React native private deployment - ios

I've to create a mobile app for my small company (150 users).
They use both Android and IOS device, and the only native feature I need is Notifications Push..
Cause of the notifications, I can't go pwa (ios doesn't support), so I would try react native app.
This app is for private usage, so I can't deploy it via App Store, but I can use the "enterprise program".
The problem is the price.. It Will cost 300$ every year, for only one app ?
I think I can leave the program once upon a time the app is deployed.. But have to subsribe when I'll have to update..
I've see the OTA possibility. Do you think I can deploy and Update via OTA (Codepush)?
Thank you

Have a look at Expo, it might be just you need. Comes with push notifications support out of the box, the pre-release/beta development/distribution experience is just beautiful. One-click update (without any OTA settings, configuration, hassle) of your app's JS bundle, QR code sharing, and lots more.
Also, you can use TestFlight (together with Expo) if you guys don't want to pay for anything, but that app will expire after 90 days (and you'll have to re-submit a build every 90 days).


Two applications in crashlytics

I am wondering how to distribute 2 apps one made with a native implementation and another with a hybrid one.
I can have the same name for them from what I can see, but I think I will have issues at the bundle id.
I want a group of testers to receive the iOS one and the others the hybrid one and I don't want them to know which is which.
(I am interested only for iOS currently, but input for android is welcomed as well)
This is achievable with a few manual dependencies. Here's what you need to do:
Onboard the native iOS/Android app on crashlytics with your Org's API key and Build Secret.
Use the same bundle id, Fabric API Key and Build secret (basically everything same) in your hybrid app.
Distribute 2 apps, 1 native and 1 hybrid, every time. All distributions will go to the same beta dashboard. It depends on you, how you keep track of which one is which (native or hybrid) since all distributions will look the same on beta dashboard.
Here comes the manual part. Each time you randomly select which testers gets native/hybrid app.
NOTE: This should work for both iOS and Android.

Does expo break the rules of the itunes store?

I've been working on a react native app that uses expo to build and deploy the application to both stores.
Today I came across quite an amazing feature in expo. The publish button inside the gui actually pushes all of the changes you have made to every user of your app. There is no need for building and jumping through all of the hoops that Apple & Google makes you do.
Since these changes can be basically full new versions of the app and no one at Apple/Google has checked them does this break the terms of service with Apple? They cannot monitor your newest release changes.
When choosing an app rating just set "unrestricted web acces" to true, that should be it

Any way to make React Native ios app for personal use?

I am making an ios app using React Native for the first time as a self learning exercise. I don't intend to launch it to the Apple App Store but it'd be nice to be able to use the app myself on my phone.
I've successfully deployed my app to my iPhone with "Release Build" settings, but after 3 days the app stops launching (with message "yourApp is no longer available"). I understand this is something to do with the provisioning profile expiring after x amount of days and a reinstall of the app from xcode is needed (from this thread)
Does anyone know any way to get around this? Or must I purchase a developer licence and go through deployment to the app store just to get my app working on my phone permanently? Thanks in advance!

Can we use PJSIP/Siphon in our SIP Voip App

We are working on a commercial VOIP application based on SIP. We have found PJSIP/Siphon and able to compile for iOS 7. And it's working fine for us. So, our doubt is if we can use this in our app and deploy the app to app store.
It depends.
If you have an open-source product you can use it in the AppStore.
If you do not share your source code you must buy a license from Teluu before you launch it in the AppStore.
If you use Siphon, you will need to look at their license terms as well before pushing it to the AppStore.
Otherwise they can sue you and get your app kicked out of the stores and it can become a very expensive process for you.

Can I update an iOS Enterprise App in the background like an App Store app can?

I have an iOS enterprise app that we are wirelessly distributing to our devices. Currently the app polls our server once a day to see if there is an app update. If there is, we try to install it by having the app call the following code:
NSURL *installUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=%#", plistUrl]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:installUrl];
This causes the app to prompt the user with an alert dialog to install the update. If they click install, the app closes and the update is downloaded and installed.
I am wondering if there is anything for enterprise apps for iOS 7 similar to the AppStore's automatic updates? I would like to be able to update our app without the user having to press an update button and be able to update at a time when the user won't have to wait for it to install.
The answers in these questions will give you a correct answer:
Auto-updated iOS application for enterprise distribution
Update In-House Apps -- iOS Enterprise Developer Program
Updating iOS apps automatically with an MDM + Enterprise license
There is a solution for this though by Stephen McMahon, but I did not test it.
EDIT: I realise now that I misread the brief, the OP was asking for background automatic updates. Not possible for enterprise apps, but (relatively) easy to do upon first open. I'll leave this here as this was the info I came looking for when I found this question.
Here's what I did for my project. I exported the app in Enterprise mode against our In House Distribution certificate and uploaded the folder to public web space. Have your app check for updates (the method to use is an exercise for the developer) and when one is detected, open a web browser to a URL like the following:
You'll see a screen not unlike the one below:
If you use Cordova/PhoneGap to develop your app, be sure to include an allow-navigation rule for these types of apps.
Sorry, but there is no way how to download the updates on the background for enterprise apps.
