Asp.Net Core 2.2 MVC - Set up default route to a controller in the sub folder -

I have just started exploring routing in ASP.Net Core 2.2 MVC. I took the default project template and just changed route.MapRoute to always default to LoginController under Views
ex: Account/LoginController.cs with an Index method.
name: "default",
template: "Account/{controller=Login}/{action=Index}");
I get an error when I hit https://localhost:44364 in the browser
But the controller gets called when i copy this https://localhost:44364/Account/Login in the browswer.
How can i make the default route https://localhost:44364 to always hit LoginController under AccountFolder.
This is a basic set up for any website with a login page.
Could someone help me with this. I am wasting a lot of time here.

Use this:
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Account/Login}/{action=Index}");
The other way you could do it is use areas, however your project doesn't use them. If you do decide to use areas, this would be the code for route
name: "default",
template: "{area:Account}/{controller=Login}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


How do I identify the start page in MVC4 app?

I should preface this question by saying I have never done any MVC work before. My assignment is to move an MVC project from one server to another, and I am not sure what to set the IIS start page to. I have done some research an reviewed the app, and I found this code in the RouteConfig.cs file:
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "KOOL", action = "AdvancedSearch", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Does this mean the start page is Default.aspx? If so, where would I find it? I don't see it in the project (it is a large project with lots of folders).

Remove "Home/Index" secondary route to home page

I have an MVC 5 site. The home page is at http://mydomain.
However, there's also a second route to the home page - http://mydomain/home/index - which I think
This causes problems because it may be seen as duplicate content, and images are broken on this page.
How can I totally remove this route (so it goes to a 404, I guess?).
I've searched Google but can only find articles on removing Home from routes entirely - not what I need.
I'm using Attribute routing, and this is all that's in the RouteConfig.cs:
// Enable Route Attributes in Controllers
// Fall through all routes
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
The Home Index action has no attribute route on it (as you'd probably expect?). This /home/index route works even on newly generated MVC projects - which I think is a bad idea?
How can I do this?
Are there any problems with removing this route I may not have considered?
You can block unintended routes that you don't want by using IgnoreRoute().
// Enable Route Attributes in Controllers
// Fall through all routes
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
However, if these URLs are already in the wild, you should instead setup a 301 redirect to the canonical URL you intended. The simplest way to do that is with the URL rewrite module.
This /home/index route works even on newly generated MVC projects - which I think is a bad idea?
I see this as more of a blessing in disguise. It is an advantage over any SEO competitor using MVC who doesn't do the extra work to remove these routes when you are the one who does.
This is not necessary.
The default route provides optional controller and action names. So if user does not put any name for controller and/or action in path (/Home/Index or /Home in this situation) will put the right values in application routing.
Whenever you use Url.Action or Url.Route functions it will produce the shortest link for you. So in your website there will be always http://mydomain produced for your root. And for example Category > Index action it will produce http://mydomain/category.
In your website bots will never get to duplicate content if your links are in this way. If you are writing your links manually write as short as you can or simply use Url.Action.
About the images there must be something different, because images are static files. just use "~/imagefolder/imagename.jpg" way to get them. "~" is important to start link from the root of application if you are making your application work on a subfolder in IIS.

Server-side routing with an AngularJS SPA

I'm using ASP.NET MVC, IIS 8 and I'm using AngularJS to create a SPA. I only have this routing rule defined in my MVC application, that directs to Index method in Home controller, where my SPA lives:
name: "DefaultHome",
url: "",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
Now I have bunch of client-side SPA routes and I want all of them to available without the hashbang prefix #/. html5Mode works perfectly - but only when the app has been loaded. If I copy the URL, close the window, open the window and paste it in, I get an IIS 404 error. That makes sense because the routing is done on the server.
So sharing the URL doesn't work, which I would like to be able to do. So the routing has also to be done server-side, but everytime I change the route (add client side route), I don't want to have to create a server side routing rule.
Can this be done in general? Like something that URL rewrites /* to #/* without redirecting the user? With an exception for /Static.
Simply change the url to "{*catchall}". Like so:
name: "DefaultHome",
url: "{*catchall}",
defaults: new { controller ="Home", action= "Index" }

Strange route problem in ASP.NET MVC - default route not hit

I have this two routes currently in my application after decommenting out many other ones. Let me first explain that I have quite a big application already but have come to a problem where my application does not start at the root url anymore.
If I set starting page to default.aspx then webapp starts at (example) http://localhost:55421/Default.aspx. I don't want that. I want it without Default.aspx
So I went into app properties and removed Default.aspx as starting page - now it is blank field (just like in a sample new MVC app if you create it in VS 2008).
But now application does start at the required URL but issues an error:
"The incoming request does not match any route."
Also If I use route debugger it also misses all routes and catches it by catchall route.
I don't know how all of this is possible since as I said above I have two default routes configured at this time:
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Pages", action = "Display", slug = "Default" }
Any help appreciated
Am I right in thinking you are trying to hit
If you are I think you need to provide a default for the last parameter {id}. You have a default for a parameter slug but without a default for {id} I don't think ASP.NET Routing can hit it.
If I'm right
should also not hit the default route, because you are expecting id in Display?

How do I get rid of Home in ASP.Net MVC?

I know this site is written using ASP.Net MVC and I do not see "/Home" in the url. This proves to me that it can be done. What special route and do I need?
Just change "Home" to an empty string.
new { action = Index, controller = Home }
If you're running on IIS 7, you can simply delete the Default.aspx file that comes with ASP.NET MVC (assuming you're running on Preview 3 or higher). That file was needed due to an issue with Cassini that was fixed in .NET 3.5 SP1. For more details check out:
I actually like having all of my home controller methods to be at the root of the site. Like this: /about, /contact, etc. I guess I'm picky. I use a simple route constraint to do it. Here is my blog post with a code sample.
I'd add
routes.MapRoute("NoIndex", "{action}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
in RouteConfig.cs
This is what I did to get rid of Home. It will treat all routes with only one specifier as Home/Action and any with two as Controller/Action. The downside is now controller has to have an explicit index (/Controller != /Controller/Index), but it might help you or others.
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
new { }
In IIS 7, you can simply delete the Default.aspx file that comes with ASP.NET MVC (assuming you're running on Preview 3 or higher). That file was needed due to an issue with Cassini that was fixed in .NET 3.5 SP1.
For more details check out:
Upcoming Changes In Routing and .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta and Its Effect on MVC
