when to run or start a docker container - docker

As far as I understood, 'docker create' creates a new container from an image, 'docker start' starts the container (conditions apply so the container doesn't stop again immediately) and 'docker run' does both (with some differences in the details, but let's ignore them for now).
What I don't understand is when to use which. Let me explain:
For a normal executable, I run it by starting a new process. When the process dies, it is gone, and I start the executable again by creating a new process. There is no other way.
Some executables become daemons and keep running, so now there are three ways: Interact with a running daemon, start a second one, or stop and restart. With very few exceptions, running a second instance of the daemon is not useful, and you'd usually interact with the running instance, restarting it only when it locks up or to change its configuration. So again, it is clear to me how to use such a program.
For docker applications, things are not as clear to me. Of course, we have daemons and non-daemons there too, but for both of them, it is not clear to me whether I should use them by creating a new container or restarting an existing container. For daemons, there is the added distinction of starting a non-running daemon and restarting a running daemon, each of which can be done with the existing or a new container. On top of that, there is a third class of applications besides fire-and-forget and daemons, namely VM-like containers that just have a file system and a shell, and contain multiple programs to run.
As far as my knowledge goes, all this is especially relevant when the application stores run-time data on a file system that is private to the container, so creating a second container would create a second file system independent of the first one (with important files possibly spread across those file systems).
Of those docker-based applications I have used, none seems to have described this in its manual, so it seems that there are best practices on when to create or re-use containers, but then I could not find anything about that on the internet either. I could only find sites that explain the mechanics of those commands, but no best practices.
When should I create a new container, and when should I restart an existing one? If "it depends", how do you find out?


Is there a way to set the "--rm" option for a docker container deployed in a GCP compute instance?

I'm admittedly very new to Docker so this might be a dumb question but here it goes.
I have a Python ETL script that I've packaged in a Docker container essentially following this tutorial, then using cloud functions and cloud scheduler, I have the instance turn start every hour, run the sync and then shut down the instance.
I've run into an issue though where after this process has been running for a while the VM runs out of hard drive space. The script doesn't require any storage or persistence of state - it pulls any state data from external systems and only uses temporary files which are supposed to be deleted when the machine shuts down.
This has caused particular problems where updates I make to the script stop working because the machine doesn't have the space to download the latest version of the container.
I'm guessing it's either logs or perhaps files created automatically to try to persist the state - either within the Docker container or on the VM.
I'm wondering whether if I could get the VM to run the instance with the "--rm" flag so that the image was removed when it was finished this could solve this problem. This would theoretically guarantee that I'm always starting with the most recent image.
The trouble is, I can't for the life of my find a way to configure the "rm" option within the instance settings and the documentation for container options only covers passing arguments to the container ENTRYPOINT and not the docker run options docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
I feel like I'm either missing something obvious or it's not designed to be used this way. Is this something that can be configured in the Dockerfile or is there a different way I have to set up the VM in the first place?
Basically I just want the docker image to be pulled fresh and run each time and not leave any remnants on the VM that will slowly run out of space.
Also, I know Cloud Run might work in some similar situations but I need the script to be able to run for as long as it needs to (particularly at the start when it's backfilling data) and so the 15 minute cap on runtime would be a problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Note: I'm posting this as an answer as I need more space than a comment. If anyone feels it is not a good answer and wants it deleted, I will be delighted to do such.
Recapping the story, we have a Compute Engine configured to start a Docker Container. The Compute Engine runs the container and then we stop it. An hour later we restart it, let it run and then we stop it again. This continues on into the future. What we seem to find is that the disk associated with the Compute Engine fills up and we end up breaking. The thinking is that the container contained within the Compute Engine is created at first launch of the Compute Engine and then each time it is restarted, it is being "re-used" as opposed to a brand new container instance being created. This means that resources consumed by the container from one run to the next (eg disk storage) continues to grow.
What we would like to happen is that when the Compute Engine starts, it will always create a brand new instance of the container with no history / resource usage of the past. This means that we won't consume resources over time.
One way to achieve this outside of GCP would be to start the container through Docker with the "--rm" flag. This means that when the container ends, it will be auto-deleted and hence there will be no previous container to start the next time the Compute Engine starts. Again ... this is a recap.
If we dig through how GCP Compute Engines work as they relate to containers, we come across a package called "Konlet" (Konlet). This is the package responsible for loading the container in the Compute engine. This appears to be itself a Docker container application written in Go. It appears to read the metadata associated with the Compute Engine and based on that, performs API calls to Docker to launch the target container. The first thing to see from this is that the launch of the target Docker container does not appear to be executed through simple docker command line. This then implies that we can't "simply" edit a script.
Konlet is open source so in principle, we could study it in detail and see if there are special flags associated with it to achieve the equivalent of --rm. However, my immediate recommendation is to post an issue at the Konlet GitHub site and ask the author whether there is a --rm equivalent option for Konlet and, if not, could one be added (and if not, what is the higher level thinking).
In the meantime, let me offer you an alternative to your story. If I am hearing you correctly, every hour you fire a job to start a compute engine, do work and then shutdown the compute engine. This compute engine hosts your "leaky" docker container. What if instead of starting/stopping your compute engine you created/destroyed your compute engine? While the creation/destruction steps may take a little longer to run, given that you are running this once an hour, a minute or two delay might not be egregious.

