iTunes Connect "Address Sanitizer Detected" email after uploading - ios

I am having issues uploading my app to iTunes Connect for Testflight testing. I don't receive any errors when uploading the build through Xcode 7.0, but after my build attempts to processes on iTunes Connect I get the following automated email from Apple:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MY_APP". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Address Sanitizer Detected - The executable ${executablePath} links in the Address Sanitizer. Please remove Address Sanitizer usage before submitting to the App Store.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
I've ensured that "Enable Address Sanitizer" is unchecked for all of my build schemes. I cleaned the build folder and attempted to upload a clean build, but am still having the same issue. I don't see anything in the build settings related to Address Sanitizer.
Is there something else I need to do to remove Address Sanitizer?

we hit this same problem and our team spent the last 48 hours trying to isolate it. Turns out that it was a naming conflict in one of the bundles that we were including. Since the bundle is part of our standard SDK stack that we include in every game submission and we never had any issues with it before, I am assuming that something was upgraded on Apple's back-end to include checks for a lots of the new xCode features which caused the naming conflict during the post submission auto-code checks.
it took us over 20 submissions to isolate the offending bundles and renaming them fixed the problem. If you're hitting this issue, I suggest going through your plist to see if any of the bundle names have used keywords that are reserved for Address Sanitizer usage. It was one of our engineers that identified the problem and he's away on vacation for the next week but apparently, he replaced the hyphens in the bundle name with underscores and the problem disappeared.
Wanted to share this one quickly and hope it helps folks that are stuck on this issue as it was an absolute nightmare for us to pin down.

Thanks to some help from #Erik-Kerber, I managed to get a build through.
I was running the GM of Xcode 7 (7A218). After updating to the release build (7A220) from the App Store my app successfully passed iTunes Connect processing.

My build also get rejected.
I am using Fabric / Crashlytic library in my project.
I was also having the same issue and the same mail i got from Apple when my build rejected by Apple.
But after replacing my Fabric/Crashlytics library with updated library it get solved and accepted by Apple Succefully.


iTunes Connect Errors occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be thinned?

I Uploaded the build via Xcode Yesterday it worked fine but while uploading today the build is uploading perfectly but after 10 minutes i got a email form apple stating that.
While processing your iOS app, ---------------Build(1.0.22), errors
occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be
thinned. If your app contains bitcode, bitcode processing may have
failed. Because of these errors, this build of your app will not be
able to be submitted for review or placed on the App Store. For
information that may help resolve this issue, see Tech Note 2432.
I only changed the one line of code and changed the Build Number. And, I uploaded 4 build got the same Error.
I met with this issue today, I used google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest (as framework).
I tried all the solutions above, but failed.
Now I fixed it by copying all the source of google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest to my own project. Hope it helpful to you.
In My own case, i developed my IOS APP with PhoneGap
After so much research, was told to disable bitcode from my ItuneConenct App Account
And was introduced to a new phonegap plugin to disable bitcode in my IOS APP
which i added to my Phonegap app config.xml file
Yet after rebuilding my phonegap IOS app and uploading to ItunesConenct using Application Builder (Got a successful message from the upload). Few mins' after the upload, I got same message from Apple with the same error.
This can give you a hint
Finally got it to work. In our case, the error was in one of the embedded frameworks. Generating a Production Ad-hoc build and then trying to export it generated an error message that pointed us to an error in a setting within one of the framework files. The framework has been there for a while and we never had any issues with it until this release.
I had the same problem and I found the solution. In my app, I had the Google Plus framework: GoogleOpenSource.framework. This framework was the problem. I searched about the latest update in Google Plus:
The latest version was 1.7.1. This version has the same problem. In my app, I removed the login with Google Plus (deprecated and I added Google:
This works for me.
A greeting.
Hey guyz My App has been approved by Apple Store.
The trick i used was this
Deleted the plugin folder on my App root directory before building
Because most plugins were not compatible with Apple has to use just few of them on my manifest file
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />
<plugin name="" />
<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.splashscreen" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" />
i was surprised when Apple sent me a message that my App has been Approved just now.
I Home this trick work for someone
If you are having this problem recently, i.e. since September 2016, it may be due to having a 'special character' in the title of your app.
I had several targets for the same code, some of which would process OK and some of which would fail. The ones that were failing all had Apple symbols in the title, for example one app was called '🇨🇲 Flags'.
Credit to Krati Rastogi:
I had this happen a couple days ago and the temporary solution for me was to not include bitcode for iOS content, which is an uploading option (see image). Apple suggests to do an ad hoc export with an ad hoc provisioning profile to receive the errors and logs of the failure, but I'm unable to reproduce the error(s) and the ad hoc export is successful each time. Will update this post when I find out how to re-enable bitcode, but for now this seems like a good temporary fix. -Update: there was an error in the name of one of my project folders, mixup with symbolic folder name, when I corrected the name to match what was actually in the folder structure I was able to upload properly-
I've experienced the same symptoms and have found a solution.
The root cause of the issue is invalid/incorrect keys in a given bundle's embedded Info.plist.
This is typically the .bundle contained within a third party library e.g. GoogleMaps SDK.
The steps for remediation are:
For each .bundle containing only resources:
Remove the key/value CFBundleExecutable
Change the value for key
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms to iPhoneOS (Item 0, first element in the array. The previous value was iPhoneSimulator in my case)
The technical reason is that CFBundleExecutable should not be present in a bundle's plist if there is no executable. The value for CFBundleSupportedPlatforms is self explanatory, it should be iPhoneOS.
Tech Note 2432 mentions the above two keys but does not elaborate how to resolve the issue.
I hope this solution works for you.
As another user above stated... Remove the Plug In Directory and it solves the problem!
I just uploaded a fully functional version of my App with all of my Plug Ins. When I use to compile my IPA file, I have no Plugin folder in the ZIP file. The plugins are correctly referenced in my config.xml file.
It works!
I have no clue why this was ever an issue, but that is the ticket to move forward!
Finally, I made this work!!!
Just like #applejack42 said, you must remove CFBundleExecutable key of all 3rd party library info.plist file.
In my case, I just remove this key from JSONModel info.plist, and submit.
I really hope it works for you, because that issue make me crazy.
update xcode to 8.0 which published at 0914 from apple store , rebuild project and submit to iturns , the issue was not found , instead any detail info for anouther issue which use ios 10 sdk required . i have submited success, and waiting for approval .
Ive attempted various build and submitted to Itunes with Xcode 8 and 7, with no success.
Deleting my plugins folder was not the solution, neither was greping through all my .plist's to find the CFBundleExecutable. At this moment its just waiting on further discovery from the community and or returning to our 3rd party resources and asking them to update their libs which may not be as easy as apple is suggesting us to do.
To identify the affected libraries I built to an iPhone with Bitcode enabled and in my case their are three libs that need updating. This may not be the best solution but if you need an explanation for your superiors this may save you some time in identifying what needs updating.
I will update my thread as I continue along this road.
Apple recommends to test by archiving the app first and then exporting the app for ad hoc distribution. If there are errors, you can then see this in the logs, you can access them from the export dialog.
My favorite solution, if there is no error during export:
update cocoapods
run pod install
clean the project and resubmit
It just worked for me, no clue why, but it might be worth a try instead of wasting hours on finding a solution for a non existant problem ;)
For me the Issue was that one of my frameworks wasn't embedded and signed . hope that might help someone
I have met with this situation with Xamarin IOS Project in Visual Studio
I have solved in
Clean All
Rebuild All
then archive your project

