I can't open the ports, any suggestions? - port

I can't open the ports, im trying to open several ports at once, but it doesn't work, I tried to open them separately (1x1) and it doesn't work either.


My windows 10 virtual machine under Virtual Box lost internet connection

I have a computer with Windows 10 and a Virtual Machine (VBox) with a Windows 10 system that I use for work, I never had a problem since today : I launched it and didn't have any access to internet.
I didn't change anything since yesterday so I don't really understand what is happening.
I tried restarting the machine a few time but nothing changed, here's my configuration :
EDIT : I tried with differents interface type nothing worked
It may depends on your network device configuration.
First of all you should set you first interface to NAT and enable the second one to HOST ONLY ADAPTER
At least this config is what works for me, if it doesn't work, it may depends on your interface network devices config, but i don't know how that works on windows.

How to add/show all Interfaces in Wireshark?

I downloaded Wireshark on my PC running Windows 10 and I can only see 1 interface that's associated with my PC. I'm in my home and I want to see even other interfaces like my smartphone, or my laptop.
How can I add those interfaces? I didn't find anything on internet that could help me. I saw a video on Youtube where a guy had all his network interfaces showing, so I'm sure I can add them.
Found something online saying I need privileges, but I already ran Wireshark as Administrator and nothing changed. Please help. Thanks!
This is how Wireshark looks as soon as I start it:
1- Download the Win10Pcap which is a new WinPcap-based Ethernet packet capture library. from (http://www.win10pcap.org/download/)
2- Run Wireshark form an administrator account.

Run multiple appium sessions parallel in android device

I want to open two chrome browser instances parallel in real android device using appium. i have started two appium servers with two ports, but when i tried to start second session, first one is killing. Please help me in doing this.
If you are trying to start port by using terminal then i had issues too. Open two appium windows and start server on two different ports. Make sure you change the bootstrap port for both.

Custom items to "path" in console2

I was wondering if its possible to add custom folders to console2 app, when it starts.
What i mean is, i created a USB flash that always uses drive letter X, and i have custom apps there, that i need to add to system path, to use them in console2. But the problem is, that don't want to install all of the applications to each computer i connect my USB, nor do i want to add them to system path, since the path will be wrong, when i remove the usb from computer.
So basically, what i want is to create fully portable usb drive with all of the software in it, and i want it to be automatically added and available to console2, but not to the computers system path..
i hope i made my goal clear..
I think I understand your problem, but I'm not entirely sure from your wording. Since you mentioned that you have already created a static drive letter ( X:\ ) for your USB drive, then couldn't you just add the programs to your shell using the path from your USB like this:
If you're using a different computer every time, then you might have to change the static drive letter for your USB on the computer that you're working on at that moment so that it matches the one in your Console2 shell:

Compiling an Xcode project from a network folder

I'm trying to compile an iOS project in xcode from a network folder and I get all sorts of issues, most of them about files not being found on the first build command.
Most of the time it just says it hasn't found the headers inside other headers. If I hit Build again, the previous errors go away and new ones appear. Other times it just says "xxx.h" Resource temporarily unavailable. Hitting build again, ofcourse that is available but some other header is now unavailable, and it just makes things very frustrating.
PS: I am connected to a network folder from a Windows System using SMB. Sometimes if I disconnect, and reconnect to the network folder it briefly works flawlessly for like 3 seconds, and then starts spewing off resource unavailable errors. Unfortunately my build process lasts longer than 3 seconds :|.
UPDATE : It seems like the cause was disk access latency. I am running an OS X Virtual Machine and connecting to my real machine's HDD. I have now moved the entire VM to an SSD drive and everything works much smoother and it seems I don't have these issues anymore, so disk access times make all the difference :).
UPDATE 2 : For some reason I'm getting this error again. No idea what changed the situation.
Seems like it could be referenced files that aren't copied to project folder. I have lots of projects that are located on a server resource and as long as all the resources used by the project are included in the project it works fine.
That said, my personal choice these days is to house all of my projects in Dropbox. Still have to be careful of forgetting to copy any added files into the project folder, but it is lots easier for me to manage working on these apps on the various machines I work from.
In my experience, trying to work with an Xcode project that resides on a network share is completely hopeless. As you say, all sorts of random errors, some of the time, but not all the time. I simply have a "special" folder on the Mac that is instead shared to the OTHER machines on my network, and anytime I want to work on an Xcode project, I copy the project over into that "local" folder (and back when done). Highly inefficient and error-prone, but in my experience the only thing that works reliably (pretty sad really!)
