Unable to install development app on iphone - ios

I am using xcode 11.3.1 to archive an app. I have set my profile correctly and run the same ipa to multiple devices. I have an new iphone device with ios 10.0.1 to which I can't install the archive. I have added the device's udid in the profile. I create development archive.
The error on device is Unable to Download App. "App" could not be downloaded at this time.
Any thoughts?

The provisioning profile must not have the newly added iPhone UUID.
Do following checks.
1. Rename your AppName.ipa file to AppName.zip
2. Unzip the file to get Payload.
3. Run below command on terminal
security cms -D -i /PATH_TO_PAYLOAD_DIR/Payload/appName.app/embedded.mobileprovision
and check your included devices UUID's.


How to get the ipa file for Xamarin ios App if your using Windows OS to connect to Mac OS?

Hi how to get the ipa file for Xamarin ios App if your using Windows os to connect to Mac os?
I'm not connecting my Mac to device instead I'm using Iphone simulator to deploy my app But I do have a Apple developer account with certficates of my app.
So what and all is required for getting a ipa file and how to do it?Actually I build the app in Ad-hoc mode and it was successful but there was no ipa file generated in folder.Does the ipa file get generated in .ipa extension or some other extension?
My Main Question is. Is it possible to generate ipa file with ios simulator instead of Ios device connected to MAC?
The main answer is yes. I do it this way:
startup project IOS - connect to Mac host
set Release configuration, Device iPhone (you dont have to connect one to mac)
insure in project configuration in iOS IPA Options you have checked Build iTunes Package Archive (leave Include iTunesArtwork UNchecked)
insure your bundle signing settings are all set ok: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/deploy-test/#provisioningprovisioningindexmd
Build and grab your IPA file from the hidden generated release folder

"No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain"

I want to test an iOS application using Xamarin Test Recorder using iOS simulator. To do that I want to publish the project. When trying to publish it for archive, I got this error:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from https://developer.apple.com. (MobileApp1.iOS)
Do we need a certificate to publish the project?
When I drag and drop the .app to simulator it doesn't get installed. When I tried to install debug version it gives below error. Failed to chmod /Users/../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8A0508B3-0‌​2E8-4601-A239-B6712F‌​67FF4D/data/Library/‌​Caches/com.apple.con‌​tainermanagerd/Bundl‌​e/Application/1B8A7B‌​17-D9D0-44A6-8584-65‌​7FF1AB5815/MobileApp‌​1.app/MobileApp1 : No such file or directory" Release app also not get installed(No error or warning). Note that this is a xamarin project.What shall I do now?
First of all you do not need to sign/publish your app to use it with Test Recorder.
You can start recording tests from .app located on bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ folder.
The “No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain” happens when there are no provisioning profiles on your machine. The easiest fix is to create a new app from XCode and deploy it on the device, XCode will automatically downloads the required profiles and certificates

How to get an iOS app build for appium testing?

I wanted to setup iOS testing on simulator on my MacBook-pro. Im using appium 1.6 and Xcode 8 and iOS 10.1 as simulator OS. I ran my appium server and set the desired capabilities and used an .ipa from the app store and it crashes on launch while doing an inspect on appium. Is it happening because i don't have a app signed for development? what are the requirements for the app to be tested for using? Do i need signed apps to be used for testing on simulator too ?
You can create a .app file useing the belowing instruction:
1- Go to:
xcode > File > New Project > (select ios at top bar) select Tabbed Application > click Next > give project name and select swift as language and complete process.
2- Open the project and run it. After running the app in the simulator, you will find the project .app file in the product folder (expand your project in xcode > product.
you can use this .app file for your appium test.
3- You can also get a lot of free .xcode project on the web. download this project, open the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file in xcode and run it. you will find the .app file in the product folder
if you want to run your ios app in the simulator, you need a .app file, not .ipa file. The .ipa file runs on the device. Try to generate a .app file for simulator.
Yes, you need apps to be signed with a developer provisiioning profile. You can use the iresign to do it. you should input your ipa file developer provisioning file(contact your dev) and click resign. It will output the resigned app
The same dev provisioning file, dev certificate should be installed in your mac from where you run your scripts.
Note: you cannot run .ipa on simulators. you need .app version of the app , for which you need to contact the developer too

ApplicationVerificationFailed from Nativescript CLI

I am using the latest version (2.0) of the Nativescript CLI. I recently updated by iPad to iOS 9.3 from iOS 7. Prior to this upgrade, I was able to run Nativescript apps on my device using "tns run ios". Since the upgrade, I get the following error:
Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed
ErrorDescription: The bundle being installed with bundle ID org.nativescript.bluetoothdemo2 is authorized by a free provisioning profile, but apps validated by those are not allowed to be installed from this source.
I have attempted to change the bundle ID (hence the 2) and generate new provisioning profiles to no avail. I have opened the project in xCode and the "Fix It" button is not available. The project does run in xCode.
This is how I solved the same problem.
1) Opened up XCode project that Nativescript generated, tried to run it, but it failed with message that apphas to be verified on the phone itself.
2) Opened up phone General settings > Profiles and Devices Management > Developer App.
3) Verified the app.
4) Built and run app via "tns run ios --device 1" normally without any problems.
Hope it helps :)
I would recommend you try the following:
1) Remove the platform/ios by running tns platform remove ios
2) Make sure your package.json contains the correct bundleID (this will be passed to your xcode project when you build).
3) Make sure you use the same BundleID from your Apple dev-certificates.
4) Add the platform/ios by running tns platform add ios
5) Prepare & Build: tns prepare ios & tns build ios
6) Go to your .../platforms/ios folder and open the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace
7) Go to "General" tab of you main app target and under "Identity" group make sure you have the correct BundleID and the correct Team (your Apple dev account).
8) Go to Build Settings tab and under Code Signing group the Code Signing Identity key is set to iOS Developer (your dev Certificate), and that the Provisioning Profile is set to Automatic (when publishing it will automatically choose the correct profile).
Now you can just close XCode and run the app via CLI.

ad hoc distribution in iPhone app Not working

I am installing on ipad app using adhoc distribution. When i build that using simulator and load that file .app in ipad it does not install says not signed. But when i debug using device again not installing
I think you don't sign your app properly. following link helps you for creating provision profile properly.
and for installing app over device.
The application and a provisioning profile. You need to install both files into iTunes to be able run the application on your device.
After opening the archive:
Drag the provisioning profile (the file with the .mobileprovision extension) to the iTunes Library group.
Drag the application (the file with the .app extension) to the iTunes Library group.
The application appears in the Applications list.
Sync your device.
If the version of iPhone OS on your device is earlier than the test application can run on, you need to update your device with the current release of iPhone OS.
