How can I add a secret in GitHub Actions using my terminal? - docker

I know I can add secrets using the GUI. I also know it's possible to use the new GitHub Actions Secrets API
What I need is a simple way to add, update, delete and list secrets in my GitHub repository, using my terminal only. By using a CLI, it will ease my day-to-day work, and also allow me to rotate secrets in my GitHub Actions CI/CD processes.
Is there a CLI or anything like that?

I've created a simple CLI that can help you achieve that -
This CLI is based on the official GitHub Actions Secrets API
Install with pip
$ pip install githubsecrets
$ ghs --help
Or use with Docker; you must supply all arguments, prompts are not available in Docker mode
macOS and Linux
$ docker run -v $HOME:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
$ docker run --rm -v c:/Temp:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Another one, in ruby:
$ gem install secret_hub
also using the official Github API, and supports bulk operations.
Full disclosure: I wrote it, following this discussion about the missing feature in GitHub to have organization-level secrets.


Deploying cgal docker

I'm trying to deploy the official CGAL docker. From reading the README I understand that after downloading the specific image (e.g I want to open a docker with ubuntu16+CGAL and all of it's dependencies) using the following command:
docker pull cgal/testsuite-docker:ubuntu # get a specific image by replacing TAG with some tag
I need to install the cgal library itself using the
./ --user **** --passwd **** --images cgal-testsuite/ubuntu
The thing is that eventually I want to start the docker with an interactive shell, i.e
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/source somedocker
And I couldn't understand where is the generated image, after the CGAL installation script.
Those images are not for running CGAL. They are only images we use to define an environment for our testsuite, and run tests in it, including compiling CGAL. will download the integration branch, which is rarely working as it is the branch in which we merge our PR to test them nightly. Don't use this to get a working CGAL. To my knowledge, there is no such image as the one you are looking for. No official one anyways.
Furthermore, installing cgal at runtime in this image will not modify the image, once you close the container your installation will be lost. You need to specify how to install CGA in the Dockerfile of your image and
then build it if you want a "ready to use" image.
You can use the dockerfile of the image you found to write your own, as there should be all the dependencies specified in it, but you need to edit it to download CGAL and maybe build it if you don't want the header-only version. This is not done in or anywhere in this docker repository.

"bash: aws: command not found" on Windows 7 in Git Bash

I'm trying to use AWS CLI to access CodeCommit. And it's sort of working. I am able to use the aws command in the Windows command prompt. However, when I try to access it using the Git Bash shell, it says
"bash: aws: command not found."
Additionally, when I try to do do a git clone in the Windows command promt, trying to access CodeCommit, it tries to use aws using the credentials helper, which also results in "aws: command not found."
I followed the instructions in the AWS documentation, which suggests some directories to add to the PATH:
Here's what my PATH variable looks like:
Files\Amazon\AWSCLI;C:\Program Files
But I'm not sure if it's a PATH problem, since the Windows command prompt has no problem accessing the "aws" command.
Any ideas?
Fixed this by simply installing the AWS CLI again but this time using Git Bash instead of the Windows command prompt.
pip install awscli
If anyone could provide some insight as to why this was necessary, it would be appreciated.
In my case, I think a recent-to-me update to the AWS CLI changed what's run to being aws.cmd (full path C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI\bin\aws.cmd)
Git Bash needs the extension aws.cmd to make it work.
In Bash, you could try typing aws.cmd vs aws. If the former works, but not the latter, you can do alias aws='aws.cmd' in your bash startup script. I don't know if it's the best solution, but it worked for me.
FWIW, I think it's related to this:
On Windows 10 I was installing just once from GitBash via pip install awscli --upgrade --user as described in AWS manual for CLI installation for Linux
It installed aws executables into %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts
After that just add this folder to your PATH. Re-open GitBash or cmd - it should work from both places

Redmine plugin creation - Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin'

