what is the best way to add 4 project with same dashboard and back-end in git? - asp.net-mvc

i have 4 website with different front-end and home-page. but these websites have same functionality and dashboards and same back-end. right now, when i change something in admin panel i should manually change it in all 4 websites. i want to add it to repository in git and when i add some feature in dashboard it update all 4 website. is it possible ? what is your suggestion?

To restructure the 4 website projects so that common parts are encapsulated into a separate (5th) project, which the current 4 would utilize - if that convenience of making just one change.is what you really want - although, you will realize that you still have to repackage all 4 sites (likely adding commits to their repos) each time that 5th, base repo changes.
What you have sounds.fine, actually. Maybe solve the repetitive editing problem by using a diff tool, such as BeyondCompare.


mvc publish solution - not available on all projects

i have this MVC based solution, which i am trying to deploy, but the publish option is not available on the DataAccessModel1 project and the ideaworktelekriktests project. I am assuming this is because those are not web projects?
My MVC application cannot run without those projects, is there any workaround to this issue?
(I cannot post images due to reputation points)
Basically the three looks like this:
DataAccessModel1(data model)
ideaworkteleriktests(test cases)
Let me know if you need more information guys. Thanks as always

How to safely remove Umbraco 7 admin UI

As a security measure, I am trying to remove the admin UI from an Umbraco 7 site without affecting the front end of the site. I have tried deleting both Umbraco and Umbraco_Client folders (I seem to remember this was how you removed a pre Umbraco 7 site) but the front end of the site errors due to various files that are now missing.
In an ideal scenario I would like to update the content from a staging server and import the database back into the live site, but also I would like to avoid solving this with folder permissions.
Can anyone offer me some advice on the best way to remove the admin UI safely?
Are you trying to have a separation of environment between content entry and delivery? Not sure if you've seen it but this discussion on the Umbraco forum has some suggestions (but no ideal solutions in my opinion) for that
You could always just do some URL restriction on the server but there's no ideal way as far as I can see

Is it possible to do something like if/else on DBContext to determine which Area in MVC to use?

N00b here. I've been looking around for a bit on how I might accomplish this but have not had much luck, and am hoping for some code examples.
I am using a plugin architecture that is working pretty well. It "discovers" other assemblies (web projects) and then compiles them into the current website's "Areas". Here is the code I am using (for reference) Click Here.
For some of these plugins I am faced with a choice: I have 3 services that would use a plugin, but are unique in some way as to not make the plugin totally reusable. I could just create 3 spearate plugins and pull them into the 3 different main web apps. But then I thought to create an Area within the plugin and got it to work (in that the extra Area is picked up and put into the main website (so Area > Area). I felt the latter approach would work so I created 3 areas within the plugin, with common code being in the main part of the plugin, and each 3 areas having code/views specific to the 3 services.
Now, where I am stumped is in figuring out how I might be able determine which of the 3 services' areas to use when a user is on one of 3 separate websites I have. I can create 3 separate Main apps and pull in the plugins no problem. Each of the 3 websites will have it's own Database, so I started to think that if there was some way to determine which DBContext is being used from the main site then I could determine which of the 3 areas to use within the plugin.
I thought maybe that the main controller of the plugin could have some if/else logic, or some other class file in the root of the plugin could handle that. This is where I need help. Any examples would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Going to try and show the folder structure:
-Controllers, Views, etc.
-Controllers, Views, etc.
-Controllers, Views, etc.
-Plugin1 <- hidden files in VS2010, created by plugin architecture
-Areas (from Plugin1)
-Views (from root of Plugin1)
-Controllers, Views, etc.

Umbraco - Dynamic Layout for the Site

We are using Umbraco 4.5 in our Application. We need to deploy same application on multiple different servers. The core features of the system will remains the same but, we need different Look & Feel for all the site.
Eg. Layout (2 Column, 3 Column), Skin & Theme will be different for each site
so, we need same source code on multiple sites but UI will be different so, in Umbraco - we need to add all different UI (Skin, Theme, Images, CSS etc) and based on configuration specific
How can we get this done?
Thanks in Advance
Look at the skinning technology in umbraco
see also:

Re-using model in multiple applications

Due to hosting constraints I am porting an ASP.NET MVC to Ruby On Rails. In my ASP.NET application I had 2 web applications. One for the Admin section, and one for the public section.
Both referenced a class library that held all my Business Logic and Data.
Now I want to accomplish the same thing in Ruby On Rails. How do I use my model in two applications?
First shot: put the business logic and associated models in a plugin.
Second shot: use SVN externals or Git submodules to replicate the exact code in your app, for example under APP_ROOT/lib/ and then require it in your environment.
And last... why not putting the admin and public section in the same app?
I would create a plugin. Call it IceheatSharedLogic or something. Add the model and supporting code to the plugin and commit it to its own source control location. Add that plugin via svn:externals or equivalent to both apps.
But given your use case, is it really necessary to have 2 apps? It seems that would make things complicated if you ever needed any interaction between them (such as putting an edit link on a page, if you are logged in as an admin).
