Authenticating a Shopify app - missing "code" parameter - ruby-on-rails

I have built an embedded Shopify app (in Rails) using the shopify_app gem. To be able to make API calls to the Shopify store front, I need to exchange a URL parameter "code" for an authentication token. My understanding is, that this parameter should be available in the URL after the app has been installed - however this is not the case for me.
Please, how can I get the "code" parameter? so that I can authenticate my app and send API calls.
Thank you

I think the code parameter you are looking for is found in Step 3 of OAuth process with Shopify as described here

The shopify_app library does the initial authentication of the app and after instalation automatically converts the 'code' parameter into the appropriate token, which is to be used to authenticate your API calls. The token is stored in the Db under shop:shopify_token. Make sure to specify 'create_scripttags' in your application scope.


ss_domain parameter in context of OAUTH or OpenID?

I'm trying to learn about OAUTH and OpenID Connect.
Thus I am investigating my own traffic, listening to Authorization Requests and Grants by checking for required parameters in OAUTH as described in and for the Authorization Code Flow as well as described in section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 for the Implicit Flow.
Unfortunately, by using the SSO option for Google on, I am only able to catch the Request, but not the Authorization Grant.
So, while debugging and having a look at the actual request, I can see the following parameters in the query part of the url:
permission id_token
email profile openid
Now, to get to the actual question:
Where can I find some specified information about the ss_domain parameter?
I could not find any information in as well as on, however when using google, I can find some people using the ss_domain parameter (only without further explanation), so I doubt it is something only used by
Would be happy if somebody could bring some light in here!
Thank you!
If you are at, and you your redirect_uri is to a different domain e.g., you need to set ss_domain to
This custom ss_domain change, however, is not possible using the Google login client side sdk. You got to push the url manually.

What's the use of JWT in Rails + React app for Auth

I don't understand the use of JWT token..
Can anyone explain it to me ?
Because currently i'm working on an app (rails + react), and I want to use devise + jwt for authentification and React for frontend.
Actually, I understood that :
1/ If a user want to login: he completes the form, React get Data from form and make a post request of these infos to Rails API.
2/ Rails API get theses infos check in the db if infos match with a registered user, if it is then Rails API will create a JWT token and will send this token to React.
User is now logged in because Rails API found a matched user.
3/ React receive the JWT token. ( ?? what the usage of this token ?? )
My response is not specific to Rails/React, but rather to all web technologies using JWT tokens:
What you said is correct. From point 3 forward, all the requests made from React to the Rails backend will have to contain the header Authorization: Bearer <token>.
When Rails sees that header, it is able to:
checks the token is valid, by checking its signature
decode it and extract any info stored in it.
Remember that JWT tokens can contain any info the backend wants to store in it. And the client is not able to tamper it, because it is signed cryptographically and it would invalidate its signature.
The above properties (the fact you can store anything in it, that the frontend sends it with every request and that nobody can tamper it) help any web application being able to:
have a shared nothing architecture - because the session is stored completely on the UI, so any backend worker/machine can handle any request
store more info in the session than if they'd use signed cookies for sessions.
Since you are return api . And react is consuming it.
Jwt help to return data you might need to persist in your frontend in react tho. Data like user name or email.
Example : making the header of your website show a user is logged in.
Since you are return api . And react is consuming it.
Jwt help to return data you might need to persist in your frontend in react tho. Data like user name or email.
Example : making the header of your website show a user is logged in.
The main aim of jwt in frontend is basically auth.
Apart .
If you are using a monolith app u deal with session for user
In react case jwt stands in as the session
The main aim of jwt in frontend is basically auth or other.
Apart . If you are using a monolith app remeber u deal with session for user In react case jwt stands in as the session

Problem with Token URL for Basecamp 3 API

I am building an oauth app to connect to Basecamp 3 API using PHP and following the documentation here.
The request authorization url works fine
but the token url produces a page not found
I contacted Basecamp but didn't get a response. They do say they don't prioritize suppose issues with the API because so few of their customers use it.
Any ideas on what the correct url for getting tokens would be?
There are 4 steps:
Step 1: Choose a webhook service or build your own (which certainly takes more time). This will receive the authentication.
Step 2: Register your app within Basecamp. it'll give you the client key and secret key
Step 3: You need to make a GET call to the .../new address. You need to pass on the client key, secret key and redirect url. The API will send an 8-digit number to the Webhook. You need to retrieve that from the webhook.
Step 4: Make the same GET call to the .../token address. You'll pass the key in addition to all previous information in the header. Then you'll receive an access token.
Supposedly with this access token you should be able to activate all other API. I have not figure this part out.

Google OAuth 2.0 Callback URL

I have an iOS application which authenticates with Google's servers via OAuth 2.0. I have just one problem, my app doesn't seem to respond to the callback URL. I have set the callback URL correctly in my code but no response.
I was just wandering if anyone knows how to change the callback URL on the Google OAuth API Console because right it is some random URL which doesn't seem to work for me:
You can use the oob URI with an embedded view, or you can rely on the user to copy and paste the code.
But on iOS you have a better option, you can use a custom scheme based on the bundle id (or on the client id):

Rails API authentication - sanity check and advise

I want to create a Rails application which exposes an API to be consumed by only authorised client applications (will be mobile apps for iOS / android). I've not started working on the app yet, but the primary method of accessing the underlying data will be through the api. I've been looking at using the grape gem, but would need to add an authentication layer to it. I was thinking about using devise and adding another model for storing client details, api key and secret key. Upon sign in through the api, the api key and secret are returned. The API key is transmitted with each request, but the secret key is not. Instead, it is used to sign each request; the request parameters are ordered by name, hashed using the secret key as the hash key. This signature is then added as a parameter to the request.
Does this system of authentication sound logical and secure?
I tried to prototype the system earlier, but ran into difficulty signing up a user using JSON with devise. At first I was getting a CSRF error. I then turned off protect_from_forgery and was getting another error. Is it safe to turn this off if I am authenticating in this way?
Yes you can turn off rails CSRF protection since you are using a different authenticity method as long as a date or timestamp is always inside the parameters that are being signed. You can use this to compare the request time to the server time and make sure you aren't undergoing a replay attack.
protect_from_forgery helps you protect your HTML forms. If you're consuming JSON from mobile clients, you don't need it.
Here's what I would do if I were you:
on user's account page, have a button that says "(re)generate API key"
client then embeds this key into his calling code and passes with each request.
your API server checks whether this API key can be used with this client id.
Very easy to implement and serves well.
Signing parameters also works and I used it in several projects with success. But it increases code complexity without any real gain (secret key is on the client, attacker already knows it).
