Different cost functions pros cons - machine-learning

i've seen the book and Andrew Ng's neural network cost functions and i've noticed that Andrew Ng's cost function is different from the books for neural network.
Andrew Ng's uses
J(Θ)=−(1/m)∑∑[y * log((hΘ(x)))+(1−y) * log(1−(hΘ(x)))] while the book uses mean squared error.
What are the pros and cons of each error formula?

The first cost function so-called the cross-entropy loss or log loss is used to measure the performance of the classification model whose output lies between 0 and 1. Higher the deviation from the actual label, higher is the cross-entropy loss. For example, predicting a probability of 0.6 when the actual value is 1 is a bad result and results in high loss value. When the cross-entropy loss is 0 a model is said to be perfect.
MSE measures the average value that the model’s predictions vary from actual labels. One can think of it as a model’s performance on the training set so, when the model’s performance is poor on the training set the cost is higher. It is also called L2 loss. While training the model the task is to minimize the squared difference between the estimated and actual target values.


Cross-entropy loss influence over F-score

I'm training an FCN (Fully Convolutional Network) and using "Sigmoid Cross Entropy" as a loss function.
my measurements are F-measure and MAE.
The Train/Dev Loss w.r.t #iteration graph is something like the below:
Although Dev loss has a slight increase after #Iter=2200, my measurements on Dev set have been improved up to near #iter = 10000. I want to know is it possible in machine learning at all? If F-measure has been improved, should the loss also be decreased? How do you explain it?
Every answer would be appreciated.
Short answer, yes it's possible.
How I would explain it is by reasoning on the Cross-Entropy loss and how it differs from the metrics. Loss Functions for classification, generally speaking, are used to optimize models relying on probabilities (0.1/0.9), while metrics usually use the predicted labels. (0/1)
Assuming having strong confidence (close to 0 or to 1) in a model probability hypothesis, a wrong prediction will greatly increase the loss and have a small decrease in F-measure.
Likewise, in the opposite scenario, a model with low confidence (e.g. 0.49/0.51) would have a small impact on the loss function (from a numerical perspective) and a greater impact on the metrics.
Plotting the distribution of your predictions would help to confirm this hypothesis.

