iOS UICollectionView switch cell NIB dynamically - ios

I am updating my iOS app from table views to collection views to support a "gridded" option.
I have two cell types. One that is more suitable to a "tableView" type look, and takes up the full width of the screen. The other is a cell that is more suitable for grids.
I can't use the same cell type for both because the tableView type cell has a lot more horizontal information than the grid cell.
I have a button press event that will cycle between my cell types, updating the layout and changing the cell reuse identifier appropriately. The problem is, any cells that were already in view do not change to the new cell type. If I scroll for a bit, the new cell types start coming in.
I imagine that this has something to do with the dequeue function for collectionView taking an indexPath. I can explicitly reload those cells to get them to use the new type, but this causes an unwanted animation, not to mention feels like a hack.
How can I switch cell types dynamically?
Linked is a video demonstrating the issue.
As you can see, after I change the cells they remain using the old NIB (with all the extra information). But if I scroll down the new NIB will be used.

There are two solution for this: -
Use two collection view for each type of cell, hide and show respective collection view on click of button.
Remove the collection view from super view on click of button, add again and reload


UITableView + UICollectionView + UITableView sizing issue

Below attached image is representing my requirement:
In this image the yellow color UITableView will have list of different UITableViewCell items. In one of the UITableViewCell it has UICollectionView with its list of UICollectionViewCell items and the scroll direction for the UICollectionView is set to horizontal
Each UICollectionViewCell will have one UITableView (Highlighted in Red Color) and it will have its list of UITableViewCell (Highlited in Rose Color) items. Here, the UITableViewCell (Highlited in Rose Color) item can collapse/expand. Whenever the cell is collapse/expand the red table's content size is handled automatically. But, whenever the red table's content size is increased the collectionview size is not increasing.
I have added all relevant constraints to these UI elements. But, the content size or frame of the collectionview is not expanding when a tableview cell is expanded.
To understand better here i am breaking it down how the views are designed:
Yellow tableview embedded inside a UIViewController and it will have one simple UITableViewCell which has no custom class
To the cell programatically the UICollectionView will be added. This UICollectionView is placed in one xib file and it has embeded inside a UIView
UICollectionViewCell has been created in one xib and it will have UITableView element inside.
Also, UITableViewCell has its own xib to refer and this is the cell which will gets expand/collapse
I have tried modifying the intrinsicContentSize property to modify the UICollectionView property's height where it has embedded inside UIView element whenever the expand is happening. Please, refer the CardView.swift for the reference.
I know the design is bit complex. But, what am i missing here?
Based on your requirement in the image, I just created a sample project here.
I did not use separate Xibs. However, I was able to achieve what you asked for.
You might have to handle the reload of the innermost tableView better based on your apps business logic.
Here's what I have implemented:
The top most view controller has a parent table view.
This table view cell consists of a child collection view.
The child collection view cell consists of a grand child table view.
The grand child table view is the one corresponding to the table view Highlited in Rose Color in the question.
To answer your question about the collection view not expanding: to expand the child collection view when the grandchild table view cell is tapped, I am reloading the parent table view by increasing the row height for the cell containing the collection view. Hence you don't have to worry about adjusting the constraints in auto layout
In case you want to add additional content into the child collection view cell, you can add a height constraint to the grand child table view with a low priority and modify that whenever you need to expand the content in the grand child table view.
if you want to achieve point 6, as suggested by #Ramy Al Zuhouri, you might have to call: collectionView.performBatchUpdates before collectionView.reloadData() to expand the cell size
Refer to the video below for better understanding
This doesn't necessarily solve your problem, but sometimes it's a matter of forcing the collection view to invalidate its layout and recalculating its size. I once received an answer to a TSI from an Apple enginner:
So this is old fashioned way of forcing a re-usable container (Collection || Table) to invalidate its layout. You may even be able to just call invalidate layout. There are oddities in the system with AutoLayout and animations that sometimes throw the system into an odd state. If we do the above the container and can invalidate its layout and make updates without need to re-calculate + incorporate animations. To summarize, calling performBatchUpdates with nil parameters can be useful if you need to force an update based on layout content (not necessarily datasource changes).
It looks like a hack to be used with caution, but it can be worth to give it a try. Whenever you need to recalculate the size of the collection view's cell to expand or shrink, you can do this:
collectionView.performBatchUpdates(nil, completion: nil)
This forces a reload, and UIKit is able to recalculate the height of the cell given that you update the height. How? In my case I did by updating a height constraint, but there are multiple ways of doing this. However, it's intended that as the reload happens the collection view should be aware of the new cell height.
the good approach for this, you have to add collectionView in the tableViewHeader
then whenever you scroll up your tableView your collectionView section will also scroll up
to load cells on the specific indexes follow bellow steps:
if(indexpath.row == 0){
//load first tableView cell with collection view
else if (indexpath.row == 1){
//load second tableView cell with collection view
//load table view cell here