I run Redmine 3.4 with Rails (5.2.0) and Docker 18.03.1-ce on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial (which is new for me), following this GitHub repository:
I create my Rails app in the same folder where the docker-compose.yml has been created, and cd to it.
Then I have the exact same problem than described in this Redmine post ( when I try the command rails generate redmine_plugin Plug_test, this two error messages appear:
Running via Spring preloader in process 32109
Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin'
So I try the commands that Keith suggested, and running the generate command again, the Spring error message disappear, but the generate command still doesn't work (Could not find generator 'redmine_plugin').
Any idea what to do? I don't know if I'm going in the right direction.
Thanks a lot for your help.
well simple problem, you're running command from outside of your redmine app directory, you need to go into your redmine app directory, after that you can run rails generate redmine_plugin Plugin_test from there
As Ravi mentioned above, you need to go into your redmine app directory instead of your rails app directory.
Or, maybe you can exec plugin generate command via docker run command.
# e.g. In case plugin name is “myplugin"
docker run --name=redmine -it --rm \
--volume=/srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data \
sameersbn/redmine:3.4.4-2 \
app:rails generate redmine_plugin myplugin
If this works fine, plugin directory named “myplugin” will be generated under /srv/docker/redmine/redmine/plugins/ directory.
Personally, I think, you had batter not use docker to create and development Redmine’s plugin, especially if you are not familiar with Redmine and Docker so much.
I hope this would be any help.

`docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH

After the latest updates to gcloud and docker I'm unable to access images on my google container repository. Locally when I run: gcloud auth configure-docker as per the instructions after updating gcloud, I get the following message:
WARNING: `docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH.
gcloud's Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
gcloud credential helpers already registered correctly.
Running which docker-credential-gcloud returns docker-credential-gcloud not found.
I have no other gcloud-related path issues and for the life of me can't figure out how to install/add docker-credential-gcloud to path. Here's what I have installed (shown via gcloud version):
Google Cloud SDK 197.0.0
beta 2017.09.15
bq 2.0.31
core 2018.04.06
gsutil 4.30
I also have Docker CE Version 18.03.0-ce-mac60 (23751).
Here's my $PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I also ran source /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/ on original gcloud install.
Notice: All docker-credential-gcr below can be replaced with docker-credential-gcloud. I think it is just different versions of gcloud, I might be wrong.
I used Homebrew Cask to install gcloud too. I installed docker-credential-gcr with
$ gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
And then like you said, which docker-credential-gcr doesn't gave you anything.
So I ran which gcloud to find there is a symlink to gcloud in /usr/local/bin. This symlink is created by Homebrew when you installed gcloud at first place. Now docker-credential-gcr wasn't installed by Homebrew but by gcloud itself, so there isn't a symlink.
I called readlink /usr/local/bin/gcloud and found out gcloud is installed in /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin/.
$ ls /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin
There you should see docker-credential-gcr listed there.
I simply linked it to /usr/local/bin:
$ ln -s \
/usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr \
Then run:
$ docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
It should succeed.
Just had the same issue on Windows, running Docker with Linux containers, Docker engine v19.03.8. Using docker compose. I do not use gcloud for my dockerfiles...
DT1001 dockerpycreds.errors.InitializationError:
docker-credential-gcloud not installed or not available in PATH
Option 1: Edit the docker configuration file and remove all gcloud entries from there.
Windows c:/Users/<your account>/.docker/config.json
Linux & MacOS ~/.docker/config.json
Option 2: Go to Troubleshoot -> Reset to factory defaults.
After this my docker compose was creating containers and running the images without any issues.
On MacOS
Step 1:
Install gcloud and docker-credential-gcr,
following this tutorial
Step 2:
$ ln -s /usr/local/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud
Step 3:
$ rm -rf ~/.docker
Step 4:
$ docker-compose build --pull
Never found a way to directly resolve the docker-credential-gcloud issue, but the following got me up and running again. WARNING: the following will delete all your existing docker images and install a bunch of gcloud utilities:
gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr,
Restart the terminal completely
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker.
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
umount /var/lib/docker/overlay2
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
Restart the terminal completely.
The new version of google-cloud-sdk has only docker-credential-gcr but not docker-credential-gcloud anymore. On the other hand one of my python packages always requested docker-credential-gcloud.
The solution was to symlink docker-credential-gcloud to docker-credential-gcr:
ln -s /path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud
ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep docker should now print:
docker-credential-gcloud -> /path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr
Usually, this error indicates that your $PATH variable has been clobbered by a package or program you have recently installed so that the Google Cloud SDK can't be found.
$PATH is altered by many programs when they install by altering ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or their non-bash equivalents. With a bad $PATH, Google Cloud SDK is configured in docker but can't be seen as executables so we get this error. This assumes you have used the Google Cloud SDK in the past, but if gcloud is configured with your docker then you probably have. Don't reinstall gcloud or disable it, you already have it on your system and that is fine.
The solution then is to fix your $PATH, not to install anything.
echo $PATH