Comparing MSE loss and cross-entropy loss in terms of convergence

For a very simple classification problem where I have a target vector [0,0,0,....0] and a prediction vector [0,0.1,0.2,....1] would cross-entropy loss converge better/faster or would MSE loss?
When I plot them it seems to me that MSE loss has a lower error margin. Why would that be?
Or for example when I have the target as [1,1,1,1....1] I get the following:
As complement to the accepted answer, I will answer the following questions
What is the interpretation of MSE loss and cross entropy loss from probability perspective?
Why cross entropy is used for classification and MSE is used for linear regression?
TL;DR Use MSE loss if (random) target variable is from Gaussian distribution and categorical cross entropy loss if (random) target variable is from Multinomial distribution.
MSE (Mean squared error)
One of the assumptions of the linear regression is multi-variant normality. From this it follows that the target variable is normally distributed(more on the assumptions of linear regression can be found here and here).
Gaussian distribution(Normal distribution) with mean and variance is given by
Often in machine learning we deal with distribution with mean 0 and variance 1(Or we transform our data to have mean 0 and variance 1). In this case the normal distribution will be,
This is called standard normal distribution.
For normal distribution model with weight parameter and precision(inverse variance) parameter , the probability of observing a single target t given input x is expressed by the following equation
, where is mean of the distribution and is calculated by model as
Now the probability of target vector given input can be expressed by
Taking natural logarithm of left and right terms yields
Where is log likelihood of normal function. Often training a model involves optimizing the likelihood function with respect to . Now maximum likelihood function for parameter is given by (constant terms with respect to can be omitted),
For training the model omitting the constant doesn't affect the convergence.
This is called squared error and taking the mean yields mean squared error.
Cross entropy
Before going into more general cross entropy function, I will explain specific type of cross entropy - binary cross entropy.
Binary Cross entropy
The assumption of binary cross entropy is probability distribution of target variable is drawn from Bernoulli distribution. According to Wikipedia
Bernoulli distribution is the discrete probability distribution of a random variable which
takes the value 1 with probability p and the value 0
with probability q=1-p
Probability of Bernoulli distribution random variable is given by
, where and p is probability of success.
This can be simply written as
Taking negative natural logarithm of both sides yields
, this is called binary cross entropy.
Categorical cross entropy
Generalization of the cross entropy follows the general case
when the random variable is multi-variant(is from Multinomial distribution
) with the following probability distribution
Taking negative natural logarithm of both sides yields categorical cross entropy loss.
You sound a little confused...
Comparing the values of MSE & cross-entropy loss and saying that one is lower than the other is like comparing apples to oranges
MSE is for regression problems, while cross-entropy loss is for classification ones; these contexts are mutually exclusive, hence comparing the numerical values of their corresponding loss measures makes no sense
When your prediction vector is like [0,0.1,0.2,....1] (i.e. with non-integer components), as you say, the problem is a regression (and not a classification) one; in classification settings, we usually use one-hot encoded target vectors, where only one component is 1 and the rest are 0
A target vector of [1,1,1,1....1] could be the case either in a regression setting, or in a multi-label multi-class classification, i.e. where the output may belong to more than one class simultaneously
On top of these, your plot choice, with the percentage (?) of predictions in the horizontal axis, is puzzling - I have never seen such plots in ML diagnostics, and I am not quite sure what exactly they represent or why they can be useful...
If you like a detailed discussion of the cross-entropy loss & accuracy in classification settings, you may have a look at this answer of mine.
I tend to disagree with the previously given answers. The point is that the cross-entropy and MSE loss are the same.
The modern NN learn their parameters using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the parameter space. The maximum likelihood estimator is given by argmax of the product of probability distribution over the parameter space. If we apply a log transformation and scale the MLE by the number of free parameters, we will get an expectation of the empirical distribution defined by the training data.
Furthermore, we can assume different priors, e.g. Gaussian or Bernoulli, which yield either the MSE loss or negative log-likelihood of the sigmoid function.
For further reading:
Ian Goodfellow "Deep Learning"
A simple answer to your first question:
For a very simple classification problem ... would cross-entropy loss converge better/faster or would MSE loss?
is that MSE loss, when combined with sigmoid activation, will result in non-convex cost function with multiple local minima. This is explained by Prof Andrew Ng in his lecture:
Lecture 6.4 — Logistic Regression | Cost Function — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
I imagine the same applies to multiclass classification with softmax activation.

What is weight decay loss?

I have started recently with ML and TensorFlow. While going through the CIFAR10-tutorial on the website I came across a paragraph which is a bit confusing to me:
The usual method for training a network to perform N-way classification is multinomial logistic regression, aka. softmax regression. Softmax regression applies a softmax nonlinearity to the output of the network and calculates the cross-entropy between the normalized predictions and a 1-hot encoding of the label. For regularization, we also apply the usual weight decay losses to all learned variables. The objective function for the model is the sum of the cross entropy loss and all these weight decay terms, as returned by the loss() function.
I have read a few answers on what is weight decay on the forum and I can say that it is used for the purpose of regularization so that values of weights can be calculated to get the minimum losses and higher accuracy.
Now in the text above I understand that the loss() is made of cross-entropy loss(which is the difference in prediction and correct label values) and weight decay loss.
I am clear on cross entropy loss but what is this weight decay loss and why not just weight decay? How is this loss being calculated?
Weight decay is nothing but L2 regularisation of the weights, which can be achieved using tf.nn.l2_loss.
The loss function with regularisation is given by:
The second term of the above equation defines the L2-regularization of the weights (theta). It is generally added to avoid overfitting. This penalises peaky weights and makes sure that all the inputs are considered. (Few peaky weights means only those inputs connected to it are considered for decision making.)
During gradient descent parameter update, the above L2 regularization ultimately means that every weight is decayed linearly: W_new = (1 - lambda)* W_old + alpha*delta_J/delta_w. Thats why its generally called Weight decay.
Weight decay loss, because it adds to the cost function (the loss to be specific). Parameters are optimized from the loss. Using weight decay you want the effect to be visible to the entire network through the loss function.
TF L2 loss
Cost = Model_Loss(W) + decay_factor*L2_loss(W)
# In tensorflow it bascially computes half L2 norm
L2_loss = sum(W ** 2) / 2
What your tutorial is trying to say by "weight decay loss" is that compared to the cross-entropy cost you know from your unregularized models (i.e. how far off target were your model's predictions on training data), your new cost function penalizes not only prediction error but also the magnitude of the weights in your network. Whereas before you were optimizing only for correct prediction of the labels in your training set, now you are optimizing for correct label prediction as well as having small weights. The reason for this modification is that when a machine learning model trained by gradient descent yields large weights, it is likely they were arrived at in response to peculiarities (or, noise) in the training data. The model will not perform as well when exposed to held-out test data because it is overfit to the training set. The result of applying weight decay loss, more commonly called L2-regularization is that accuracy on training data will drop a bit but accuracy on test data can jump dramatically. And that's what you're after in the end: a model that generalizes well to data it did not see during training.
So you can get a firmer grasp on the mechanics of weight decay, let's look at the learning rule for weights in a L2-regularized network:
where eta and lambda are user-defined learning rate and regularization parameter, respectively and n is the number of training examples (you'll have to look up those Greek letters if you're not familiar). Since the values eta and (eta*lambda)/n both are constants for a given iteration of training, it's enough to interpret the learning rule for weight decay as "for a given weight, subract a small multiple of the derivative of the cost function with respect to that weight, and subtract a small multiple of the weight itself."
Let's look at four weights in an imaginary network and how the above learning rule affects them. As you can see, the regularization term shown in red pushes weights toward zero no matter what. It is designed to minimize the magnitude of the weight matrix, which it does by minimizing the absolute values of individual weights. Some key things to notice in these plots:
When the sign of the cost derivative and the sign are the weight are the same, the regularization term accelerates the weight's path to its optimum!
The amount that the regularization term affects the weight update is proportional to the current value of that weight. I've shown this in the plots with tiny red arrows showing contributions of weights with current values close to zero, and larger red arrows for weights with larger current magnitudes.

