Error: ./ts3server: not found - docker

I'm trying to make an Teamspeak image running on Alpine linux but am honest not sure why docker says
./ts3server: not found
This is the Github page with the Dockerfile code:
Container log:
/opt/teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/ line 8: ./ts3server: not found
Anyone know's what am doing wrong? I think a did something wrong with the extracting part but am not sure.

The ts3server binary in your image looks like it was built against glibc, but it is unable to find the appropriate runtime loader on the filesystem.
You can see this by running ldd /opt/teamspeak/ts3server, which reports:
Error loading shared library
No such file or directory (needed by ts3server)
This is the direct cause of your error.
I see that you're starting with the skardoska/alpine-glibc image, which sounds like maybe it was designed to provide a standard glibc environment to Alpine linux, but the image does not appear to have been constructed in a way that is compatible with your binaries. Looking at the description at, it appears this may be a known problem, because the description says, "Waiting for".
You may be better off just starting with a glibc based distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu.


Problem understanding how to, if at all possible, run my docker file (.tar)

I received a .tar docker file from a friend that told me that it should contain all dependences for a program that I've been struggling to get working and that all I need to do is "run" the Docker file. The Docker file is of a .tar format and is around 3.1 GB. The program this file was setup to run is call opensimrt. The GitHub link to the file is as follows:
The google drive link to the Docker file is as follows:
This program has many dependencies, some big ones to note is that it runs off ubuntu 18.04 and Opensim 4.1.
I'm not a computer scientist by any means, so I've been struggling to even learn to do docker basics like load and run a image. However, I desperately need this program to work. If you have any steps or advice on how to run this .tar I'd greatly appreciate it. Alternatively if you are able to find a way to get opensimrt up and running and can post those steps I'd be more than happy with that solution as well.
I've tried the commands "docker run" and "docker load" followed by their respective tags, file paths, args..etc. However, even when I fix various issues I always get stuck with a missing var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-....(random numbers) file. The numbers change every so often when trying to solve the issue, but eventually I always end up getting some variation of this error: Error response from daemon: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-3640220538/bin/json: no such file or directory.
ps: I have extracted the .tar already and there is no install guide/instruction, .exe, install application. As a result I'm not sure how to get the program installed and running.

Error in launching RTAB node in ROS Melodic

I know I should ask this one in ROS Forums but I couldn't due to some reasons (Sorry for that). So the thing is, I built standalone RTAB package from source in my Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) with ROS Melodic installed. I am trying to launch the node for rtab mapping by writing this in my sourced catkin workspace:
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros-master/launch rtabmap.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" rtabmapviz:=false rviz:=true
But when i do this it raises RLE Exception Error even though the path given to rtabmap.launch file is correct and file is at the location. Error is something like that:
RLException: [rtabmap.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rtabmap_ros-master] nor is [rtabmap_ros-master] a launch file name
I don't know why its giving this same error and i am stuck here. Please Help!!!
As the error suggests it can not find a launch file for that package. This is usually caused by one of two things. The first is you need to make sure you're sourcing the correct setup file; here it would be source ~/catkin_ws/setup.bash
The second thing is that you need to make sure you're actually installing the launch files so that they can be used when built. Here that would mean your CMakeLists.txt has something like this:
install(DIRECTORY launch/

missing libary in vitis-tool-gpu docker container

I've used the Vitis docker tool container using only the CPU and Conda worked fine; however, when I want to use the GPU version for docker, I get the below error. I tried building the environment twice and each time it has failed to import the right libraries.
(vitis-ai-caffe) sam#Itec:~/cf_resnet50$ vai_q_caffe quantize -model float/trainval.prototxt -weights float/trainval.caffemodel
vai_q_caffe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director
How might I resolve this error? I will be happy to receive any help.
With version 1.0.0 there is an issue in the docker with the protobuf library version. It can be resolved by patching the conda_requirements.txt. To do so, open the conda_requirements.txt in a text editor and add the following two lines, then build the GPU docker:

Hyperledger Iroha: Can't generate genesis-block

I am trying to generate a new genesis-block in Hyperledger Iroha as it is suggested in
but unfortunately I can't do it because I am always getting the same error message.
$ cat peer.list
$ ./iroha-cli --genesis_block --peers_address peer.list
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::out_of_range> >'
what(): bimap<>: invalid key
Aborted (core dumped)
I am receiving this error both on my local machine where I had compiled Iroha from scratch using the source code, as well as within an Iroha container.
I think I have the correct dependencies, otherwise I would have not been able to build Iroha from scratch. Also, note that I can start irohad correctly by using the configuration example from
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
There was, indeed, a bug affecting the permissions needed to generate a block. It is fixed now and should not occur:
This is a known issue in the development of hyperledger iroha, see here:
It arises when iroha is compiled with Ansible Playbook.
Try to uninstall Ansible from your system and re-compile iroha and you shouldn't encounter the same error.
Obviously this is just a work around, and you won't be able to take advantage of the ansible capabilities.

Installing Hyperledger fabric dependent binaries using Docker for Mac

I downloaded Docker for Mac since it was a prerequisite for Hyperledger Fabric (also listed here).
Now, I downloaded platform specific binaries listed here.
The instructions said:
If you are using Docker for Mac, you will need
to use a location under /Users, /Volumes, /private, or /tmp. To use a
different location, please consult the Docker documentation for file
So,I used the following directory: /Users/user_name/Documents/Hyperledger\ Fabric/
I followed the same commands as listed on the site.
However, I was not able to add the line below to the ~/.bash_profile.
export PATH=/Users/user_name/Documents/Hyperledger\ Fabric/bin:$PATH
If I added the above line and ran the bash_profile, it gave an error and after that commands like ls, open were giving error not found.
It seems that there is a problem with the file location since I
installed Docker for Mac instead of Docker toolbox.
The problem is that your directory name contains a space. One way to avoid this problem is to specify a directory name that has no spaces. This would be the ideal approach since once you introduce a space in the PATH variable it would need to be quoted where used subsequently.
Alternately, you could set the path as:
export PATH="/Users/user_name/Documents/Hyperledger Fabric/bin":$PATH
However, as noted this has drawbacks.
