for the zeus release of yocto there is plug-in support for eclipse to develop applications. Can anyone help to how to set up eclipse for cross-compile the code?
Presently I have installed the standard sdk on my pc. I need to know how to set up eclipse to cross-compile using the sdk.
I'm installing Bazel so I can install mediapipe for Python on Windows 10. It says in the Bazel requirements:
The Windows SDK contains header files and libraries you need when
building Windows applications.
So I downloaded WinSDK and found out that the full installation requires 3.4GB. Is there a minimal set of features that I need to install from WinSDK for Bazel to work, so I can avoid installing the whole 3.4GB? This is the list of the WinSDK features:
Windows Performance Toolkit
Debugging Tools for Windows
Application Verifier For Windows
.NET Framework 4.8 Software Development Kit
Windows App Certification Kit
Windows IP Over USB
MSI Tools
Windows SDK Signing Tools for Desktop Apps
Windows SDK for UWP Managed Apps
Windows SDK for UWP C++ Apps
Windows SDK for UWP Apps Localization
Windows SDK for Desktop C++ x86 Apps
Windows SDK for Desktop C++ amd64 Apps
Windows SDK for Desktop C++ arm Apps
Windows SDK for Desktop C++ arm64 Apps
Windows SDK for Desktop C++ x86 Apps was enough (it auto selects its dependency packages as well).
I was wondering if it's possible to build an iOS app with the cordova framework on a cross-platform Windows Build Agent :
I'm using the Cordova build task:, but I can't seem to run this on Windows.
Which prerequistes do I need to install on my Windows agent, or is it mandatory to have an OSX installation?
Thanks in advance,
You have to use an OSX agent to build iOS app. A more detailed instruction for this task can be found here: Build Apache Cordova apps and you can refer to Building iOS on OSX section for details.
I have allready build an android application using Phonegap framework, I need to develop the application for ios also using windows OS.I know that for ios we need XCode that runs only on mac machine,but is there any way to do it on windows ( as I can't afford Mac machine) ?
I searched for various options,few of them are:
1.Install mac os using VM ware.
2.Use MacinCloud Service.
I don't know what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, please suggest what to do?
Use PhoneGap Build. Just upload the html/js/css/config with specified plugin as zip and build it online. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to use custom plugins, only specified on the PhoneGap Build site.
Is there any QNX SDK available for MAC? I had found one for Windows and for Linux.. But Can't find one for MAC... Would be so helpful if anyone help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
I was going to say "no, I've never seen a Mac package for QNX", but a simple Google search reveals that if you are trying to target BlackBerry, they have something.
See this link.
If you're not targeting BlackBerry, then you should probably give their QNX-hosted development VM a try. This should work pretty well on any modern host machine.
For those targeting the QNX Neutrino RTOS:
I just found a very nice gem inside the Momentics IDE for Blackberry installed on a Mac. Simply go to File->Preferences and in the side-bar select QNX->Profiles and check the box QNX Developer.
You now have access to the QNX project wizards and can target the Neutrino RTOS. I'm developing everything on my Mac with Momentics and a QNX Neutrino target running on a VMWare virtual machine (supplied by QNX). I can connect to the VM target with qconn and going through the first steps tutorial was a breeze.
My current setup:
Yosemite 10.10.5
Momentics IDE for Blackberry IDE 2.1.2
VMware Fusion 8
QNX-supplied VMware image of Neutrino RTOS 6.5.0 SP1 runtime
I'm trying to develop a few apps for blackberry and the IDE they have I'm really not interested in that. I used to use eclipse but after I used IntelliJ IDEA I really don't want to downgrade just for a BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse.
Does anyone know how I can successfully develop in IntelliJ w/o debugging issues?
You can definitely build BlackBerry apps with IntelliJ after some configuration, but for debugging I think you'll still need to use the standalone JDE or the Eclipse plugin.