How to deal with this unbalanced-class skewed data-set?

I have to deal with Class Imbalance Problem and do a binary-classification of the input test data-set where majority of the class-label is 1 (the other class-label is 0) in the training data-set.
For example, following is some part of the training data :
where the last column is the class-label - 0 or 1. The actual data-set is very skewed with a 10:1 ratio of classes, that is around 700 samples have 0 as their class label, while the rest 6800 have 1 as their class label.
The above mentioned are only a few of the all the samples in the given data-set, but the actual data-set contains about 90% of samples with class-label as 1, and the rest with class-label being 0, despite the fact that more or less all the samples are very much similar.
Which classifier should be best for handling this kind of data-set ?
I have already tried logistic-regression as well as svm with class-weight parameter set as "balanced", but got no significant improvement in accuracy.
but got no significant improvement in accuracy.
Accuracy isn't the way to go (e.g. see Accuracy paradox). With a 10:1 ratio of classes you can easily get a 90% accuracy just by always predicting class-label 0.
Some good starting points are:
try a different performance metric. E.g. F1-score and Matthews correlation coefficient
"resample" the dataset: add examples from the under-represented class (over-sampling) / delete instances from the over-represented class (under-sampling; you should have a lot of data)
a different point of view: anomaly detection is a good try for an imbalanced dataset
a different algorithm is another possibility but not a silver shoot. Probably you should start with decision trees (often perform well on imbalanced datasets)
EDIT (now knowing you're using scikit-learn)
The weights from the class_weight (scikit-learn) parameter are used to train the classifier (so balanced is ok) but accuracy is a poor choice to know how well it's performing.
The sklearn.metrics module implements several loss, score and utility functions to measure classification performance. Also take a look at How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?.
Have you tried plotting a ROC curve and AUC curve to check your parameters and different thresholds? If not that should give you a good starting point.

Why the average weight of rnn keeps climbing?

I'm using Pybrain to train a recurrent neural network. However, the average of the weights keeps climbing and after several iterations the train and test accuracy become lower. Now the highest performance on train data is about 55% and on test data is about 50%.
I think maybe the rnn have some training problems because of its high weights. How can I solve it? Thank you in advance.
The usual way to restrict the network parameters is to use a constrained error-functional which somehow penalizes the absolute magnitude of the parameters. Such is done in "weight decay" where you add to your sum-of-squares error the norm of the weights ||w||. Usually this is the Euclidian norm, but sometimes also the 1-norm in which case it is called "Lasso". Note that weight decay is also called ridge regression or Tikhonov regularization.
In PyBrain, according to this page in the documentation, there is available a Lasso-version of weight decay, which can be parametrized by the parameter wDecay.
