Is there any way to run perticular scenario in karate more than one time if specific condition met true? - bdd

I want to run my perticular scenario or feature file more than one time.
Let's say if user enter 5 then i want my url to be hit 5 times.
is it possible in karate? Any help would be appreciated

Yes, read the docs:
But also see example below using dynamic scenario outlines:
EDIT: using a Background will not work in Karate 1.3.0 onwards, please refer to this example:
* def fun = function(i){ return { name: 'User ' + (i + 1) } }
* def data = karate.repeat(5, fun)
Scenario Outline:
* url ''
* request __row
* method post
| data |
So run this, see how it works and study how it works as well.
Note that data driven features is an alternate approach where you can call a second feature file in a loop. So for example after using karate.repeat() 5 times like in the above Background, you use data as the argument to a second feature file that hits your url.


Time on page calculated only for specific segment in Adobe Analytics

I would like to see what is the time on page for user who is logged in. Eliminate from reports time, while user was not logged in.
To have ability to distinguish between time on page while user is not logged in and time on page while he is logged in.
Let's say we have:
Traffic variable User logged in as a prop1 where is true or false.
Traffic variable Time from previous event as a prop2 in seconds
eVar1 duplicating prop1 | expire after event5
eVar2 duplicating prop2 | expire after event5
event4 - User logged in
event5 - User logged out
Time between events
From an article about measuring time between events (
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event4,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "start"
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event5,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "stop"
s.prop2 = s.getTimeToComplete(s.prop2, "TTC", 0);
s.getTimeToComplete = new Function("v", "cn", "e", "var s=this,d=new Date,x=d,k;if(!s.ttcr){e=e?e:0;if(v=='start'||v=='stop')s.ttcr=1;x.setTime(x.getTime()+e* 86400000);if(v=='start'){s.c_w(cn,d.getTime(),e?x:0);return '';}if(v=='stop'){k=s.c_r(cn);if(!s.c_w(cn,'',d)||!k)return '';v=(d.getTime()-k)/1000;var td=86400,th=3600,tm=60,r=5,u,un;if(v>td){u=td;un='days';}else if(v>th){u=th;un='hours';}else if(v>tm){r=2;u=tm;un='minutes';}else{r=.2;u=1;un='seconds';}v=v*r/u;return (Math.round(v)/r)+' '+un;}}return '';");
Time spent overview
From adobe docs (
A “sequence” is a consecutive set of hits where a given variable
contains the same value (whether by being set, spread forward, or
persisted). For example, prop1 “A” has two sequences: hits 1 & 2 and
hit 6. Values on the last hit of the visit do not start a new sequence
because the last hit has no time spent. Average time spent on site
uses sequences in the denominator.
So I guess I will uses prop1 as a denominator for logged in user state to count time between event in prop2 properly.
I am not pretty sure, If this approach is enough to correctly measure time spent only while user is logged in. I would appreciate some hints, how to set up eVars correctly or if I understand sequence denominator correctly.
I also set up eVars with terminating event5, but I am not sure, If this leads to desired behavior.
If you also solve this problem before, please can you lead me, how you define your segment or condition in reports.
GetTimeBetweenEvents plugin should do a job. However, it seems like it was rewritten, I have found in documentation example calls also using Launch plugins extension:
From Adobe documentation
Install the plug-in using AppMeasurement Copy and paste the following
code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking
object is instantiated (using s_gi ). Preserving comments and version
numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with
troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getTimeBetweenEvents v2.1 (Requires formatTime and inList plug-ins) */
s.getTimeBetweenEvents=function(ste,rt,stp,res,cn,etd,fmt,bml,rte){var s=this;if("string"===typeof ste&&"undefined"!==typeof rt&&"string"===typeof stp&&"undefined"!==typeof res){cn=cn?cn:"s_tbe";etd=isNaN(etd)?1:Number(etd);var f=!1,g=!1,n=!1, p=ste.split(","),q=stp.split(",");rte=rte?rte.split(","):[];for(var h=s.c_r(cn),k,v=new Date,r=v.getTime(),c=new Date,a=0; a<rte.length;++a)s.inList(,rte[a])&&(n=!0);c.setTime(c.getTime()+864E5*etd);for(a=0;a<p.length&&!f&&(f=s.inList(,p[a]),!0!==f);++a);for(a=0;a<q.length&&!g&&(g=s.inList(,q[a]),!0!==g);++a);1===p.length&&1===q.length&&ste===stp&&f&&g?(h&&(k=(r-h)/1E3),s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0)):(!f||1!=rt&&h||s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0),g&&h&&(k=(v.getTime()-h)/1E3,!0===res&&(n=!0)));!0===n&&(c.setDate( c.getDate()-1),s.c_w(cn,"",c));return k?s.formatTime(k,fmt,bml):""}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: formatTime v1.1 (Requires inList plug-in) */
s.formatTime=function(ns,tf,bml){var s=this;if(!("undefined"===typeof ns||isNaN(ns)||0>Number(ns))){if("string"===typeof tf&&"d"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("h,m,s",tf))&&86400<=ns){tf=86400;var d="days";bml=isNaN(bml)?1:tf/(bml*tf)} else"string"===typeof tf&&"h"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("m,s",tf))&&3600<=ns?(tf=3600,d="hours", bml=isNaN(bml)?4: tf/(bml*tf)):"string"===typeof tf&&"m"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("s",tf))&&60<=ns?(tf=60,d="minutes",bml=isNaN(bml)?2: tf/(bml*tf)):(tf=1,d="seconds",bml=isNaN(bml)?.2:tf/bml);ns=Math.round(ns*bml/tf)/bml+" "+d;0===ns.indexOf("1 ")&&(ns=ns.substring(0,ns.length-1));return ns}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: inList v2.1 */
s.inList=function(lv,vtc,d,cc){if("string"!==typeof vtc)return!1;if("string"===typeof lv)lv=lv.split(d||",");else if("object"!== typeof lv)return!1;d=0;for(var e=lv.length;d<e;d++)if(1==cc&&vtc===lv[d]||vtc.toLowerCase()===lv[d].toLowerCase())return!0;return!1};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
Then your eVar may looks like:
s.eVar1 = s.getTimeBetweenEvents("event1", true, "event2", true, "", 0, "s", 2, "event3");

