Development Team not populating in xcode - ios

I recently got invited to an Apple Developer Team. When i log in via the portal, I can clearly see the Apple Developer Program that I am apart of.
However, whenever I try to sign into xcode using my apple ID, I am only given the option of Name (Personal Team) and not the development team that I am apart of.
Has anybody had this issue before, and what are some troubleshooting steps I could take. I am an app manager role and have tried removing and re-linking my Apple ID and nothing has worked so far.

You can add multiple accounts in the Xcode > Preferences > Accounts pane. Click the + on the bottom left of the pane to add another account.
In your project settings, under signing, you can change your team there.


Unable to add device in Apple Developer Program

I am unable to add a new device in the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section of the Apple Developer portal.
I have two developer accounts, one personal account and one account for a company. The account for the company, I am set as a 'member' for the team. This is the account that I am unable to add a new device for. (I am also not able to download the Distribution certificate, which I believe is a related issue that I need resolved too).
I have researched the other similar questions on SO, but neither of them applied to my scenario.
Here is a picture showing the + button disabled (greyed out)
From Apple documentation:
Team members can’t register devices and create development
provisioning profiles using their developer account.
Ask from someone who has Team admin or Team agent privileges to add you.
I figured it out. Team Members are unable to add a new device via the Developer Portal. However, they are allowed to add a new device to the provisioning file via XCode. I was working with Xamarin and didn't know that I needed to go back to XCode in order to add a new device to the provisioning file.
If you're working in Xamarin and experience this problem, you need to create a 'dummy app' in XCode with the same info as your Xamarin app. Then select your team and it should generate the correct provisioning file for you. After that, build and run your app on your device, then a pop up window should display telling you that the device is not in the provisioning file, then asks if you would like to add it. A simple click of 'Yes' will automatically add the device to the provisioning file which is then reflected on the Developer Account.
Hope that helps someone else! I spent many hours trying to figure this out.

Invalid team ID in signature

We are working on an app, that was originally created by other developers. They added our account to iTunes Connect as Admin role and to Member Center as Admin too. We added that account to Xcode and we've chosen "Team" setting under Target to match the right team.
When we are trying to archive and upload new version, Xcode returns error:
No accounts with iTunes Connect access.
But if I try to log in to iTunes Connect, it works normally.
I tried uploading new version by exporting .ipa and uploading in via Application Loader. After unsuccessful upload, I get a mail like the following:
Invalid team ID in signature - The code signature in bundle 'com.example' at '' has a team identifier value that is different from your team identifier 'EXAMPLE'.
Under keychain certificates, there is iPhone Distribution Certificate with that team name. How to resolve this whole problem?
Under the target of your Xcode project in the main settings page (when you first click on the target) you will see a drop down called Team. You need to make sure you have the right team selected that goes with the proper bundle I'd
I am not sure if this question is still relevant.
So what you would normally need to do is:
Go to the developer portal, and in the Certificates, IDs and Profiles choose Certificates > Production. You should be able to download the Distribution certificate.
Go to the Provisioning Profiles > Distribution (same page, menu on the left) and choose and download and double click the provisioning profile for your app.
Now you should be able to choose this Distribution Certificate/Provisioning profile combo in xcode to build and sign your app.
We develop white labelled apps, so our account actually manages over 40 other apple dev accounts (since apple guidelines say that apps need to be submitted by content provider even when developed by 3rd party).
About the error you received: when we transfer app from our main apple dev account to respective apple account of the client, we do get the warning you mentioned as well. Yet even after receiving the warning, our apps get uploaded/approved. This happens because in past the app has been developed under a different team (and apple prefixes the team-id from dev portal to the bundle-id to finally identify apps on dev portal/appstore connect, it seems).
So what happens to you I think is that you dont have the distribution certificate/provisioning profile sorted out properly. Do you use just xcode, or a different tool to build/sign your app(s) - like Visual Studio for Mac? You would need to sort the provisioning combo there as well.
If you look to your keychain, in the "My Certificates" section you should see the team that invited you as admin to manage their apple account, and this entry should have a little arrow next to it, if you click it, you should also see that there is a private key associated to this certificate.
You might need to manually download all of the provisioning files in the xcode tho, in my experience double clicking the provisioning profile file downloaded from portal sometimes doesnt do the trick. If its the same for you, go to the xcode > Preferences > Account > click on your account in xcode, and on the right you should see all the teams that you are part of. Click on the team and click on "Download manual profiles".
If you use Visual Studio for Mac, you also need to add your account in the Visual Studio for Mac > Preferences > Publishing > Apple Developer Accounts. If this is empty, just add your Apple dev account, login, and you will also see a list of teams you are part of. If it syncs well, you can actually just leave the certificate/provisioning combo on Automatic in Visual Studio, and it will manage it for you.

