How to change window manager from KDE to Bspwm? - manjaro

I'm currently using Manjaro Linux 18.1.2 and want to change my desktop environment from KDE to Bspwm. I tried to find find some guides, but failed to. Only some examples for popular managers like XFCE or Gnome, but their examples didn't help. Maybe it's because Bspwn is not that popular.
So can anyone provide quick guide how to do it without reinstalling the whole system?

BSPWM is a window manager, not a desktop environment. What you probably want to know is how to change KDE's default window manager (kwin) to BSPWM.
Basically, install bspwm if you haven't already and create a new executable shell script in yourhomefile/.config/plasma-workspace/env with the line
export KDEWM=/bin/bspwm
This is self explanatory but it's setting KDE's default window manager from kwin to bspwm. Restart your PC and you should have bspwm.


Disable Docker in Visual Studio

I have a Visual Studio Solution that I've been working with. This solution has a console app in it. Notably, I've been running Windows within a Bootcamp partition on my MacBook Pro.
A developer on my team wanted to use Docker. I agreed, thinking it wouldn't impact the console app itself. However, I can no longer compile the console app since Docker has been added. When I attempt to compile the solution, I see:
Visual Studio Container Tools requires Docker CE for Windows. To get it, see
For more info, please see:
Here's the problem, since I'm running Windows via a Bootcamp Partition, I can't run Docker (from my understanding). Is there a way to disable Docker just for my myself? If so, how? I don't want to undo what the other dev has done. However, I can't setup a brand new environment at this time.
My need is similar: disable Docker completely, but without uninstalling it.
So, this may help. But
My use case is different: I want to as nimbly as possible switch between VMWare and Docker.
My environment is different: I have a non-macbook PC and I'm only running Windows.
This worked for my use case:
In the services control panel, disable the Docker for Windows Service or set it to manual start.
On the task manager startup tab, disable Docker for Windows.
For my use case only, there additional changes for VMWare. Disable DeviceGuard and CredentialsGuard per article at
Hope this helps for you.

Good alternative to environment modules for windows?

In the past I have used environment modules extensively in Unix based systems. The tool proved very usefull since we had many different projects each of them using a potentially different set of tools.
I am now however stuck with a windows machine and need to make the most of it. Does anybody know of a good alternative to environment modules for windows? I am basically looking for a tool that let's me manipulate the PATH (or $env:PATH in windows powershell) environment variable without having to touch it directly.
You can install environment modules on windows as well. The instructions are in the repository
Basically you have to install active state tcl and copy the source files.
I use this and it works quite well.

Making use of docker for development: a use case

my question is little vague but I tried looking for the answer here and there but could not understand if I can leverage docker for my work. My requirements
I usually try different versions of java, python and other software like different versions of eclipse, Linux package and other tools. This at the end make my Ubuntu installation a complete mess and some time completely broken. Then I started using Vm it solve most of the problem but make my pc very slow for frequent switching.
So my question can I achieve my work using docker without affecting my os? Can I run gui application, install different package without affecting underlying OS.
Switch actively between different docker container and underlying os.
Clean/remove unused/broken install of docker instance (containers?) etc. Any pointer to similar use case or how to would be helpful.
Ps- if it doesn't fit for SO then please move it to where it is best fitted. Sorry for non programming question.
Can it be done?
yes, there are examples of docker images that run graphical application, but running those containers might be a bit tricky. See for instance Can you run GUI apps in a docker container?
Is Docker the right tool for your problem ?
Maybe a package manager such as Nix would be better suited, as graphical software installed with it won't have any issue. With Nix you can install side-by-side many versions of a single software without interference.

How to set Neo4j auto start when booting?

I want to start my Neo4j service when booting, and my system environment is Redhat.
I add below text on /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but it is not working
/opt/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
But it works for MongoDB...
Please take a look at the Neo4j reference for Linux installation. You can find it here:
We have an installer script that will configure Neo4j to startup at system boot $ /path/to/neo4j-community-2.1.4/bin/neo4j-installer install
First remove the text you've added from /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
You can also use our debian package installation to automatically download, install, and configure Neo4j as a service on Linux.
That information can be found here:

Creating a Ruby on Rails environment on Windows, in a VM Vagrant Box

Is Vagrant a good solutions for creating a Rails environment in windows?
I have a powerful Windows 8 64bit desktop. I recently did a project with RoR and fell in love with it. As I found out, installing RoR on windows is just bleh; so I created a dual boot to ubuntu. As a creative developer, I find it rather difficult to get any of the "creative" done in ubuntu because of the lack of my typical creative tools.
I read a bit about a tool called Vagrant; however, I'm still unsure if it meets my requirements: adobe suite, sublime text, git, rails, rails friendly OS(mac?/ubuntu)
Typical duties: edit an image in photoshop(windows), drop it to project assets in VM?
Typical duties: push/pull to git; ssh to VPS server?
Also, I hear you can install mac os in the VM do you think thats a good option? (because I want to try their new OS)
Installing osx in Vagrant is probably possible but it would likely be quite hard, and its not really what vagrant is designed for.
As for your other questions vagrant sounds like the perfect fit.
With Vagrant you could start up an ubuntu vm and get your rails setup going. Then you could just forward a port on your local machine to the vm and load the rails site as if it were running locally on your windows PC. A quick google gets this vagrant box that looks like it might work for you -
To work with the site you can just share a folder between the vm and your local machine which will allow you to edit images and code with your windows apps (Photoshop, sublime) so you don't actually need to install these in the ubuntu vm at all, and can pretty much work as normal.
Git is much the same... I prefer to SSH into the vagrant box and use git on the command line in ubuntu but you can just as easily use gitbash or tortoisegit from windows in the repo folder... works just as well.
A good alternative is,
"Ventriloquist combines Vagrant and Docker to give developers the ability to configure portable and disposable development VMs with ease. It lowers the entry barrier of building a sane working environment without the need to learn tools like Puppet or Chef."
