How to print a filepath in R Markdown - latex

I'm trying to print a filepath in Rmd as part of a log. The path is passed to the R markdown file, so it comes in as a character string. \ is a special character for both R and LaTeX, which is used to render the final document. Currently, the file paths use \ so that they can be used in the parent R function to actually load the files. What do I need to replace this with in order to actually print it to the pdf?

Replace it by / or \\\\ - the latter one "escapes" the backslash actually twice.


How to convert CodeBlock into LineBlock in Pandoc lua filter

I'd like to convert a CodeBlock into a LineBlock in a Pandoc Lua filter. The problem with that conversion is that the CodeBlock element has a text property (a string), but the LineBlock expects inline content elements (each word, space, newline etc. its own element). How can I convert the text property into content suitable for LineBlock?
This is how my code looks ATM:
function CodeBlock(el)
-- test for manually generating content
-- return pandoc.LineBlock {{pandoc.Str("Some")}, {pandoc.Space()}, {pandoc.Str("content")}}
-- using read does not work, how can I convert the string el.text?
local contentElements =
return pandoc.LineBlock(contentElements)
I'm assuming the text in the code block is formatted in Markdown, as that's the most frequently used input format for pandoc.
Your approach is good, there just seems to be some lack of clarity about the different types: takes a string, as in el.text, and returns a Pandoc object, which has a list of Block values in its blocks field.
This list of blocks is an acceptable return value of the CodeBlock function.
To convert the text into a LineBlock, we could modify it such that it becomes a line block in Markdown syntax. Then we can read the resulting text as Markdown using
Line blocks in pandoc Markdown (and reStructuredText) have a pipe character at the start of each line. So we must add | after each newline character and also prepend it that to the first line.
We can pass the result into, then return the resulting blocks, which should really be just a single LineBlock in our case.
This is the full filter:
function CodeBlock (el)
return'| ' .. el.text:gsub('\n', '\n| '), 'markdown').blocks

How to escape ( parenthesis in stata - invalid '(' error r(196)

I have to replicate a do file of a colleague who used a macro for his file names. The problem is that the pathname contains a parenthesis, which causes problems:
*setting directory
cd "D:/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/2020/Playground"
sysuse auto
save "/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/example", replace
global path "/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)"
local file "/example.dta"
global data "$path`file'""
disp "$data"
use $data
I get the following output
. disp "$data"
/Dropbox (Center for Child Well-being and Development)/example.dta
. use $data
invalid '('
I know that calling the macro within quotations as use "$data" would do the job, but as it is not my do file I would like to try to avoid changing every occurrence where the macro is used.
I tried to escape the parenthesis with \( and add various numbers of quotations at any position I could imagine while constructing the global. Also I tried to add escaped quotations \" which did work neither.

Invalid '`' error when using local macro

I am following instructions from this link on how to append Stata files via a foreach loop. I think that it's pretty straightforward.
However, when I try to refer to each f in datafiles in my foreach loop, I receive the error:
invalid `
I've set my working directory and the data is in a subfolder called csvfiles. I am trying to call each file f in the csvfiles subfolder using my local macro datafiles and then append each file to an aggregate Stata dataset called data.dta.
I've included the code from my do file below:
local datafiles: dir "csvfiles" files "*.csv"
foreach f of local datafiles {
insheet using “csvfiles\`f'”, clear
** add syntax here to run on each file**
save temp, replace
append using temp
rm temp
save data.dta, replace
The backslash character has meaning to Stata: it will prevent the interpretation of any following character that has a special meaning to Stata, in particular the left single quote character
will not be interpreted as indicating a reference to a macro.
But all is not lost: Stata will allow you to use the forward slash character in path names on any operating system, and on Windows will take care of doing what must be done to appease Windows. Replacing your insheet command with
insheet using “csvfiles/`f'”, clear
should solve your problem.
Note that the instructions you linked to do exactly that; some of the code includes backslashes in path names, but where a macro is included, forward slashes are used instead.

How to make the output of Maxima cleaner?