Development team not showing in Xcode

I am an self-employed iOS developer and so have my own iOS distribution membership.
For a few days, I am working as a developer in a team. My apple account has been added in their iTunes Connect / Users and Roles. It works since I can access to the app details of the current app we develop.
However, I can't get it right on Xcode. And so Xcode says the bundle ID is not right because I don't have the provisioning profiles.
In 'Project>General>Identity>Team', I can only select my own account and I don't see the new team I am part of.
I don't see it neither in the Accounts page of Xcode preferences.
A provisioning profile has been created by the team leader for me. It didn't solve the problem.
Question: How to add new team we belong to in Xcode?
Note - at long last Apple will resolve this insanity,
They are finally fixing it in 2018:
Apple has now unified both AppStore Connect and systems.
To add profile & certificates capabilities:
Navigate to App Store Connect > Users and Access
Select your user account. (You may need to be a team admin to do this.)
In section "Developer Resources", check the box "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
You will only see this option when your dev account is a 'Organization'
Update: This answer posted in February 2019 is still valid as of September 2021
Overwhelming issue here:
Apple have two totally different fundamental systems,
- the "" system
and the
- iTunes connect system
They are completely different. As a rule you need to be in both.
It's the single most confusing (and ridiculous) thing in the whole software industry. It is a source of endless confusion.
When you suffer the problem on this page, 99% of the time the solution is "they added me on iTunes Connect, but they forgot to add me on Developer..." or "they forgot to make me an admin on one or the other."
If you are added to a existing team, Ask for an invitation as Admin
Go in apple developer center:
Again, that's,
NOT !!!
Once you are in at, be sure you are in the correct team on the top right corner:
Go in section people
Be sure your are admin :
If everything it's ok here. So stop completelly Xcode and restart it.
Be sure your account is added to Xcode in Preference->Account
If not, click on the + on the bottom left corner and add your account.
Now, in your project, go on your target :
And in team, your new team must appear :
To repeat,
Your company has to invite you on the "developer thing" as shown in the images here. If you're "only" invited on the "itunes thing", nothing works. Really silly and bizarre, but that's how it is.
Xcode does not see your development team(it is not a personal team) until admin check in the next setting in AppStoreConnect even if your role is Developer
Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
SOLUTION : My account was not added in the certificates page of the member center of the development team leader.
He just added me and I received an invitation to join. It solved the problem since I can now select my team in Xcode.
For those who live in 2021 but are simply lost, here is where the "Team" button moved !
You’ll simply find it under the section “Signing and Capabilities” instead of “Main”. See the image below:
In addition of what #opyh said, your user must have checked the option "Access to certificates, identifiers and profiles." in to see your own team.
After that, you have to add your account in xcode > target > team, and you will show your user is assigned to a team.
For this you have to do following things:
Check whether your apple ID is added into the team on Apple
Developer portal with specific role. If not then it should be added.
After that you have to add your apple account in the
settings of the Xcode at following path. If added then remove and add again
Xcode -> Preferences ->
Accounts -> Add the account by clicking on 'Plus' (+) button on the
left botttom section
If this is done and still have a issue then regenerate the provisioning profile, install and use it.
It seems when Apple merged App Store Connect and Developer accounts, some accounts have been missed, like mine – In my case (I am part of a team, but not the account holder), I had to use a different solution:
Check if your team shows up on (as entry in the menu in the top right corner)
Check if your team shows up on (as entry in the menu in the top right corner)
If the team is missing in one of the menus, let the account owner remove your membership in App Store Connect and re-invite you. After accepting your new invitation, the missing team should be displayed on both App Store Connect and the Developer portal. Now you can also use it in Xcode.
You may also need the appropriate certificate. without the need to have full access to certifications or to be full admin
you can email the creator of the signing certificate. Ask the creator to export the signing certificate on their Mac so you can install it on your Mac.
Please see the link below for more information:
Apple's documentation of what app signing is
Apple's documentation on how to "Create, export, and delete signing certificates"
I faced into the same issue, after 1 hour trying many ways, they showed your developer program was expired :D. Why don't it show at the first time to save my time.
For me I had to go build settings under Signing -> Code signing identity then changed it to iOS Developer and went under Development team -> select others then add the team key.
I had this same issue. I needed my admin to additionally grant me 'Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles'. The solution was given here by user bruno887
If you recently signed into the account, ensured you have the correct permissions in Apple Developer + App Store Connect, and still can't get a new team to show up, I've had to restart my computer or log out / log in order to get it to appear. Sounds crazy but this has been the only resolution for me on multiple occasions.
Removing the user in App Store Connect, Mac Settings, and re-login the user that worked for me.

