mvc publish solution - not available on all projects -

i have this MVC based solution, which i am trying to deploy, but the publish option is not available on the DataAccessModel1 project and the ideaworktelekriktests project. I am assuming this is because those are not web projects?
My MVC application cannot run without those projects, is there any workaround to this issue?
(I cannot post images due to reputation points)
Basically the three looks like this:
DataAccessModel1(data model)
ideaworkteleriktests(test cases)
Let me know if you need more information guys. Thanks as always


what is the best way to add 4 project with same dashboard and back-end in git?

i have 4 website with different front-end and home-page. but these websites have same functionality and dashboards and same back-end. right now, when i change something in admin panel i should manually change it in all 4 websites. i want to add it to repository in git and when i add some feature in dashboard it update all 4 website. is it possible ? what is your suggestion?
To restructure the 4 website projects so that common parts are encapsulated into a separate (5th) project, which the current 4 would utilize - if that convenience of making just one what you really want - although, you will realize that you still have to repackage all 4 sites (likely adding commits to their repos) each time that 5th, base repo changes.
What you have sounds.fine, actually. Maybe solve the repetitive editing problem by using a diff tool, such as BeyondCompare.

Building a First Run Installer in ASP.NET MVC

I'd like to build a web installer into my ASP.NET MVC application. It would be a first run installer that would allow the user to create a user account, set database connection strings, and configure some first run settings. I was looking at SPA's like HotTowel and OAK. Any advice on a good direction to go would be appreciated!
I've not done this myself but I know Orchard CMS has similar to what you require. Reviewing their code might be a good place to start.

sharing views, css, javascript between multiple mvc 3 projects

It seems to be impossible/hard to share views between several mvc 3 projects. At least, that's what Google tells me. Please correct me if I am wrong ...
What's about css and js files? Did someone do this already? If so, what is the best practice to achieve this (within a vs studio 2010 solution with several mvc 3 projects)?
Just curious, is it possible to share css and js between mvc3 areas?
Since you mention svn - it has "svn:externals" property that lets you map a folder (even from a different repository) to a location under the web site root folder. We used it with success to reuse multiple library tools with external resources (scripts, css files, images and views) in a number of MVC applications.
There is a cool way to share js, cshtml, css etc. files using "Add as Link" feature of VS. There is a great answer here describing the whole process. Also dont forget to add a build task to copy the files on build so you'd be able to debug them.

ASP.NET MVC 3 File Structure

I apologize for the vague title - I am new to ASP.NET MVC coming from PHP, and I have teamed up with a .NET developer that has a webforms background.
When working with MVC in PHP, all of my files are visible on the server - that is to say, I can go into any of my model, view and controller files and edit any of the code remotely without a problem.
In .NET MVC, I couldn't find the controller or model files, so I asked the developer how the webpage is being put together, and he told me about how .NET compiles code into .DLL files and that I am unable to access this. I wanted to view a controller to see how it was pulling together my views, but didn't even see a controller folder on the server.
To me, something about this doesn't sound right, but I am not sure because of my lack of experience in .NET. Can someone provide input as to if this is the typical .NET scenario, and if not, what is he doing wrong? Should I take this as a red flag? Keep in mind that .NET MVC is new to both of us.
There is no code files because these code files was compiled into DLL files during Publish process. It's not strange - it's even better because of performance reasons. It's common scenario for all ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC applications.
You can deploy yor application via XCopy deployment (to have all .CS files etc.): simply copy all files to destination folder. Then your site will be compiled (into App_temp destination) by runtime on first run. Your .CS files will still be in place.
You can read more about Publishing procees here:
Walkthrough: Publishing a Web Site
Publishing Web Sites

ASP.NET deployment - How to share BIN across multiple WebApp Projects?

What is the best practice for sharing the assemblies of a bin folder across multiple websites in IIS 7?
I've got several sites, each with slightly different HTML front ends, but all with the same middle tier logic and DB. I don't want to redploy the same dlls to each of the many site's bin folders everytime I make a change.
Yes, actually, you do want to deploy them individually. That's how it works.
If this truly offends you, then consider whether this common code should be in a WCF service called by all those sites.
Another option is to make your .Net code smart enough so that it can load the correct HTML front end based on the URL. That way you could deploy your code to one location, then have multiple virtual directories use the same code.
You could possibly try putting them in a common folder location and then change the assembly probing paths to look in that location.
