I've got an entity which contains some primitive values (strings and dates) and a navigation property (user). I built a formular to edit said entity and select a user from a dropdown list. I'm struggeling with setting the selected user to the root entity. As mentioned in API the method sap.ui.model.odata.v4.Context#methods/setProperty can only update primitive values. I could build a workaround using actions for setting the relationship to the selected user in a custom request, but it don't feels like best practice.
Can anybody help me with this? How can I set/update a navigation propterty of an existing entity?
Thanks in advance
We're creating some custom fields by adding new definition fields to category and product definition items in uCommerce.
When we retrieve an instance of the ctegory or prouduct from the uCommerce.Entitiesv2 we're having trouble getting the culture specific value for these fields when multilingual is selected?
There is a collection on the Product object called ProductDefinitionField but not sure whether .Value returns the culture specific version of whether we need to call another method (extention method maybe)
Has anyone got a code snipper for this?
When accessing or retrieving Multilingual properties on a uCommerce you can use the GetProperty method on a product.
It has two overloads, one taking name (string) and another one taking name (string) and culturecode (string).
If you want to retrieve the full collection of multilinqual properties you can use GetProperties which also have two overloads. One without parameters and the other with a string culturecode.
Depending on the version of uCommerce you're using some of them might be missing/not a part of the API.
Best regards Martin
I am struggling with something I think should be basic but cannot figure out. I have two entities in core data with a one to one and one to many relationship. They are Company which can have multiple Opportunities.I want to load a table view listing the opportunities (sorted by name) with their associated companies. Can this be done by simply accessing the Opportunity entity? If so, how do I access company? The Opportunity class references it as a "Company" type and so I tried to go using dot notation through to company.companyName but it failed on that, and if I change it to simply company (of type Company) it does show .Company: and other reference data but not the simple name field I am looking for. This seems as if it should be simple but...........
This was simple and I was overlooking the ability to load the fetchedresultscontroller with the right type (in my case the Opportunity class) and then use dot notation from there. I was trying to do it with key value access which did not work. Cheers
I'm working a feature in the application where model will be dynamic in the sense that any settings data could be displayed and the view will get the model based on what tab they clicked on. I use Hidden field to store what the settings name was because they are same as model name. for ex., if tab1-> Settings1 then Model is Settings1[already exists in the Model].So I used # model dynamic in View and used #Html.EditotForModel() to draw the required UI based off the model. My problem is when I do HttpPost on Edit currently I'm using FormCollection to read the data on that page when I declare the model name in the param it will get it for me but I don't know which model is coming back other than by the Hidden variable and I need it because the Model validation is broken because of this issue. Any help or feedback is appreciated? I can give more details if required? Has anybody crossed this issue before??
Dynamics can be a good thing and a bad thing. Using them on models that have a common interface in a controlled manor is best.
There are different options that you can look at:
Have you tried making the action method accept a dynamic type? That might be the easiest way.
You might have to set up a casting helper to cast the object to the correct type based on the hidden field.
I have a similar idea in some code, but I created a viewmetamodel class that contained all my types as nullable properties. My action method accepts this viewmetamodel type and validates the properties that are not null.
In line with this, if your data is not too large, then you could load all the settings tabs and use Jquery apply the tab with on click.
You could also create #sections or use EditorFor(c=>c.settings) for each tab. That way each tab will load a type safe object. You would need to create controllers for each.
I would say pick the easiest method for you. I hope that this at least gives you some ideas.
I have a Client entity and PostCode entity in Linq to SQL model. The Clients table in database contains client_postcode column which is a FK column to postalcode column in PostCode table, which is a varchar column primary key for PostCode table.
When updating Client, in my code I do this
// postcode
updating.PostCode = (from p in ctx.PostCodes
where p.postalcode.Equals(client.PostCode.postalcode)
select p).First();
where client object is provided from ASP.NET MVC View form. This code seems to set the PostCode related entity fine. But when calling SubmitChanges() I receive the following exception:
Value of member 'postalcode' of an object of type 'PostCode' changed. A member defining the identity of the object cannot be changed. Consider adding a new object with new identity and deleting the existing one instead.
So I am currently unable to change the related entity. How is that done in Linq to Sql?
After further review and troubleshooting I found out that the problem is in ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel() call. If I call UpdateModel() to update the existing entity with the edited data, something is wrong with the FK assignement for PostCode. If I don't call UpdateModel and do it by hand, it works.
Any ideas what goes wrong in UpdateModel() that it can't set the relationship to foreign key entities correctly?
I am updating this question and starting a bounty. The question is simplified. How to successfully use L2S and UpdateModel() to work when updating items (with related entities as FK) in ASP.NET MVC Edit views?
It seems to me that you are receiving PostCode.postalcode in the http post request.
Based on how model binding works, the UpdateModel call updates .PostCode.postalcode of the model you are passing to it.
Use this overload to include or exclude specific properties.
Wouldn't updating.client_postcode = client.client_postcode; accomplish what you want?
Client.PostCode should be looked up on seek based on client_postocde.
You can not do what you are trying, you cannot change the Postcode like that.
James' idea is in the right direction.
Updatemodel() takes the matching values from the Formcollection
How do these values come in the Formcollection? What are their keys?
basically there are 2 ways in editing an object.
option 1:
all the value names you want to update have corresponding keys in the Formcollection, which leaves you just to call UpdateModel() of the original object. do SubmitChanges()
option 2:
Get the original object, change it's values manually (because the keys dont correspond) and do SubmitChanges()
you are tying to change a link, you cant do that. you can only edit the updating.client_postcode which in this case is a string?
Can you please copy the whole action here? So I can write some code for you without gambling.
I want to use an example to explain what I want.
Assume I've following DB design:
Item (id, name, categoryID);
Category (id, name);
When user wants to create an Item (fill in form), I'll give a list of categories in a dropdownlist, and when user chooses one of the categories ASP.NET MVC will automatically bind categoryID, to the selected one. I need to present same dropdown list when editing the item with correct selected one.
But my DB is very big, and it requires around 30-40 (maybe even more) category-like tables, that contain just "id" and "name", and all tables need to be shown in dropdown list while creating some other object, and also needs to be presented while editing the object. Definitely above schema doesn't work, because it's tedious to write same logic 100 times with just different table names. (I'm using Linq2SQL)
Currently my solution is:
Make a view that's based in all such tables and in application I just call a function that construction dropdownlist from that single view. But it's still tedious to change view definition everytime I add a new table.
Do you guys think of a better solution for this tedious work, possibly using reflection or some other tecnologies.
It is not a problem "Definitely above schema doesn't work, because it's tedious to write same logic 100 times with just different table names."
If I were you, I will mark an addition interface on these class using "partial class" feature.
Then, I will write few extension method for the partial class.
If anyone interested in the solution:
I've used reflection to solve this problem.
I use reflection over DataContext to get the Table (by string name), and get its fields and construct the optionlist.