Unexpected Machine Code - Will this affect app approval?

This is quite linked to this question but it doesn't have any solution.
On uploading a build to iTunes Connect, I received the following message:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"Hurdal IL". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct
the following issues in your next delivery:
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native
machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include
machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3
or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application
Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
What is the resolution?
Will the app approval be affected if this build is uploaded ?
I just talked with the Apple Developer Support, the official one. They don't said it clearly, but yes it's a bug.
So, it's confirmed that there's some malfunctioning in their side.
UPDATE: It won't affect the Apps in Production neither Testing!
I have same issue but in my case I set in Xcode Build Setting Enable Bitcode to NO. After this error I change it to YES and it works
No, its not effect app approval and the binary seems to be accepted by the iTunes store.
I just uploaded a binary recently (like 20m ago). They did sent me a note just like you. After that, I just re-built it again, only update the build version (1943) and upload. Now it seems like there's nothing happened anymore. And the previous build (1942) has completed processing without failure. So I doubt it's a bug from Apple.
Just ignore it. You may want to build another binary to fix the warning tho.
I've the same problem, I send my application to review with that issue.
My app pass the review and already in publication. No problem... I think it's a issue from iTunes Connect.
The app which I published with this waring was just approved by Apple. So to answer my question, this won't affect the app approval.
Also, I am accepting #Helen Wood's answer as she was right that this is an apple bug.
Just got this as well, it's a bug. I uploaded the near exact same binary as I did a couple of days ago which went through fine (only change was to the version and build number). Developer support confirmed this.
If you do get the e-mail, don't worry about it. Your binary will still process and you'll still be able to submit it to the app store.