Gatling: Can ramping up of individual scenarios be done just like the users?

Consider an example of testing API's with Gatling. For some weird requirement i had to get a scenario for each user
var scenarioList // This is of type mutable list
I have plenty of scenarios added to this list as my request body should differ for each user or the request won't be processed.This individual scenarios have following gatling simulation configured at this moment
Ex: scenarioList += scenario1. inject(rampUsers(1) over (1 minutes)
scenarioList += scenario2. inject(rampUsers(1) over (1 minutes)
scenarioList += scenario3. inject(rampUsers(1) over (1 minutes)
so on
Now in the global setup as below while calling all these scenarios
setUp(scenarioList: _*).assertions(
Suppose i have 1000 users (scenarioList size is 1000), The problem here would be all of the 1000 users would start at the same time but i want to ramp up these users. So the question comes of ramping up the scenarios instead of running them parallely.
Is this possible ? If not is there any other approach to follow ?
I can't have the luxury of running the same scenario with multiple users as the body of the requests change. Please let me know.
I was able to solve this problem by using feeders within the scenario so i don't need to create multiple scenarios.
With feeders Gatling provides option to parameterize your request body of any http request.
Code Example:
var randomSession = Iterator.continually(Map("randsession" -> ( req.replace("0000000000", randomStringGenerator.randomString(10)))))
val httpConf = http
.userAgentHeader("Mozilla/4.0(compatible;IE;GACv10. 0. 0. 1)")
val scn = scenario("Activate")
.exec(http("activate request")