Switch from UIView to ScrollView in Swift

Originally, the number of menus was one, but it was changed to more than one.
So I want to change the UIView (Container View) so that I can scroll horizontally.
Shop Menu View Cell is TableView -> TableViewCell -> TableViewCell (This) on the screen.
I tried several ways to switch to the horizontal scroll view.
I have separated the Container View and made it into a Cell
I also tried adding Scroll View or UICollectionView.
But all the way was not what I wanted.
Perhaps the Shop Menu View Cell is due to having passed the TableView twice.
I could not solve it for four days.
Please give me a hint how to implement.
To create editable forms of data display for static information, static TableViewController is best choice. As it automatically adjust your view when keyboard appear and other many feature, along with scroll. Plus you can directly outlet all the components to your controller class.
Your view will look something like:

Can we add tableview to cell?

I want to customize my tableview. I want to add another tableview in cell. Can we add tableview in cell of another tableview?
Please give me some ideas.
You can embed a UITableView into another UITableView's cell, but due to potential issues with the embedded UIScrollViews it is not recommended.
If you feel like you need a table in a table, first consider if it is not possible to achieve the desired behavior by using sections and cells in the sections (a section in a table might represent the top tableView's cell, and cells in the given section would represent the embedded tableView's cells).
There is no problem with adding a UITableView into a a UITableViewCell, since both of them are UIViews its simply would be translated to adding a subview to a view...
However, keep in mind to consider the following issues:
1- From a user experience perspective, that would be a vertical scroll view inside another vertical scroll view (are you ok with that?).
2- For each cell -in the main container table view-, you would need to handle the table view delegates/datasources. For understanding the logic of how this could be done, you might want to check:
Is it possible to add UITableView within a UITableViewCell.
Putting a UICollectionView in a UITableViewCell in Swift: although it is about adding a UICollectionView inside the cell, it helps to gain the logic of how to achieve such a task.

How to add extra table view cells to handle user input?

Recently I have been trying to create a table view with different table view cells. What I want to do is that when users click on each table view cell, it shows an extra cell underneath the selected cell to handle user inputs and the extra section disappears when the cell is unselected.
I am fairly new to iOS development and I am wondering what would be the best way to achieve this. At the moment I am thinking of hiding the extra cells initially and displaying each of them when the cell above is selected.
Any help would be appreciated.
Apple has a great set of sample code that demonstrates the behavior you're looking for — displaying a cell beneath another cell when selected. This behavior is used in Calendar when displaying a date picker, and it's pretty much what you've described.
Question: Will each cell have an identical set of options?
If so, I'd consider including the user inputs as part of the source cell and adjusting the height of the source on selection. You can animate the cell's height changing using tableView's beginUpdates and endUpdates. This way, you avoid messing around with cell indices.

Using a Custom UITableViewCell with Prototype Cells

For reference, this tutorial I am following:
I have to create a custom UITableViewCell, and from the tutorial, it said to leverage Prototyping cells and subclass UITableViewCell. Then connect the UI elements in the prototype cel to the custom class (of UITableViewCell).
The problem I am running into here is, there is only one cell for the whole table view that is displaying data. However, I am able to click on empty cells in the background behind that one cell that contains data. If i scroll up or down, cellForRowAtIndexPath is called and another cell gets displayed. However its only displaying once cell at a time for the whole table view.
Does anyone know what the problem could be here? Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Figured out what the problem is, my labels (that are supposed to be inside the custom prototyping cell) were added to the parent view and not the content view of UITableViewCell. This is because my prototype cell did not have a content view for some reason. I had to add a another prototype cell and delete the previous one.
reference: How to add subviews to a custom UITableViewCell in a storyboard