What's the purpose of the node-modules container in wolkenkit?

That container is built when deploying the application.
Looks like its purpose is to share dependencies across modules.
It looks like it is started as a container but nothing is apparently running, a bit like an init container.
Console says it starts/stops that component when using respective wolkenkit start and wolkenkit stop command.
On startup:
On shutdown:
When you docker ps, that container cannot be found:
Can someone explain these components?
When starting a wolkenkit application, the application is boxed in a number of Docker containers, and these containers are then started along with a few other containers that provide the infrastructure, such as databases, a message queue, ...
The reason why the application is split into several Docker containers is because wolkenkit builds upon the CQRS pattern, which suggests separating the read side of an application from the application's write side, and hence there is one container for the read side, and one for the write side (actually there are a few more, but you get the picture).
Now, since you may develop on an operating system other than Linux, the wolkenkit application may run under a different operating system than when you develop it, as within Docker it's always Linux. This means that the start command can not simply copy over the node_modules folder into the containers, as they may contain binary modules, which are then not compatible (imagine installing on Windows on the host, but running on Linux within Docker).
To avoid issues here, wolkenkit runs an npm install when starting the application inside of the containers. The problem now is that if wolkenkit did this in every single container, the start would be super slow (it's not the fastest thing on earth anyway, due to all the Docker building and starting that's happening under the hood). So wolkenkit tries to optimize this as much as possible.
One concept here is to run npm install only once, inside of a container of its own. This is the node-modules container you encountered. This container is then linked as a volume to all the containers that contain the application's code. This way you only have to run npm install once, but multiple containers can use the outcome of this command.
Since this container now contains data, but no code, it only has to be there, it doesn't actually do anything. This is why it gets created, but is not run.
I hope this makes it a little bit clearer, and I was able to answer your question :-)
PS: Please note that I am one of the core developers of wolkenkit, so take my answer with a grain of salt.

Is it recommended to run systemd inside docker container?

I am planning to use 'systemd' inside the container. Based on the articles I have read, it is preferable to limit only one process per container.
But if I configure 'systemd' inside the container, I will end up running many processes.
It would be great to understand the pros and cons of using systemd inside the container before I take any decision.
I'd advise you to avoid systemd in a container if at all possible.
Systemd mounts filesystems, controls several kernel parameters, has its own internal system for capturing process output, configures system swap space, configures huge pages and POSIX message queues, starts an inter-process message bus, starts per-terminal login prompts, and manages a swath of system services. Many of these are things Docker does for you; others are system-level controls that Docker by default prevents (for good reason).
Usually you want a container to do one thing, which occasionally requires multiple coordinating processes, but you usually don't want it to do any of the things systemd does beyond provide the process manager. Since systemd changes so many host-level parameters you often need to run it as --privileged which breaks the Docker isolation, which is usually a bad idea.
As you say in the question, running one "piece" per container is usually considered best. If you can't do this then a light-weight process manager like supervisord that does the very minimum an init process is required to is a better match, both for the Docker and Unix philosophies.
s6 became a somewhat popular init for containers when you need more than one process. And yes, it's not "one process per container", it's "one thing per container". Running a website e.g. is still one thing but it's usually more than one process.
You should think it more to be a question which init system you like to use.
One may use the old /sbin/init or the systemd-daemon running as PID-1 in a container. Any command like "docker stop" will talk to PID-1 only. If you do only have one java application in a container then it is recommended to run that process directly as PID-1 of the container.
Running systemd is mostly not required - if you have multiple services in a container or if some wrapper script uses 'systemctl' then you may still want to use activate it. But the latter use cases would also be covered by docker-systemctl-replacement.

Is it best practice to daemonize a process within docker?

