Deploying React Native Apps directly to devices for testing - ios

I'm looking into the best ways to deploy React Native apps to devices for testing. We don't want to put the app on the app store yet, but we do want the app to be downloadable to, say, an iPad.
What is the best way to do this? Do I need a testing platform or something like diawi? Or can I just put the file in an email and install it from there?

Anyway for deploying an iOS application, you have to follow the standard developer portal process. If you already did that then all good to go otherwise you just need to follow this tutorial.
Once you are done with code signing create a build using XCode Archive. This will generate .ipa file for you OR you can upload that to the testflight. If you want to skip testflight, there is one more tool available called diawi.Diawi gives you a link instantly using which you can deploy the application on test devices.

For iOS apps, test flight is the best way to go about this.

for Android , use internal testing and beta testing of google play
check android documentation of internal testing here
for IOS,use test flight


Flutter. Applying a different configuration for Testflight and the App Store

The task is to use different API URLs inside the Flutter application for the app installed through the Testflight and for the app installed through the App Store.
Libraries like: store_checker and detect_testflight
do not give 100% results, and I cannot be sure that they will not stop correctly detecting the installation source after the next update.
I also cannot rely on the kReleaseMode constant, since there is no way to create a build that compiled in debug mode and uploads it on a Testflight. This can only be done in release mode.
Using custom configuration files and setting up the .gitattributes file also seems like a perversion, and is not suitable because, besides the local repositories of many developers, bitbucket is used, in which I cannot add my merge driver. Also, there is no guarantee that other developers will use this driver.
Tell me a simple and concise way to implement this? Didn't Apple come up with the idea that developers would need to use different settings for builds in Testflight and in App Store?

how to integrate crashlytics in Xcode that uses CMS and script for multiple apps

I have the common code in Xcode and a test app identifier. But I generate the ipa for different/many live apps using scripts at admin side and I generate many applications using CMS. So how do I integrate Crashlytics in such case. Currently when I open the fabrics dashboard I just see one app - that is the test app(identifier). Please help
Mike from Fabric here. In order for an app to be activated on the Fabric dashboard, a build and run of the app is needed. You'll need to build and run each of the apps with Fabric configured within them.

How to test the "open-in-app" feature for the branch link created using in development build?

I have an application which is already in App Store.I have to check the branch linking feature I added using in development build.That is, when a user shares something on social networks, clicking on the shared post should open the application installed. So how do I check this functionality in development build?
Alex from here: Branch doesn't know (or care) how the application is installed onto your device. Installing directly from Xcode and using a beta distribution system (TestFlight, Hockey, Fabric, etc.) are treated exactly the same way as going through the App Store.
Here is a flow you can use to test this:
Install a build of your app that includes the Branch SDK
Generate a link and post it somewhere like iOS Notes
Uninstall your app
Open the link and let it redirect all the way through to the App Store page
Close the App Store
Install a build of your app locally (using either Xcode or TestFlight/Fabric/etc.)
Open your app
The link data will be returned to you, exactly the same way it would be when your app is installed from the App Store by a user.

Automatically update iOS binary (IPA) from the app with objective-c codes

I am creating a free iOS applications. I want to make clients to be able to download new version of my application from setting page of my app by pressing a button named download new version.
I had see this accepted answer that looks good for me:
Actually I am wondering whether this solution only works for ad-hoc apps or I can use BetaBuilder to create a IPA for my final apps that should install on non jailbreak devices too?
Also is there a way that I call this URL from my app with objective-c codes so that app itself download the IPA file and install it on the device?
You can update app by providing link of app's new version only if you have generated ad-hoc or enterprise distribution build. Also your app can not download the new version on its own. You need to open browser with new version link and rest of the process will be handled by iOS.

Blackberry WebWorks + Ripple, whats the easiest way to distribute app?

Currently I use Ripple "Package and Sign" option, and then use Blackberry Desktop Manager (with my blackberry connected to PC via USB) to import then apply the app. What annoys me is the whole process takes min 10mins sometimes 30mins all up.
I try to skip the "Sign" option, ie use "Package" only but when running the app from the device it gives me this error: "Error starting X: Module 'X' attempts to access a secure API".
How are you installing the app on blackberry during Dev/Test?
How are you distributing the app for PROD release?
I have heard we can distribute via Wi-Fi or just sending someone a link to download the app, but cant really find much info on it. Any help?
You have to sign Webworks apps that you intend to use on the phone. Test as much as you can in the simulator, since it has the fastest turn around time between compiling and running the application.
Appworld is probably going to be your easiest distribution method if you intend on having users buy your app.
If you want to use the internet/WiFi option, you'll need to have a webserver/site you can upload all the *.cod and *.jad files that are built when you package the app. Then point the people downloading the app to the .jad file and their phone will try to install it for them.
