
As I stated in the email, there is no way to filter friends or followers by date.
Your best bet to do this is to use TwitterFriendship.FriendsIds() and TwitterFriendship.FollowersIds(), then select the difference between the two. That will give you the list of followers that you don't follow. (Friends are users you follow.) In order to identify new friends/followers, you'll need to keep a list of the Ids, then consult that list at a later date to see the changes over time.
You could create a database (or list, etc) of users you followed and users who follow you. Update this as often you you need and add a time stamp for each new addition. Then you could query this database to create the list you want.

Find WorkItems that were assigned to X in the last 30 days

I'm trying to find all WorkItems that were assigned to a person X in the last 30 days.
The big problem I have is the "in the last 30 days"-part.
I thought about using the "ever" or "asof" keywords, but couldn't find a good answer yet.. something like WHERE [Assigned To] = 'X' AND (([Assigned To] != 'X') asof '<30daysago>').
But this is still not a bulletproof solution.
Any better ideas?
Thanks & kind regards
It appears that this is not possible using just WIQL, but you can get close.
The keyword #Today will give you today's date, then just subtract your range from it. The EVER keyword applied to [Status]='AssignedTo' and a comparison against a date 30 days in the past to [StateChangeDate] is what you'll need to accomplish this.
As close as you can get with WIQL and existing fields:
This says, from all revisions (status changes) return records where the user 'X' has ever been AssignedTo and the State has changed in the last 30 days. This will basically give you a slightly fuzzy picture of what your User has been working on in the last month.
WHERE [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate] >= #today - 30
AND [System.AssignedTo] EVER 'Bennett Aaron'
ORDER BY [System.State]
Add the missing field:
You could add a custom field called AssignedDate that is captured during the New->AssignedTo workflow transition that you create in the Work Item Definition XML. You can accomplish this using the Team Foundation Server Power Tools extension to Visual Studio. This would give you exactly what you need as well as additional reporting options going forward.
I cannot help you with this one, but I believe you could query using the TFS API.
A couple of quick gotchas I've experienced to save you time on ASOF and EVER:
AsOf won't help you by itself with this as it does not support a range of dates. It allows you to query as if it were another date. In other words, if you forgot to capture the results of a query yesterday, you can use an AsOf query to get the results that you would have gotten had it run yesterday. What I understand is that you want to query a basic date range.
EVER might not work as you expect against dates as I believe it uses the exact value of the field (timestamp portion of the date field would be included) it tests with. Just make sure the EVER keyword is used against the status field rather than a date.

In TFS how do I pull all the items that were assigned to me between certain dates in the past?

I am trying to figure out the way to pull all the items that were on my plate between certain dates. Is this possible? Could you please help me to figure out how to write a query for that? Thanks.
The best that I know how to do is to set 'Assigned To' Was Ever #Me, then manually scan the list of work items returned (setting other fields as necessary to filter the results). In the UI, at least, there isn't a way to query on historical data.
You can do this via query window as well, below is my query that i use to see what have i been working on in the past two sprints.
This will give you any tickets you worked on regardless of who they are currently assigned to (system test / uat or whatever).
You can add more clauses and have Changed Date > xxx AND ChangedDate < xxx to find what you are looking for in any given dates.