Many best practice guides emphasize making your process a daemon and having something watch it to restart in case of failure. This made sense for a while. A specific example can be sidekiq.
bundle exec sidekiq -d
However, with Docker as I build I've found myself simply executing the command, if the process stops or exits abruptly the entire docker container poofs and a new one is automatically spun up - basically the entire point of daemonizing a process and having something watch it (All STDOUT is sent to CloudWatch / Elasticsearch for monitoring).
I feel like this also tends to re-enforce the idea of a single process in a docker container, which if you daemonize would tend to in my opinion encourage a violation of that general standard.
Is there any best practice documentation on this even if you're running only a single process within the container?
You don't daemonize a process inside a container.
The -d is usually seen in the docker run -d command, using a detached (not daemonized) mode, where the the docker container would run in the background completely detached from your current shell.
For running multiple processes in a container, the background one would be a supervisor.
See "Use of Supervisor in docker" (or the more recent docker --init).
Some relevent 12 Factor app recommendations
An app is executed in the execution environment as one or more processes
Concurrency is implemented by running additional processes (rather than threads)
Docker was open sourced by a PAAS operator (dotCloud) so it's entirely possible the authors were influenced by this architectural recommendation. Would explain why Docker is designed to normally run a single process.
The thing to remember here is that a Docker container is not a virtual machine, although it's entirely possible to make it quack like one. In practice a docker container is a jailed process running on the host server. Container orchestration engines like Kubernetes (Mesos, Docker Swarm mode) have features that will ensure containers stay running, replacing them should the need arise.
Remember my mention of duck vocalization? :-) If you want your container to run multiple processes then it's possible to run a supervisor process that keeps everything healthy and running inside (A container dies when all processes stop)
The ultimate expression of this VM envy would be LXD from Ubuntu, here an entire set of VM services get bootstrapped within LXC containers
In conclusion is it a best practice? I think there is no clear answer. Personally I'd say no for two reasons:
I'm fixated on deploying 12 factor compliant applications, so married to the single process model
If I need to run two processes on the same set of data, then in Kubernetes I can run containers within the same POD... Means Kubernetes manages the processes (running as separate containers with a common data volume).
Clearly my reasons are implementation specific.
There are multiple run supervisors that can help you take a foreground process (or multiple ones) run them monitored and restart them on failure (or exit the container).
one is runit (http://smarden.org/runit/), which I have not used myself.
my choice is S6 (http://skarnet.org/software/s6/). someone already built a container envelope for it, named S6-overlay (https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay) which is what I usually use if/when I need to have a user-space process run as daemon. it also has facets to do prep work on container start, change permissions and more, in runtime.
tl;dr: I can't find a best practices document that relates directly to this for docker, but I agree with you.
The only best "Best Practices" for docker I could find was at dockers own site, which states that containers should be one process. In my mind, that means foregrounded processes as well. So basically, I've drawn the same conclusion as you. (You've probably read that too, but this is for anyone else reading this).
Honestly, I think we are still in (relatively) new territory with best practices for docker. Anecdotally, it has been a best practice in the organizations I've worked with. The number of times I've felt more satisfied with a foregrounded process has been significantly greater then the times I've said to myself "Boy, I sure wish I backgrounded that one." In fact, I don't think I've ever said that.
The only exception I can think of is when you are trying to evaluate software and need a quick and dirty way to ship infrastructure off to someone. EG: "Hey, there is this new thing called LAMP stacks I just heard of, here is a docker container that has all the components for you to play around with". Again, though, that's an outlier and I would shudder if something like that ever made it to production or even any sort of serious development environment.
Additionally, it certainly forces a micro-architecture style, which I think is ultimately a good thing.

Docker - one process per container?

I sometimes use Docker for my development work. When I do, I usually work on an out-of-the-box LAMP image from tutum.
My question is: Doesn't it defeat the purpose to work with Docker if it runs multiple processes in one container? (like the container started off Tutum's LAMP image) Isn't the whole idea of Docker to separate each process into a separate container?
While it is generally a good rule of thumb to separate processes into separate containers, that's not the main benefit/purpose of docker. The benefit of docker is immutability. And if throwing two processes into a single container makes for cleaner logic then go for it. Though in this case, I would definitely consider at least stripping out the DB into its own container, and talk to it through a docker link. The database shouldn't have to go down every time you rebuild your image.
Generally sometimes it is neccessary or more useful to use one container for more than one process like in this situation.
Such situation happens when processes are used together to fulfill its task. I can imagine for example situation when somebody want to add logging to the web application by using ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Those things run together and can have supervisor for monitoring processes inside one container.
But for most cases it is better to use one process per container. What is more docker command should start process itself, for example running java aplication by
/usr/bin/java -jar application.jar
apart from running external script:
See discussion on http://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/2t1lzp/docker_and_the_pid_1_zombie_reaping_problem/ where the problem is concerned.