This should be a pretty long : delimited list of directories that your files are in. Do you see a google-cloud-sdk/bin in the string? Is the string way too short given all the trouble you've gotten into in your life on this computer? You use NVM but it is missing? Use Homebrew but it is missing? Try brew from the command line, does it work?
If the answer is "no" to any of the above, inspect the files above to see if there are any new entries at the bottom of each that might have broken things. Did you just install anything new?
Something is clobbering your $PATH and you need to figure out what that is. For me it is usually something to do with Anaconda Python via the conda init command. For you it might be nvm or something else. Figure out what it is and fix the problem. Don't start over with a new $PATH and install the same stuff over again or disable gcloud authentication.
It really seems to be something with the Homebrew Cask. I uninstalled the cask and then reinstalled the Google Cloud SDK by manually downloading the tar ball and running the packaged install script as described there.
Now docker-credential-gcloud is in my path:
$ which docker-credential-gcloud
I can't figure out what Google is trying to achieve here. On Linux there is docker-credential-gcloud and on Windows there is docker-credential-gcr.exe, and then there is docker-credential-gcloud.cmd which calls gcloud auth docker-helper. This is kind of a nightmare if you're trying to write portable build scripts or gradle rules because not everything seems capable of finding and calling docker-credential-gcloud.cmd when you exec docker-credential-gcloud... it might work from the dos prompt, but in general doesn't work.
After a ton of fooling around with .bat scripts, cygwin scripts, .cmd scripts and so forth, I found the best solution was to go into the gcloud installation and just copy docker-credential-gcr.exe docker-credential-gcloud.exe ... not a very satisfying solution, but is the only thing I found that would do the trick.
I got the issue when I tried to SSH from Google Cloud Build into an Engine VM Instance, so I had
- name: ''
args: ['compute', 'ssh',
'--project', '$PROJECT_ID',
'--zone', 'asia-southeast1-b',
'--command' ,'sh'
echo "Started: $(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
docker pull
echo "Finished: $(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
The issue was How to set PATH when running a ssh command?
So I just faced the same problem where I am trying to pull an image from GCR to an GCP instance and want to share my solution.
I ran gcloud auth configure-docker and got the warning:
WARNING: `docker-credential-gcloud\` not in system PATH.
gcloud's Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
I applied the accepted answer for this thread and ran gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr and got a long error:
ERROR: (gcloud.components.install) You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is managed by an external package manager.
Please consider using a separate installation of the Cloud SDK created through the default mechanism described at:
When no solution was working, I uninstalled the Google provided google-cloud-sdk package that was installed via snap and instlled with distro specifice package manager, for me that is apt-get as instructed in the Installing Google Cloud SDK: Installation options page and re-ran the gcloud auth configure-docker and this time it solved my problem.
In my case the problem was due to how WSL 1 works with Docker on Windows. At first I only installed and initialized gcloud in WSL Ubuntu, not in Windows. However as Docker daemon is actually run by Windows, you need to install gcloud for Windows as well (and don't forget to run all of the inits and authorizations there).
On Windows 10/11, you need to ensure that C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\ is added to your system $PATH environment variable. It may not have been added if the Google Cloud SDK was not able to add it during GCloud installation. So add it manually like this:
Windows Task Bar ➔ Press the search icon 🔍 or the search bar
Type "environment" ➔ and click on "Edit the System Environment Variables" (ensure that you have Administrator access)
At the bottom of the dialog, click the Environment Variables... button
System Variables ➔ click Path ➔ Edit... ➔ New ➔ paste in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\ (replace "USERNAME" with your username)
Close and restart any open Command Prompt windows.
Then verify on the Git Bash for Windows console:
Optional: Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default, so you may want to unhide AppData first, to see its contents.
Restart the Git Bash Terminal window
echo $PATH ➔ This should print a long string that contains: :/c/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin
where docker-credential-gcloud ➔ This should print C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\docker-credential-gcloud.cmd