When is it worth to set in Xcode > General > Team and is it worth to leave empty?

I am curious, when do I need to set / change Team setting in my project.
Is it Project based setting or relating all the projects opened in Xcode?
This allows Xcode to automatically download and create provisioning profiles, certificates, provision devices etc. If you're developing on the simulator you don't need to turn it on. If you have an iOS developer program account add it in Xcode's preferences and then select it here. In the old days all the stuff you had to do manually through the developer center now gets done automatically by setting the team in Xcode. The reason it is a dropdown is incase you are a member of multiple developer programs (e.g. a freelancer or a business account and a personal account). You can then choose the team based on the project you're working on.

The selected team doesn't have an iOS Developer Program membership

I'm attempting to add myself as a developer on a team for iOS. (It's a university program)
I go into Xcode, select the team name, and click "fix issue" (earlier it was having code signing problems, which I fixed). It returns this error: "The selected team doesn't have an iOS Developer Program membership"
This is false, I know for sure that the team is an iOS development team. And on it shows me as logged in on the iOS team. Xcode just won't recognize this fact. Please help.
(Video of problem:
I got this error when the developer account from Xcode was using an old Apple id email address. Deleting that account from Xcode and adding it back again solved the issue for me.
I had this problem after i changed password to my apple id account, it is seem to be that somehow it unable to request your data about your account and certificate. So it's "Select a team with an iOS Developer Program membership and try again.".
Confirm that deleting account from Xcode and adding it resolves the problem.
If you changed your password, go to Xcode - preferences and change the password in the relevant account
What worked for me was removing it and adding it again as suggested above (not sure if its necessary) and then selecting another team, and then selecting the original one again. If you are only the member of one team you may just have to remove and add again.
here is how I have solved the same problem. I had a valid membership account. But it wasnt recognizing it.
I have made the Team to none in (General/Identity)
Then clean The project
Changed the Provisioning profile to Automatic in (BuildSettings/CodeSigning)
the most important part (I had add the device using its id in (membercenter/Devices)
I have added a new account using (General/Identity) ( try this if selecting the previous account from here doesnt work)
Then I have started the app, and it works in the real device
Hope it helps
This happened to me when iTunes Connect went down. I had a feeling it was down because I traced the error back to bad account credentials, and twitter confirmed my suspicions.
I actually got this fixed. I just talked to my account admin, and he added me as a new project under the university account, which solved my problem.
