Modify WatchKit Table View to prevent pushing interface out of view - ios

I am developing a stopwatch app for Apple Watch similar to the one that is preinstalled on the Apple Watch by default. I want to have a lap table similar to the preinstalled one that can scroll but doesn't push the control buttons outside of the user's view. Right now after I lap enough times, the stopwatch controls no longer be become accessible to the user without scrolling down. Is there any way to make the WatchKit Table view scroll in place by turning the digital crown and display say 3 entries at once without pushing the rest of the UI below the screen?

Currently in watchKit the tableViews scroll all the way out of the screen if they don't fit in. What you can do is
1) have the fourth tableView cell as a disclosure indicatory like this "V" while hiding the cell prior to the recent 3 and when this is clicked load the rest of the cells and have an extra cell to display "^" when all the cells are display . Clicking this will hide them back to the recent 3.
2) Navigate from the fourth cell to a new Interfacce controller displaying all lap data.


How to use CoreData with two view controllers one of them has collection view

First of all, I am new in coding, so please be patient with me.
My app has two view controller, the first has UICollectionView and the second has UITextField.
I am trying to tap on one of these collection view cells and then it takes me to the second view controller, where I can type in the textView then save it into CoreData. And then when I go back and press on the same cell i get my saved text. Then when i change this text on the ui text view.. it saved automatically.
Can any one give me an example or put me in the right track
The essence of how that might be done is to implement the collectionview delegate and then determine which cell they clicked on, so that the next screen loads/and updates the correct data. After they click you would call the "segue" with some code. The segues are setup in Xcode's visual editor by control click and dragging a line to the second view. (It's weird, there are some great youtube videos out there) The data would be stored in an array. After you update the data, you could dismiss the second view and the collectionview behind it would be visible again.
I would check out chapter 4.5 of the free iBook "App Development with Swift". Chapters 4.5-4.8 would really get your rocking the right path. If that book is too complex then also look into "Intro to App Development with Swift"
I even have some videos to take you through the process, dunno if I have one for 4.5 but if you continue with it, I have one for 4.6.

ios best practices for Arranging multiple actions for UiTableview

I have a table view with section header . Each Item and section header has Check box for multi selection. I have the following controls(actions that I need to use)
Push into vegetable list ( this is a UitableView, a new ViewController)
Push into hardware list
Push to save list
Now for all these I have icons, Actually I am making replica of Android app, and android app is showing these actions at very bottom of screen.
My case:
I am using Tab bar in iOS, so as I said above in android app I am showing these action at bottom, so How can I show these action? and what is the best practice for it. I know it can be managed in a way as iOS mail app is handling by giving more button when we swipe the item, but my problem is user can select multiple headers/sections and perform any action on it. this is the main problem of app right now.
Since you’re already using the iOS Mail app as a guide, you can take a look at how it handles actions on multiple items.
You press “Edit” to enable edit mode in the table view, and then the actions are listed on the bar at the bottom once you’ve selected the ones you want.
See attached screenshots.
If you can’t fit all your actions at the bottom, perhaps you could have the most common actions there, and a “more” button that opens an action sheet presenting the rest of them.

Is there any way to make a custom table view cell look like a button in Xcode 6+?

I'm trying to create a Table View Cell array and have the name displayed in each table. The tables will look like what you see on the home screen of the Evernote app (shortcut, tags, places, notebooks etc.) and each one will access the next screen when tapped. How do I go about doing this? Novice app developer.
This is an image of the result I'm trying to get.
That is a basic cell with transparent background and other views (and images, layers, etc.) added as subviews.
For the other things I suggest to study how UITableView works and how to push a UIViewController using a UINavigationController.
In general you should study iOS and Objective-C from zero.

How to slide tableCell to show hidden interaction in UIAutomation iOS 7

I am trying to figure out how to get a hidden button to appear on table cell. Similar to if you were looking at the SMS app on iPhone. The threads are in table cells and if you touch and drag across that cell, a button to delete that thread appears. The functionality in my application is similar.
Now I would like to automate the testing of being able to delete a thread with this method.
target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews()[0].tableViews()[0].visibleCells()[0].dragInsideWithOptions({startOffset:{x:0.9, y:0.5}, endOffset:{x:0.0, y:0.5}, duration: 1.5});
The above currently seems to start the intended interaction, but then the UI snaps back as if the action did not happen.
If you run this manually, does the cell stays on one side or does it always snaps back? The reason I ask is because I have a similar UI but I'm able to slide the cell all the way to one side and then tap on the buttons behind it. If you only drag the cell half way, then it will ignore the taps.

Editing a UITableView that contains dynamic data in each row?

I have a UITableView that is separated into sections with one row each. Each row contains a horizontally scrolled UICollectionView. I am wanting to add the functionality for editing this list when I tap a general edit button in the top of my Navigation Controller. The issue that I'm thinking of is that all of the content will still move around and be active (tapping on a cell in the CollectionView will open a different page). I am wanting the edit mode to either disable that functionality or slide all of the content over simultaneously and have an edit button next to them all. When this edit button is pressed it will take the user to an edit page specific to that rows content (so no delete functionality here). Another reason why I am having a difficult time is that all of the content in the table will be loaded via data so I don't want to reload any of it.
Bottom line is that I need to select a single row and it must be done via a button that slides in or altering the functionality of the content there to act as a button. I cannot reload the data in the rows, though because it is loaded via internet data.
