Jira JQL: how to find the busiest hours of a queue? - jira

Jira Server v7.12.1#712002
We have noticed that at certain periods of the day there are more tickets assigned to "Operations" queue than usual, so we need to back this impression with real statistics.
We extracted all the tickets that at some point were assigned to "Operations" queue via the following query:
project = "Client Services" AND assignee WAS "Operations"
The results of the query above include the timestamp value in the "Updated" field, however this field reflects the last time the ticket was updated - not what we want. We want a timestamp which shows when the ticket arrived to "Operations" queue.
The tickets can arrive in two ways:
1) Ticket may come from other teams. In such cases, under History tab we can observe how 3 different fields change their values. For example, if ticket comes from certain Joe Smith, it would look like this:
Joe Smith made changes - 09/04/2020 12:08
Assignee Joe Smith Operations
2) Ticket may be created directly (by other teams). In such cases the first 2 entries under History tab always have this pattern:
Joe Smith created issue - 02/04/2020 19:27
Joe Smith made changes - 02/04/2020 19:27
Link Referred from ABC-12345
The pattern above is that created issue and made changes always have the identical timestamps.
Based on these examples, is there some way to extract the timestamps of all tickets' arrival to "Operations" queue? If not with JQL, maybe some other solution/tool exists?

There can be two ways you could achieve most of what you've asked for:
Use Recently Created Chart JIRA gadget.
With this, you could get a clear picture of number of tickets that you'd get in an hour of a day.
Or you could use the Created Vs Resolved built-in JIRA report
This helps in bringing out better information from the tickets, do some analysis etc.
You could find more details from this answer on Atlassian Community forum. Hope this answer helps!


querying tickets with * mark JIRA JQL

i need to extract churning tickets using JQL. Normally churning tickets have a * mark after the ticket number. Is there any way to identify that?
Example for Churning ticket ABC -128 *
The star after the issue means that this issues were added after the sprint started.
You can check this documentation:
Issues added after the sprint starts are indicated with an asterisk.
Not sure if the issue has an attribute like "Sprint date" which identifies the date that the issue added to sprint. For the next ones, you can create a custom field and fill that field with the current date on the issue sprint event. Thus, you can filter it on JQL.
Other than that, there is no way to understand the issue is added to the sprint before/after it starts.
Can you define "churning" and normally Jira doesn't have a * next to issues.
Perhaps there is some app that does this?
You can sort issues by their last modified date if that helps

Find WorkItems that were assigned and finished in the last 30 days

I would like to see a list of workitems assigned to a particular person. I would also like get information about when those workitems were completed. Is there any column like assigned_date and finished_date that i could use?
I saw [Status]='AssignedTo' but didnt find anything that says when it was assigned and when it was finished
This link provides some info that I am looking for but not everything.
You could use the operator “Was Ever” that searches for a value in a field in the history of Work Items. Such a query will return all Work Items you were/someone assigned to, even if now they are assigned to a different person.
However, there is not any assigned_date and finished_date you could use. Several date and identity fields are set based on workflow states or transitions. You could find all
Date and Iteration Path fields here.
You have to use Revisions - List Rest API to return the list of fully hydrated work item revisions and fetch the work item assigned and finished time. Finally check if they are in the last 30 days.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workItems/{id}/revisions?api-version=6.1-preview.3

Query how many times target date changed in TFS

We're using TFS for our daily team stand ups which are more task driven vs development iterations. We'd like to be able to track how many times a target date changed & in what areas that's happening the most to see if we can pinpoint bottlnecks. I'm having a heck of a time figuring out a query that will give me these results. I tried querying "History Contains Words changed target date" (based off the image you'll see in the link below) but got no results. When I just say "history contains words date", it only gives me results where someone said the word "date" in a discussion field.
Any ideas?
Screenshot of History Item
It's an expected behavior. Comments entered into the Discussion area are queryable. Change history entries, such as which fields were changed, aren't queryable.
Check the following link for more information:

Jira bugs summary per a user story

I'm looking for an idea how to improve visibility of user stories progress in Jira+GreenHopper.
How we work now: we put all our User Stories into Jira, break them down into sub-tasks for development, then our testers link bugs in Jira to appropriate user stories. On our project dashboard we have a filter like "show name, status, completion % where fixVersion = current_sprint order by priority desc".
Our problem: in order to understand if a user story marked as 100% done can really be demonstrated to our customer, we need to make sure if it has no critical bugs and has no more than N low-priority bugs. But now we need to manually go over each user story one by one to calculate such figures.
Question: Any ideas if it's possible to show bugs count of each priority in the list of user stories in current sprint? For simplicity, we would consider like:
High: not resolved bugs of Blocker + Critical priority;
Medium: not resolved bugs of Major + Medium priority;
Low: not resolved bugs of Minor + Trivial priority;
So, such list would look like
US name | US completion % | High-pri bugs # | Med-pri bugs # | Low-pri bugs #
Ideas of the easiest way? anything built on standard Jira gadgets/queries? or any custom plugin you might know to use for that? or even if anything should be developed? Thanks!
Create a new issue type, may be call it "Sub-Bug". This issue type should be available only when user tries to create subtask under a story.
When QA validates a story and finds the issues, ask them to create sub-task under the story and select "Sub-bug" as issue type.
Now you can easily follow that all subtasks (which includes actual subtask and su-bug) are completed before you move story to "Done" status.
You could use a (read only) custom field which stores the number of all linked issues. This custom field can be shown in your search results.
Maybe this is something for you: JIRA Misc Custom Fields
This custom field can be used easily in filters. The issue count can than be displayed in e.g. confluence pages. That confluence page you can show to your customers.

Jira JQL equivalent to Group By

I'm trying to pull a report, (a pie chart or just a list) on amount of assigned issues in the last month by assignee.
Also is there any way to do an average age report, but per user as well?
The Group By part comes from using the Issue Statistics gadget to summarize a report by a particular field such as Assignee. Most but not all fields appear in the list of fields to summarize by.
Not sure if this is what your looking for:
Go in to Issue and query for createdDate >= -30d, this will give all issues created in past 30 days.
next go to views>pie chart>Save to dashboard add filter name
Then you can edit the statistic type to display by assignee.
In addition to Matt's answer, you can also use a 2 dimensional filter statistics, which is more detailed.
