iOS: SDK for viewing photos of your own album - ios

I basically want the ability to check first within two specific dates if a user has taken any pictures on his phone. If so, if he clicks a button in my app the photo viewer (ideally exactly the same as used in the Photos app) should be opened and only these pictures/videos should be displayed. Then the user can look at them, share them, basically also the exact same functionality as the Photos app offers. But how can I do that? So far it seems I would have to code this completely from scratch, since I don't want the user to "pick" any picture but just look at them, share them etc. Or is there any SDK for this?


Prevent manual screenshot in IOS Objective-C

On iOS, my requirement is disallow user to take manual screenshot from my application, either disallow or blur the captured screenshot. How?
The only solution is to simulate the iOS controls you have in your View using DRM'ed videos.
For each widget you need to create a video subclass that renders the widget, and apply DRM to the video.
You can try to do it yourself, or use a commercial solution such as the following:
It is possible but I don't recommend it because of the room for error. It was easier to do in the past, in iOS13 you will have to do it like this:
You will have to ask for the user's permission to read and edit their photo library, then you have a listener which is checking the number of photos in their library while they are using your app, if that number changes, they have just taken a screenshot (unless you allow other things in your app like tap and hold to save image, etc). When this happens, read said photo and apply a blur, then delete the photo from their library and save the blurred photos.
Warning: There are times where a user may get a photo while using your app that is not a screenshot (e.g. they received an airdrop) and you will now be tampering with their photos, which is very bad. To prevent this you may need to use key value pixel encoding on your screen at all times, for example the first 3 pixels of the screen are 3 very specific RGB values, that way if a new photo is detected and the first 3 pixels are those exact RGB values you know it's a screenshot of your app and not just another photo that was somehow saved while the user was using the app.
There isn't any regular solution to your problem!
You can do some tricks such as if you force the user to have their finger on the screen for the image to show then I don't think they can create screenshots. Because as soon as you press the home+lock keys to actually take the screenshot, the screen seems to behave as if there are no fingers touching it.
BUT what if the user takes a screenshot by AssistiveTouch?!
OR what do you want to do if user records screen and taking screenshot from the video?
I think it's better to change your strategy for example notify the owner of picture for taking screen shot by another one (like SnappChat)!

Markup feature in images in swift

I've created a chat app, where user can chat and share images. Now I need to add feature where user can edit and perform some annotation on images. I've heard from iOS 9 there's a new feature called markup to perform editting on images. I've checked UIActivityViewController and couldn't find in it. Is this feature available and can it fit to my requirement? If not, is there any other alternatives that I can approach?
Yes you are Right Markup feature is available from ios 9.
iOS 9 has introduced a set of markup tools for images that you attach
with a message in the Mail app.
To use this feature,
1) Open the Mail app and compose a new message (or reply to an old one if that’s what you need to do).
2) Tap and hold on the message body area and in the floating actions bar, tap the Insert Photo or Video option. From your camera roll, insert a photo.
3) Tap and hold on the photo and in the floating actions bar that appears on the photo, tap the new ‘Markup’ option.
--> Your photo will be enter in Editing mode.
Markup tool will look like this ,
From the link whats-new you will find that apple implement markup option for mail.
So, As per your Question , Markup image facility provided bydefault by apple in Mail. so, i think you can't implement it programatically. but when user will open the mail from UIActivitycontroller from your application then user will get Markup feature with following above procedure. (But user have to manually do process to enable Markup feature)
You can also check video on youtube ,
How to markup and annotate an attachment in iOS 9
Reference link regarding markup feature,
I hope this info is helpful for you.

Load picture with native photo viewer

I've been looking around and I just couldn't find anything that really fits my (very simple) needs.
I have a UIImage (as a NSData, then file, then image) that is displayed, and I'd like to be able to tap it and display the native "show", that has the little box & arrow icon where you can decide wether you wanna save the picture, or share it by mail, facebook, twitter, and so on.
Wherever i've looked I only found a great looking framework that clearly overkills my needs, or confusing information about PHAssets and PHImageManager.
I do not need to browse multiple photos, nor to see photos from albums. I just need to see my picture with the native "Share" button (box with outgoing arrow) and the native layout.
Is there such a thing available ? Without having to download a framework? Or should I just use the 5% of MWaterfall that i need?

creating an interactive page (videos, photos) for sharing on iOS device

I am building an iOS app, using storyboard. I have created a page where the user can create a page that will then be then published on DropBox and shared between all app users. this page lets you add photos, videos (not yet), and textviews (with scrolling enabled). Until know when the user presses the upload button, a screenshot is taken and uploaded, then views from a table view. but obviously it is just an image, so you can't scroll the textfields to see all the content and if I wanted to add the video support it would not be able to play it. I tried doing research on the internet, but I am a bit confused. Do I have to save all the components (UITextField...) separately, and place them in the same DropBox folder, and then put them all back together? What do you suggest? Is there a way?
Of course you will have to save the data else would your program know how to create the view? I recommend JSON or XML. Don't ask about how to structure it, that is a different question and one you should think about yourself.

iPad Photo Gallery Framework

I am looking for some framework that allows me to create a Photo Gallery that allows the user to swipe through pictures, and then select one and it takes them to a specific view based on that image. I seen this idea in another App, and didnt know if this was an open source framework, or if there is anything similar.
I wrote a library that should be able to handle this:
Check out the "custom" or "time machine" carousels in the example app for something similar to what you've shown.
Here's a screenshot. Don't worry that it's not exactly the same as your picture; the angle, panel size, etc. can all be configured.