I want to make use of Maxima as the backend to solve some computations used in my LaTeX input file.
I did the following steps.
Step 1
Download and install Maxima.
Step 2
Create a batch file named cas.bat (for example) as follows.
rem cas.bat
echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxima-5.31.2\bin"
maxima --very-quiet -r %1 > solution.tex
Save the batch in the same directory in which your input file below exists. It is just for the sake of simplicity.
Step 3
Create the input file named main.tex (for example) as follows.
% main.tex
Evaluate $\f(x)$ for $x=\frac 1 2$.
\immediate\write18{cas "x: 1/2;tex(\f(x));"}
Step 4
Compile the input file with pdflatex -shell-escape main and you will get a nice output as follows.
Step 5
Apparently the output of Maxima is as follows. I don't know how to make it cleaner.
Now, my question are
how to remove such texts?
how to obtain just \frac{15}{4} without $$...$$?
(1) To suppress output, terminate input expressions with dollar sign (i.e. $) instead of semicolon (i.e. ;).
(2) To get just the TeX-ified expression sans the environment delimiters (i.e. $$), call tex1 instead of tex. Note that tex1 returns a string, which you have to print yourself (while tex prints it for you).
Combining these ideas with the stuff you showed, I think your program could look like this:
"x: 1/2$ print(tex1(\f(x)))$"
I think you might find the Maxima mailing list helpful. I'm pretty sure there have been several attempts to create a system such as the one you describe. You can also look at the documentation.
I couldn't find any way to completely clean up Maxima's output within Maxima itself. It always echoes the input line, and always writes some whitespace after the output. The following is an example of a perl script that accomplishes the cleanup.
use strict;
my $var = $ARGV[0];
my $expr = $ARGV[1];
sub do_maxima_to_tex {
my $m = shift;
my $c = "maxima --batch-string='exptdispflag:false; print(tex1($m))\$'";
my $e = `$c`;
my #x = split(/\(%i\d+\)/,$e); # output contains stuff like (%i1)
my $f = pop #x; # remove everything before the echo of the last input
while ($f=~/\A /) {$f=~s/\A .*\n//} # remove echo of input, which may be more than one line
$f =~ s/\\\n//g; # maxima breaks latex tokens in the middle at end of line; fix this
$f =~ s/\n/ /g; # if multiple lines, get it into one line
$f =~ s/\s+\Z//; # get rid of final whitespace
return $f;
my $e1 = do_maxima_to_tex("diff($expr,$var,1)");
my $e2 = do_maxima_to_tex("diff($expr,$var,2)");
print <<TEX;
The first derivative is \$$e1\$. Differentiating a second time,
we get \$$e2\$.
If you name this script, then doing z 3*z^4
outputs this:
The first derivative is $12\,z^3$. Differentiating a second time,
we get $36\,z^2$.
For the OP's application, a script like this one could be what is invoked by the write18 in the latex file.
If you really want to use LaTeX then the maxiplot package is the answer. It provides a maxima environment inside of which you enter Maxima commands. When you process your LaTeX file a Maxima batch file is generated. Process this file with Maxima and process your LaTeX file again to typeset the equations generated by Maxima.
If you would rather have 2D math input with live typesetting then use TeXmacs. It is a cross-platform document authoring environment (a word processor on steroids if you like) that includes plugins for Maxima, Mathematica and many more scientific computing tools. If you need to or are not satisfied with the typesetting, you can export your document to LaTeX.
I know this is a very old post. Excellent answers for the question asked by OP. I was using --very-quiet -r options on the command line for a long time like OP, but in maxima version 5.43.2 they behave differently. See maxima command line v5.43 is behaving differently than v5.41. I am answering this question with a cross reference because when incorporating these answers in your solutions, make sure the changes in behavior of those command line flags are also incorporated.

How to convert .txt files to .xls files using informix 4GL codes

I got a question to be disscuss.I am working on INFORMIX 4GL programs. That programs produce output text files.This is an example of the output:
Lot No|Purchaser name|Billing|Payment|Deposit|Balance|
J1006|JAUHARI BIN HAMIDI|5285.05|4923.25|0.00|361.80|
J1007|LEE, CHIA-JUI AKA LEE, ANDREW J. R.|5366.15|5313.70|0.00|52.45|
J1008|NAZRIN ANEEZA BINTI NAZARUDDIN|5669.55|5365.30|0.00|304.25|
J1009|YAZID LUTFI BIN AHMAD LUTFI|3180.05|3022.30|0.00|157.75|
From that output text files(.txt) files, we can open it manually from the excel(.xls) files.From this case, is that any 4gl codes or any commands that we can use it for open the text files in microsoft excell automatically right after we run the program?If there any ideas,please share with me... Thank You
The output shown is in the normal Informix UNLOAD format, using the pipe as a delimiter between fields. The nearest approach to this for Excel is a CSV file with comma-separated values. Generating one of those from that output is a little fiddly. You need to enclose fields containing a comma inside double quotes. You need to use commas in place of pipes. And you might have to worry about backslashes too.
It is a moot point whether it is easier to do the conversion in I4GL or whether to use a program to do the conversion. I think the latter, so I wrote this script a couple of years ago:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# #(#)$Id:,v 1.1 2011/05/17 10:20:09 jleffler Exp $
# Convert Informix UNLOAD format to CSV
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
use IO::Wrap;
my $csv = new Text::CSV({ binary => 1 }) or die "Failed to create CSV handle ($!)";
my $dlm = defined $ENV{DBDELIMITER} ? $ENV{DBDELIMITER} : "|";
my $out = wraphandle(\*STDOUT);
my $rgx = qr/((?:[^$dlm]|(?:\\.))*)$dlm/sm;
# $csv->eol("\r\n");
while (my $line = <>)
print "1: $line";
while ($line eq "\\\n" || $line =~ m/[^\\](?:\\\\)*\\$/)
my $extra = <>;
last MultiLine unless defined $extra;
$line .= $extra;
my #fields = split_unload($line);
$csv->print($out, \#fields);
sub split_unload
my($line) = #_;
my #fields;
print "$line";
while ($line =~ $rgx)
printf "%d: %s\n", scalar(#fields), $1;
push #fields, $1;
return #fields;
=head1 NAME
unl2csv - Convert Informix UNLOAD to CSV format
unl2csv [file ...]
The unl2csv program converts a file from Informix UNLOAD file format to
the corresponding CSV (comma separated values) format.
The input delimiter is determined by the environment variable
DBDELIMITER, and defaults to the pipe symbol "|".
It is not assumed that each input line is terminated with a delimiter
(there are two variants of the UNLOAD format, one with and one without
the final delimiter).
10|12|excessive|cost \|of, living|
20|40|bou\\ncing tigger|grrrrrrrr|
10,12,"excessive","cost |of, living"
20,40,"bou\ncing tigger",grrrrrrrr
Since the csv2unl program does not know about binary blob data, it
cannot convert such data into the hex-encoded format that Informix
It can and does handle text blob data.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Leffler <>
I generate Excel files from 4GL code by writing a XML with the Excel progid ("?mso-application progid=\"Excel.Sheet\"?) so Excel opens it as such.
Its like writing HTML from 4GL, you just wite HTML code to file. But with Excel you write XML.
