Google OAuth 2.0 Callback URL - url

I have an iOS application which authenticates with Google's servers via OAuth 2.0. I have just one problem, my app doesn't seem to respond to the callback URL. I have set the callback URL correctly in my code but no response.
I was just wandering if anyone knows how to change the callback URL on the Google OAuth API Console because right it is some random URL which doesn't seem to work for me:

You can use the oob URI with an embedded view, or you can rely on the user to copy and paste the code.
But on iOS you have a better option, you can use a custom scheme based on the bundle id (or on the client id):


OAuth2 with Hash query string, Imgur API

I'm updating my desktop app, an Imgur client, for the upcoming deprecation of code/pin auth methods, by using a local web server to catch the redirect_url from the browser after the user authorizes access to the app. So I launch the URL in the browser, the user accepts, then Imgur redirects to
but the browser cuts the URL at # so all the variables are missing, and my app only receives "state=auth"
from Imgur's API docs:
The response_type Parameter token: This authorization flow will
directly return the access_token and refresh_token via the redirect
URL you specified during registration, in the form of hash query
string parameters. Example:
The code and pin response types have been deprecated and will soon no
longer be supported.
Imgur returns an access token to your application if the user grants
your application the permissions it requested. The access token is
returned to your application in the fragment as part of the
access_token parameter. Since a fragment (the part of the URL after
the #) is not sent to the server, client side javascript must parse
the fragment and extract the value of the access_token parameter.
Clearly they haven't thought this through for desktop applications, or am I missing something?
Imgur stuff looks non standard, since response_type=token is a basic version of the implicit flow, which used to be the solution for single page pps.
These days all UI based flows should use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE) and response_type=code.
Since your app is acting as a (loopback) web server it will not receive the hash fragment parameters, which are only available to JavaScript code running in a browser.
One option that would enable you to get the full URL would be to login via the system browser and to use a Private URI Scheme to call back to the app.
The above link is a visual blog post to explain how this works, in case it is of interest.

How do i setup a project with a "complicated" groovy OAUTH application with redirect

Im trying to setup a groovy app where I'm trying to integrate a third party service. They have an OAUTH process where the user clicks on a button and is redirected to their site to login and "grant" my app access to their service (somewhat like facebook). BUT - They are then redirected back to the app with a user "code" in the url as a parameter, which is then used to get an OAUTH token on the user's behalf through a different endpoint. I'm having an issue getting the "code" on the redirect. can anyone help?
how can groovy listen for the redirect? I don't know where to go from here and the service i am using dosn't have any documentation.
Depending on what service would you like to integrate.
In some of them you can skip redirect. Some of them provides SDK with ready to use solutions.
If nothing - you need to http server.
If you app is a plain groovy without any web frameworks, probably the simplest solution is to use JDK built in http server.
Example -

Cortana - OAuth2 Redirect URL Configuration not changing

I'm currently implementing an OAuth2 authentication using Microsoft Bot Framework and Cortana as one of my channels. However, as I was setting up my OAuth2 configuration with the following details in where I properly set the Redirect URL both from Knowledge Store and
Knowledge Store:
Whenever I authenticate to Cortana based from the OAuth2 that I've configured, the redirect URI seems to be always set as Here's a screenshot of the http request from Cortana Authentication that I got from fiddler:
Which causes this error message:
Any idea how to fix this?
Don't forget that the bot channel (in this case Cortana) needs to be where the redirect points to. Cortana's redirect is
Documentation here. You can test OAuth via botframework and the emulator. In that case, the redirect is Documentation here. If you look at the diagram in the spec on page 10, you'll see that Cortana is the client. The auth call needs to come back to her. You also need to let the auth server know that the redirect URL is allowed. For Microsoft login, you go to the app dev portal, select your app, go add a "web platform" and register the redirect urls. That should solve the problem on both ends.

Github API callback URL

I'm trying to write a github client for iOS in Swift. So far I managed to understand how OAuth 2.0 works.
But the thing I don't understand is what callback URL should I enter (for user to be redirected after dealing with OAuth), when registering my app at OAuth applications list. I add URL scheme like "mycustomapp" in Info.plist, then I enter "mycustomapp://" in the callback url field on developer.github website, but it says, that this url is invalid. What URL should I use?
I've managed to find a solution to this issue on a oAuthSwift wiki page.
Some API do not accept custom url scheme (ex: myapp://) into callback URL (ex: Linkedin oauth v2, Twitter oauth v1), only http is accepted.
So I used a URL with http scheme, which redirects to my custom one.
I entered as a callback and inside my app I redirect to oauth-swift://oauth-callback/myappname
Code could be found here

Downloading from Google Docs using an Uri containing access_token

I'm creating a viewer app for Windows Phone 7. The app already handles the OAuth2 stuff and succesfully browses Google Doc's folder structure.
I use Google Documents List API 3. BTW browsing works perfectly without using request headers, instead I append the access_token to the request Uri.
Now the app needs to show files to the user, if possible without downloading them first. This means that I want to set the UI's Image.Source to the Uri of an image, the UI's MediaElement.Source to the Uri of a video and the BackgroundAudioPlayer.Track.Source to the Uri of an audio file. Obviously I can't use request headers in this scenario.
However it seems that simply appending the access_token to the download Uri doesn't work. The UI elements fail with generic error messages, and if I manually try with a web browser (which isn't logged in to Google) it shows an empty screen, a 401 error or it redirects to Google's login page.
Is it possible to download/stream a Google Data entry just by defining the Uri? If yes, what does the Uri need to look like?
Support for authorization using the access_token URL parameter has not been allowed on purpose for security reasons. Basically if a user would be to open a malicious file on a browser (e.g html containing some Javascript would suffice) the malicious code on the file could steal the access token in the URL and send it to a third party bad guy.
To access the file you need to authorize using "Authorization" HTTP header. Simply add an HTTP header to the request which is like:
Authorization: Bearer access_token_here
