facebook instant article - showing page in ineligible - facebook-instant-articles

I am having Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gossipserial/
2 months old and still it's showing ineligible.
I have even check some pages where FB instant article active and not 90 days old.
bold I have tried to find out solution but not get any luck people are saying 90 days old required.. but why some pages facebook instant article showing before 90 days
Thanks in advance

Finally, I found that Facebook instant articles applied to 90 days old facebook page. Just a trick which I applied is like I pick old facebook page which I am not using and I rename that.


Place picker disabled but implementation guide still published

I was about to follow instructions on this page https://developers.google.com/places/ios-sdk/placepicker related to place picker then I saw the deprecate notice.
Are instructions in that page is up to date ? Does that use the new SDK ?
I mean, all instructions seem to target existing users of the APIs. But what about new users who want to implement such feature ?
I was assuming that if the code is not valid (since 2 days), it wouldn't be published anymore.
its strange, because i have implemented it in android application on store 7 months ago.and places picker still working normally.

Do iOS App Short Links Take a While to Activate?

I know that once your app is ready for sale, it can take a while to propagate to all of Apple's servers. Is the same thing true of short links of the form http://appstore.com/myapp?
I can find my application on the store through search, and it can be downloaded. Direct links using the Application ID lead to the app perfectly. However, using the short link created following the directions here gives me an "Item not Found" error.
My app has been up for about 7 hours. This is rather important, because I use the short link from within the app to invite new users.
Thanks in advance!
It seems that it does indeed take a few hours for Apple to link the short URL to the full one. In my case, it took 12 hours.

How do I delete Youtube Channel Art from Page (not Profile)?

Hello I am trying to delete old channel art. The one suggestion I found was to go to https://picasaweb.google.com/home. That doesn't work for me. That shows my profile and blog photos, not my 'page' photos.
I did figure out how to get to my source image folder for my page, but it only shows scrapbook photos and profile image photos:
What I want to get to is the other photos, as shown as available if I click:
Manage This Page / Edit / Posts / Photo / Your Google Photos
The weird thing is that I was once able to get them through https://picasaweb.google.com/pageID
I tried https://picasaweb.google.com/PageID/YoutubeChannelArt, but that didn't work.
I want to delete those Youtube Channel Art photos. They are eating away at my storage space!
Well, I don't know if you still need a solution for this or if you figured it out yourself since then, but I stumbled upon your question while searching on Google for a solution to the same problem. Needless to say, I was annoyed when I saw that the question was unanswered.
I've found the solution while searching online for a bit longer, though.
You will have to give your Google+ page its own login and password. This is the page I've found that explained how to do it.
Then you can log onto Picasa Web as usual, except instead of logging in with your regular gmail account, you will login with the new login and password that was given to your Google+ page. You should now be able to access every photo and photo album on your Google+ page.
This was a huge pain for me because it had several random duplicate photo albums that I wished to get rid of and I had to jump through 50 hoops to finally get to delete these albums and the duplicate pictures, but it works. Why they removed the option to manage your photo albums directly from Google+, I have no idea.

Facebook API limiting me to 50 results

I am developing an iOS app for a friend of mine who runs a photography Facebook page with hundreds of members who upload a photo every week according to the weekly theme. I call out to the facebook API to grab all the albums from the facebook page when my app launches, and for months it was working fine and giving me back all four hundred albums or so, along with the album name and the first picture of every album. Then a few weeks ago it stopped working and now limits me to 50 albums. I have been using this graph path this entire time, i've never changed it...
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:#"/180889155269546?fields=albums.limit(10000).fields(name,photos.limit(1).fields(picture))
I've googled and dug through the facebook API docs and can't find anything as to why i'm randomly being limited now to 50 results, when i used to get back all the results i needed for months. Does anyone know what facebook changed with their API? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
You need to implement paging to get all results: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#paging
They´ve changed it a long time ago, so i guess it would be a bug if it still works with setting a very high limit like yours. Meaning, it´s intentional to only get 50 entries.

FB Button posting Wrong Title to wall but Linter/debugger correct meta

I have a problem with the facebook like button...
I have a sale running that started today.
I had a presale page up with like button and message about the sale starting today as the post, this was the same page url as the actual sale page url. (i.e. winter-sale.html used for both pre-sale and sale page).
Now that he sale is live, I've cleared my own site cache, checked the linter/debugger and the correct meta is coming through, BUT whenever I post through either the same account I "liked" the page when it was a presale (posted sale starts on thursday previously) or through a new account it still displays the post as the pre-sale message (about it starting thursday instead of Sale Starts today).
I even changed the post meta data yesterday and cleared the cache then to try and avoid this happening today, but I still cant get facebook to pickup the new post meta for the button - even with the linter/debugger picking it up correctly.
Thanks in advance.
Facebook will cache the information for a while. You should try again. Also try it from a different facebook user account.
