I am new to ROS, I am trying to install naoqi for ROS noetic in ubuntu 20.04LTS,i have been following the steps given in the link : http://wiki.ros.org/nao/Tutorials/Installation
While checking the naoqi installation and running the give code line ($ ~/naoqi/naoqi-sdk-, i got stuck at this
So I tried to search for the problem in online, but i am not able to get it, the only thing i found is that the packages were deprecated, and i dont know how to solve that while installing naoqi,can someone please help me in solving this
Thank you.
list changed sources according to your region?
Ever tried $sudo apt-get update? If there is any error, please change the source file 'source.list' first.
Im try to install SwiftLint via homebrew but got this error.
I make some searching on google but can't find anything.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem ?
I'm try to use brew doctor and follow the suggestion, the problem is gone
When I try the examples from the book i get lots of error and nothing gets installed. What am I missing, when looking for examples on the the internet my bower.json looks ok.
Se this link for code and more info:
This is a known issue with a tmp dependency. Bower has since been updated though to fix it (build 1.3.8). I see you still have an older version. Please run
npm update -g bower
to update bower to the final release and try again.
I downloaded the latest version of CodeKit (trial version 2.0 (16828)). It starts fine on my Mac Mini, but as soon as I try to download a component using Bower, it fails with the error: "Bower Error / Bower could not determine which components are installed in this project. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again." Repeated attempts (either clicking "Retry" or clicking "OK" and trying to download the component again) continue to fail.
The app completes the "Downloading Bower component list" without error. The error occurs when it is "Scanning For Installed Components..."
I'm connected to the Internet just fine.
When I try to install a Bower component, it fails with this message:
Why am I getting these errors and how can I fix CodeKit?
Thank you!
Turns out that Bower continued to fail, which prevented CodeKit from working.
Tolga Akyuz's answer to Siddharth's problem was the fix - I had a ~/.cache file which was preventing Bower from adding files to ~/.cache/
When I renamed the ~/.cache file (e.g. to ~/.cache-orig) and created a ~/.cache/ directory, Bower began working properly - and so did CodeKit.
It turns out that this behavior can be caused by several things. Another user fixed it and shared this with me:
I installed xcode and still had issues. After a bit of research, I found a post that said installing the command line tools in Xcode might solve the problem. I did that and the problem is now solved.
From what I can see, there is a appears to be an issue with the $PATH getting messed up with systems that have been upgraded from Lion (and Snow Leopard) that did not ship with git. In the questions and answers listed on the page linked below, there were several terminal command options given, but I was unsure of which to choose so I went with the Xcode route.
I had the same issue.
Check console messages (mac)
Delete faulty library. I had one.
Should be all good now.
good luck
If it's still relevant. In my case it was Google Maps AMD Loader Plugin. All fixed after removing it.
In my case the problem was with path to the project folder – it contains "!" symbol that makes bower crazy. To check is it Bower or CodeKit problem try to cd in terminal to your project folder and run "bower list".
zhaba$ bower list
bower EINVALID Name must be lowercase, can contain digits, dots, dashes, "#" or spaces
With corrected project folder path CodeKit works.
I had the same problem running CodeKit2 with El Capitan, and an old version of Xcode. Updating Xcode fixed the problem.
i download phonegap but it's bin folder just contain droidgap with unknown type.
when i use this command in command prompt with ruby droidgap wiz the result is :
droidgap is not recognized :(
i also install ant and sdk manager. and add their path to system path.i decide to use eclipse to build my android app(i write my app with js,css, html5). but when i make my app with eclipse browse button does not work & when i build it with phonegap browse button work. if you know solution please suggest it.
thanks in advane
That is actually a ruby executable file. To run droidgap you must have ruby installed.
refer here for installation of ruby https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/
and make sure that you set the path to ruby2.0.3/bin
here is the missing set up guide by phil http://dev.tonic1394.com/2010/06/phonegap-the-missing-androidwindows-setup-guide/