How to run travis-ci locally

I'd rather not have to push every little change to .travis.yml and every little change I make to the source in order to run the build. With jenkins you can download jenkins and run locally. Does travis offer something like this?
Note: I've seen the travis-ci cli and downloaded it, but all it seems
to do is call their API, which then connects to my GitHub repo, so if
I don't push, it won't matter that I restart the last build.
This process allows you to completely reproduce any Travis build job on your computer. Also, you can interrupt the process at any time and debug. Below is an example where I perfectly reproduce the results of job #191.1 on php-school/cli-menu
You have public repo on GitHub
You ran at least one build on Travis
You have Docker set up on your computer
Set up the build environment
Make up your own temporary build ID
View the build log, open the show more button for WORKER INFORMATION and find the INSTANCE line, paste it in here and run (replace the tag after the colon with the newest available one):
Run the headless server
docker run --name $BUILDID -dit $INSTANCE /sbin/init
Run the attached client
docker exec -it $BUILDID bash -l
Run the job
Now you are now inside your Travis environment. Run su - travis to begin.
This step is well defined but it is more tedious and manual. You will find every command that Travis runs in the environment. To do this, look for for everything in the right column which has a tag like 0.03s.
On the left side you will see the actual commands. Run those commands, in order.
Now is a good time to run the history command. You can restart the process and replay those commands to run the same test against an updated code base.
If your repo is private: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "YOUR EMAIL REGISTERED IN GITHUB" then cat ~/.ssh/ and click here to add a key
FYI: you can git pull from inside docker to load commits from your dev box before you push them to GitHub
If you want to change the commands Travis runs then it is YOUR responsibility to figure out how that translates back into a working .travis.yml.
I don't know how to clean up the Docker environment, it looks complicated, maybe this leaks memory
Travis-ci offers a new container-based infrastructure that uses docker. This can be very useful if you're trying to troubleshoot a travis-ci build by reproducing it locally. This is taken from Travis CI's documentation.
Troubleshooting Locally in a Docker Image
If you're having trouble tracking down the exact problem in a build it often helps to run the build locally. To do this you need to be using our container based infrastructure (ie, have sudo: false in your .travis.yml), and to know which Docker image you are using on Travis CI.
Running a Container Based Docker Image Locally
Download and install the Docker Engine.
Select an image from Docker Hub. If you're not using a language-specific image pick ci-ruby. Open a terminal and start an interactive Docker session using the image URL:
docker run -it travisci/ubuntu-ruby:18.04 /bin/bash
Switch to the travis user:
su - travis
Clone your git repository into the / folder of the image.
Manually install any dependencies.
Manually run your Travis CI build command.
UPDATE: I now have a complete turnkey, all-in-one answer, see Only took 3 years to figure out!
According to the Travis documentation: there is a concoction of projects that collude to deliver the Travis CI web service we know and love. The following subset of projects appears to allow local make test functionality using the .travis.yml in your project:
travis-build creates the build
script for each job. It takes the configuration from the .travis.yml file and
creates a bash script that is then run in the build environment by
travis-cookbooks holds the
Chef cookbooks that are used to provision the build environments.
travis-worker is responsible for
running the build scripts in a clean environment. It streams the log output to
travis-logs and pushes state updates (build starting/finishing)
to travis-hub.
(The other subprojects are responsible for communicating with GitHub, their web interface, email, and their API.)
Similar to Scott McLeod's but this also generates a bash script to run the steps from the .travis.yml.
Troubleshooting Locally in Docker with a generated Bash script
# choose the image according to the language chosen in .travis.yml
$ docker run -it -u travis /bin/bash
# now that you are in the docker image, switch to the travis user
sudo - travis
# Install a recent ruby (default is 1.9.3)
rvm install 2.3.0
rvm use 2.3.0
# Install travis-build to generate a .sh out of .travis.yml
cd builds
git clone
cd travis-build
gem install travis
# to create ~/.travis
travis version
ln -s `pwd` ~/.travis/travis-build
bundle install
# Create project dir, assuming your project is `AUTHOR/PROJECT` on GitHub
cd ~/builds
mkdir AUTHOR
git clone
# change to the branch or commit you want to investigate
travis compile >
# You most likely will need to edit as it ignores matrix and env
Use wwtd (what would travis do) ruby gem to run tests on your local machine roughly as they would run on travis.
It will recreate the build matrix and run each configuration, great to sanity check setup before pushing.
gem i wwtd
tl;dr Use image specified at in combination with
EDIT 2019-12-06
#troubleshooting-locally-in-a-docker-image section was replaced by #running-builds-in-debug-mode which also describes how to SSH to the job running in the debug mode.
EDIT 2019-07-26
#troubleshooting-locally-in-a-docker-image section is no longer part of the docs; here's why
Though, it's still in git history:
Look for (quite old, couldn't find newer) image versions at:
I wanted to inspect why one of the tests in my build failed with an error I din't get locally.
What actually worked was using the image specified at Troubleshooting Locally in a Docker Image docs page. In my case it was travisci/ci-garnet:packer-1512502276-986baf0.
I was able to add travise compile following steps described at
dm#z580:~$ docker run --name travis-debug -dit travisci/ci-garnet:packer-1512502276-986baf0 /sbin/init
dm#z580:~$ docker images
travisci/ci-garnet packer-1512502276-986baf0 6cbda6a950d3 11 months ago 10.2GB
dm#z580:~$ docker exec -it travis-debug bash -l
root#912e43dbfea4:/# su - travis
travis#912e43dbfea4:~$ cd builds/
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds$ git clone
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds$ cd travis-build
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ mkdir -p ~/.travis
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ ln -s $PWD ~/.travis/travis-build
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ gem install bundler
