missing libary in vitis-tool-gpu docker container - xilinx

I've used the Vitis docker tool container using only the CPU and Conda worked fine; however, when I want to use the GPU version for docker, I get the below error. I tried building the environment twice and each time it has failed to import the right libraries.
(vitis-ai-caffe) sam#Itec:~/cf_resnet50$ vai_q_caffe quantize -model float/trainval.prototxt -weights float/trainval.caffemodel
vai_q_caffe: error while loading shared libraries: libprotobuf.so.21: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director
How might I resolve this error? I will be happy to receive any help.

With version 1.0.0 there is an issue in the docker with the protobuf library version. It can be resolved by patching the conda_requirements.txt. To do so, open the conda_requirements.txt in a text editor and add the following two lines, then build the GPU docker:


How to tackle pipeline slow down due to `mypy --install-types`

Problem summary
When running mypy on my code, I keep getting many Library stubs not installed errors.
Few examples below:
/opt/conda/envs/my_ci/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/core/generated/agent_manager_pb2.py:5: error: Library stubs not installed for "google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper" (or incompatible with Python 3.9)
/opt/conda/envs/my_ci/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/tensorboard/summary.py:8: error: Library stubs not installed for "six.moves" (or incompatible with Python 3.9)
/opt/conda/envs/my_ci/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/rllib/algorithms/algorithm.py:28: error: Library stubs not installed for "pkg_resources" (or incompatible with Python 3.9)
Currently I have to use the command
mypy --install-types --non-interactive my_folder --config-file=mypy.ini.
And although it solves the issue, the problem now is that it takes at least 2 min for installing missing types. This is very long for our CI/CD pipeline.
What are alternative ways of addressing missing library stubs? E.g., such that I could maybe 'split' mypy install types (or other solution that is more time-consuming and potentially can be put as part of docker image), from pure run mypy command (that takes less time and runs as part of gitlab ci/cd pipeline).
I tried running mypy --install-types command first, and then run mypy without success. Could it be that I am doing something wrong?
I will appreciate any help and ideas!

Can't import graph dump on neo4j 3.5.28 on RHEL 8.4

I have a fresh install of RHEL 8.4 running neo4j 3.5.28, and when I attempt to run neo4j-admin load --from=<file> I get the following error:
Unsupported OS/arch, cannot find /linux/amd64/libzstd-jni.so or load zstd-jni from system libraries. Please try building from source the jar or providing libzstd-jni in you system.
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1860)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:871)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1124)
at com.github.luben.zstd.util.Native.load(Native.java:108)
at com.github.luben.zstd.util.Native.load(Native.java:60)
at com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdInputStream.<clinit>(ZstdInputStream.java:21)
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.CompressionFormat$2.decompress(CompressionFormat.java:68)
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.openArchiveIn(Loader.java:151)
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.load(Loader.java:67)
at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.load(LoadCommand.java:134)
at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.execute(LoadCommand.java:87)
at org.neo4j.commandline.admin.AdminTool.execute(AdminTool.java:127)
at org.neo4j.commandline.admin.AdminTool.main(AdminTool.java:51)
I've been able to replicate this across multiple fresh servers, but not on centos 8 oddly. Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out our admin had the /var/tmp and /tmp directories set to have the noexec flag. Removing this flag allowed the import to work without a problem.

Python 3.5 searching for libpython3.6m.so.1.0

I have a docker image based from python:3.5-slim, that I added Oracle 12 on it, so my tests on GitLab can run in it.
When GitLab start building the environment, like doing the pip install, I get this error message:
"/builds/root/ppc_busca/venv/bin/python3: error while loading shared libraries: libpython3.6m.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
The thing is, how can it complains about the file 'libpython3.6m' if my python version is 3.5? That is something that I don't understand.
Thanks for the help!

Error: ./ts3server: not found

I'm trying to make an Teamspeak image running on Alpine linux but am honest not sure why docker says
./ts3server: not found
This is the Github page with the Dockerfile code:
Container log:
/opt/teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh: line 8: ./ts3server: not found
Anyone know's what am doing wrong? I think a did something wrong with the extracting part but am not sure.
The ts3server binary in your image looks like it was built against glibc, but it is unable to find the appropriate runtime loader on the filesystem.
You can see this by running ldd /opt/teamspeak/ts3server, which reports:
Error loading shared library ld-linux-x86-64.so.2:
No such file or directory (needed by ts3server)
This is the direct cause of your error.
I see that you're starting with the skardoska/alpine-glibc image, which sounds like maybe it was designed to provide a standard glibc environment to Alpine linux, but the image does not appear to have been constructed in a way that is compatible with your binaries. Looking at the description at https://hub.docker.com/r/skardoska/alpine-glibc/, it appears this may be a known problem, because the description says, "Waiting for https://github.com/andyshinn/alpine-pkg-glibc/issues/1".
You may be better off just starting with a glibc based distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu.

Error while running pub deploy: Cannot read link

I'm trying to run pub deploy command in my Dart project, but it always ends with this error: "Pub deploy failed, [1] Cannot read link". No more information outputs into console.
I tried to run it in basic Dart browser project (the one with text reversing), but same error occurred again.
Did anyone have same problem? Any ideas how to fix it?
I have the same issue.
In my case, the Dart project is stored in NTFS hard drive (I share it with Windows OS) and Dart deploy (run from Eclipse) runs on Ubuntu.
Simply move the Dart project to Ubuntu hard drive then things come back to normal.
This is probably a problem with the packages symlinks. If you delete them and run pub install it should work again.
According to dart-sdk/lib/io/link.dart:
On the Windows platform, the link will be created as a Junction
On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic link
On Linux platforms, storing Dart project in NTFS drive causes Pub to fail. Because posix symlink() is used on NTFS partition and doesn't create a valid NTFS junction point.
The solution is to move the project folder to a partition that uses posix symlinks natively, such as one formatted to ext4.