Best approach to create a background task

I'm currently developing a Ruby on Rails application that on certain moment has to import a (at least for me) medium-large dataset using a third-party API. It has to do an average of 6000 API calls. One after another. It lasts about 20 minutes.
Right now I have made a rails task that does everything as I want (calls, write to db, etc). But now I want this task/code to be ALSO called from a button on the web. I know it's not a good approach to let the controller call the task so that's why I'm asking.
I want this import code to be available to be called from a controller and a task, because later I want to be able to call this task from a cronjob, and even if it's possible to have callbacks on the progress of the task on the controller, i.e. know how many calls are left.
I know it's not a good approach to let the controller call the task
There's nothing wrong with having a button trigger a background task like this, but of course you need to do so with care. For example, perhaps:
If the task is already running, don't let a second instance overlap.
If the task runs for too long, automatically kill it.
Carefully restrict who can trigger this.
There are many libraries available for implementing a progress bar, or you could even write a custom implementation. For example, see this blog post - which works by polling the current progress:
// app/views/exports/export_users.js.haml
var interval;
$('.export .well').show();
interval = setInterval(function(){
url: '/progress-job/' + #{},
success: function(job){
var stage, progress;
// If there are errors
if (job.last_error != null) {
progress = job.progress_current / job.progress_max * 100;
// In job stage
if (progress.toString() !== 'NaN'){
$('.progress-status').text(job.progress_current + '/' + job.progress_max);
$('.progress-bar').css('width', progress + '%').text(progress + '%');
error: function(){
// Job is no loger in database which means it finished successfuly
$('.progress-bar').css('width', '100%').text('100%');
$('.progress-status').text('Successfully exported!');
An variant approach you could consider is to use a websocket to see progress, rather than polling.
Convert the specific tasks into background jobs, i.e. (active job, sideqik), so your system can continue working while it's doing the tasks. Create classes for each task and call those classes within your background jobs or cronjobs.
One design pattern that could fit here is the "command" pattern, I gave you a list of things you can Google :).
Just move most of the code from the task to a module or method in a model. You can call this code from the task (as your do it now) or from a background job that would start through a controller when you press a button on a view.

Process Maker default tables

I am new to process maker.while I am exploring the process maker I got an employee on boarding process.while understanding the process I understood the dynaforms but I faced problem with trigger forms. In trigger forms they mentioned tables to get data but i didn't find the tables in my work space. Please let me know if anyone know the answer.
##hrUser = ##USER_LOGGED;
//Get image
$sqlSdocument = "SELECT *
$resSdocument = executeQuery($sqlSdocument);
$dirDocument = $resSdocument[1]['APP_DOC_UID'];
$httpServer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
##linkImage =
Judging by the your code, you want to query the uploaded file but base on the commend, you want to get the image?
Well if employee onboarding is what you want, I am guessing that you uploaded the picture on the first dynaform and you want it to be shown. Well this is your luck because ProcessMaker Documentation already have that
If you want a code that let you see the image immediately after upload, you might want to signup for a enterprise trial and test their Employee Onboarding.

getAdGroupBidLandscape returning no campaigns found

I'm trying to use the Google AdWords bid simulator system to try and get some insights out of the AdWords bid simulator. More specifically I'm using the AdGroupBidLandscape() functionality, but it's returning 'No Campaigns Found', but we definitely have campaigns where the Bid Simulator tool works through the AdWords web page interface, so I'm a bit confused. Here is the code I'm running, and yes I know I'm only retrieving a single field - I'm just trying to keep things as simple as possible.
from googleads import adwords
import logging
import time
CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
dataService = adwords_client.GetService('DataService', version='v201710')
offset = 0
selector = {'fields':['Bid'], #'impressions', 'promotedImpressions', 'requiredBudget', 'bidModifier', 'totalLocalImpressions', 'totalLocalClicks', 'totalLocalCost', 'totalLocalPromotedImpressions'],
'paging': {
'startIndex': str(offset),
'numberResults': str(PAGE_SIZE)
more_pages = True
while more_pages:
page = dataService.getAdGroupBidLandscape(selector)
# Display results.
if 'entries' in page:
for campaign in page['entries']:
print ('Campaign with id "%s", name "%s", and status "%s" was '
'found.' % (campaign['id'], campaign['name'],
print 'No campaigns were found.'
offset += PAGE_SIZE
selector['paging']['startIndex'] = str(offset)
more_pages = offset < int(page['totalNumEntries'])
We have several different accounts attachd to AdWords. My account is the only one that has developer API access, so I sort of wonder if the problem is that my account isn't the primary account associated with the campaigns- I just have one of the few administrator accounts. Can anyone provide some insights about this for me?
The solution I found to this problem was to add a predicate to the selector specifying a particular CampaignId. While that doesn't make any sense to me that it would fix it, because it should really just be filtering the data with that if I understand things correctly, it seems to have. I don't have a good explanation for that, but I thought someone else might find this useful. If I come to realize this wasn't the fix to the problem I had, I will come back and update this answer.