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ bundle install --gemfile ~/.travis/travis-build/Gemfile
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ bundler binstubs travis
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/travis-build$ cd ..
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=master DusanMadar/PySyncDroid
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds$ cd DusanMadar/PySyncDroid/
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/DusanMadar/PySyncDroid$ ~/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile >
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/DusanMadar/PySyncDroid$ sed -i 's,--branch\\=\\\x27\\\x27,--branch\\=master,g'
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/DusanMadar/PySyncDroid$ bash
Everything from .travis.yml was executed as expected (dependencies installed, tests ran, ...).
Note that before running bash I had to change --branch\=\'\'\ to --branch\=master\ (see the second to last sed -i ... command) in
If that doesn't work the command bellow will help to identify the target line number and you can edit the line manually.
travis#912e43dbfea4:~/builds/DusanMadar/PySyncDroid$ cat | grep -in branch
840: travis_cmd git\ clone\ --depth\=50\ --branch\=\'\'\\ DusanMadar/PySyncDroid --echo --retry --timing
889:export TRAVIS_BRANCH=''
Didn't work.
Followed the accepted answer for this question but didn't
find the image (travis-ci-garnet-trusty-1512502259-986baf0) mentioned by instance at
Build worker version points to travis-ci/worker commit and its travis-worker-install references as image registry. So I tried it.
dm#z580:~$ docker run -it -u travis /bin/bash
travis#370c23a773c9:/$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise
dm#z580:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest 753a216d776c 3 years ago 5.36GB
Definitely not Trusty (Ubuntu 14.04) and not small either.
You could try Trevor, which uses Docker to run your Travis build.
From its description:
I often need to run tests for multiple versions of Node.js. But I don't want to switch versions manually using n/nvm or push the code to Travis CI just to run the tests.
That's why I created Trevor. It reads .travis.yml and runs tests in all versions you requested, just like Travis CI. Now, you can test before push and keep your git history clean.
I'm not sure what was your original reason for running Travis locally, if you just wanted to play with it, then stop reading here as it's irrelevant for you.
If you already have experience with hosted Travis and you want to get the same experience in your own datacenter, read on.
Since Dec 2014 Travis CI offers an Enterprise on-premises version.
The pricing is part of the article as well:
The licensing is done per seats, where every license includes 20 users. Pricing starts at $6,000 per license, which includes 20 users and 5 concurrent builds. There's a premium option with unlimited builds for $8,500.
I wasn't able to use the answers here as-is. For starters, as noted, the Travis help document on running jobs locally has been taken down. All of the blog entries and articles I found are based on that. The new "debug" mode doesn't appeal to me because I want to avoid the queue times and the Travis infrastructure until I've got some confidence I have gotten somewhere with my changes.
In my case I'm updating a Puppet module and I'm not an expert in Puppet, nor particularly experienced in Ruby, Travis, or their ecosystems. But I managed to build a workable test image out of tips and ideas in this article and elsewhere, and by examining the Travis CI build logs pretty closely.
I was unable to find recent images matching the names in the CI logs (for example, I could find travisci/ci-sardonyx, but could not find anything with "xenial" or with the same build name). From the logs it appears images are now transferred via AMQP instead of a mechanism more familiar to me.
I was able to find an image travsci/ubuntu-ruby:16.04 which matches the OS I'm targeting for my particular case. It does not have all the components used in the Travis CI, so I built a new one based on this, with some components added to the image and others added in the container at runtime depending on the need.
So I can't offer a clear procedure, sorry. But what I did, essentially boiled down:
Find a recent Travis CI image in Docker Hub matching your target OS as closely as possible.
Clone the repository to a build directory, and launch the container with the build directory mounted as a volume, with the working directory set to the target volume
Now the hard work: go through the Travis build log and set up the environment. In my case, this meant setting up RVM, and then using bundle to install the project's dependencies. RVM appeared to be already present in the Travis environment but I had to install it; everything else came from reproducing the commands in the build log.
Run the tests.
If the results don't match what you saw in the Travis CI logs, go back to (3) and see where to go.
Optionally, create a reusable image.
Dev and test locally and then push and hopefully your Travis results will be as expected.
I know this is not concrete and may be obvious, and your mileage will definitely vary, but hopefully this is of some use to somebody. The Dockerfile and a README for my image are on GitHub for reference.
It is possible to SSH to Travis CI environment via a bounce host. The feature isn't built in Travis CI, but it can be achieved by the following steps.
On the bounce host, create travis user and ensure that you can SSH to it.
Put these lines in the script: section of your .travis.yml (e.g. at the end).
- echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
- sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sudo service ssh restart
- sudo apt-get install sshpass
- sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travis#$bouncehostip
Where $bouncehostip is the IP/host of your bounce host, and $sshpassword is your defined SSH password. These variables can be added as encrypted variables.
Push the changes. You should be able to make an SSH connection to your bounce host.
Source: Shell into Travis CI Build Environment.
Here is the full example:
# use the new container infrastructure
sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: python
python: "2.7"
- echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
- sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sudo service ssh restart
- sudo apt-get install sshpass
- sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travisci#$bouncehostip
See: c-mart/travis-shell at GitHub.
See also: How to reproduce a travis-ci build environment for debugging