Send for Review iOS app [duplicate]

After submitting my app through Xcode, I see my app with no icon and it says "Uploaded" in the prerelease tab. What should I do? It's been two hours. I validated and submitted without any issues through Xcode. Here's what I see:
It's been about another 2 hours and I still see:
Update #2:
It's been another 24 hours and nothing!
Update #3:
I've contacted iTunes Connect Support addressing this issue and they said they would give me a call after they get in touch with the engineers. Here is what they said through email:
I will follow up with you as soon as I have an update. Thank you for
your assistance and continued patience.
Final Update! SOLVED!
After a drastic 5 days of just getting this app to review, they've finally fixed the issue. It seemed to be an issue with the server. The best help I can give to those stuck is to try to send another build or contact iTunes Connect Support(it's faster to call then to email). Also, if you get your app sent to review, don't forget to request an expedited review from Apple, to make the review process faster (not every one is guaranteed). Thanks so much for all of your support!
Wait more. It will be processed eventually.
Apple may have issues with their validation servers or could have a very long pending apps queue. Just be patient.
Edit: (from MGame's experience)
If after a few hours, your build still hasn't started being processed, give a phone call to Apple. It seems that in some rare case your app could get stuck in their servers and they have to manually resolve the issue.
Please check your email inbox.This may be the issue
"Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "App Name". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected: Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
I have the same trouble. I tried the following:
Increase the second build number
Resubmit binary
Then my app process was completed immediately.
I have added myself as App Manager and Got email that i need to add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in info.plist. For more Details see this answer.
But as i am writing this answer also working for people. It says just don't put xcode in background and let it run in foreground while you are uploading.
After waiting for a week without seeing builds, I've try Application Loader from Xcode 8.1beta.
Export -> Save for iOS App Store Deployment -> Save a folder with IPA in my desktop
Xcode -> Open developer tools -> Application Loader -> choose IPA file from desktop
Now I can see my builds..
Another simple thing to try is to update the itunes Connect Form of the app version.
In my case, the builds only appeared after I've put something in the first field ("What's new in this release") and saved the changes.
Add missing items in info.plist,such as icon files, privacy usage description, requirements etc. it works for me
Wait for sometime. You can see the build. In my case it happened like that.

Invalid Signature - Code object is not signed at all

Im able to submit my app through Xcode 6.3.2 perfectly fine. Validation and analyzing pass perfectly. Once it successfully submits to the app store though I get an email from Apple:
"Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "App". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Signature - Code object is not signed at all. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary."
I have tried redownloading the distribution cert, regenerating the distribution provisioning profile, added "--deep" to the code signing "Other Code Signing Flags." I even checked the bundle name etc, everthing is alpha numeric. I was able to submit fine on May 22nd, now on June 3rd everything breaks.
Doesnt make any sense, any help would be appreciated!
While I don't have a good explanation of why this suddenly has happened within the last week, I finally found a solution this morning.
I started with a new project and submitted to the app store with nothing but the identifier and correct version and build numbers, which processed fine. After that I started piecing in any assets that wasnt my own code until I got the "Invalid Binary" email. I narrowed it down to the Hockey App SDK (embedded framework) which was causing the issue and not even being used anymore so I removed it from the project (problem solved). The disturbing part is that nothing fails on my end during validation or submission and according to github this directory and content hasn't changed in a year, which leads me to believe something changed server side at Apple.
I did see a lot of posts via google saying that frameworks needed signed etc and when using Xcode 6 and iOS 8 it seems to be the standard which is why I assumed it might be something along these lines.
Im not sure how helpful this is as I was building for iOS and this article is in reference to Mac, but HockeyApp explains in order to distribute to the app store you need to sign the framework with your own identity here:
If anyone has anymore technical notes on this or why this suddenly changed Id love to understand this better.
I've checked a variety of places and there seem to be several things that are now being rejected by iTunes Connect. The solution is typically to remove the offending resource from the Target -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources (as #azizus mentions). Unfortunately Apple doesn't tell you what file causes this issue with your builds so you have to go hunt for yourself. Here are some items that I've found that will do it:
Shell scripts (Look for .sh files, though they could have a different
Also, look out for files that are listed as executable, when they
shouldn't be. Those might be a good place to look for shell scripts
that you might have missed.
Frameworks (Framework bundles, even .a or .o files - you
don't need them as they will get compiled into the executable binary)
DocSets (I don't know why, but I found that the HockeyApp SDK
includes a DocSet bundle which was the cause in my experience)
Sometimes this might also happen due to some weird entitlements
issue. The entitlements you have may not match up with the App in the
provisioning portal.
Look out for invalid characters in your app name or file names (like
wildcard characters)
This is a pretty broad list, something I did to help in the search is build an archive and then show the contents of the .app in the archive using finder, sorting by file type. The strange thing is that these files actually exist in the _CodeSignature/CodeResources file.
My own theory on why this is happening is that Apple made some changes (or is making some changes) because of Extensions and WatchKit apps. Essentially, you are including a couple of binaries in the packaged IPA (phone app, extension, watch app). They probably want to make sure you're not including something else that could potentially be executed. Unfortunately, the error message is too vague (really it's incorrect) for most.
This took me 3 days to debug.
In the end it was due to an external framework I created (lets call it X) that I was importing via carthage. X had its own dependencies that it was importing via carthage as well. In order to link these frameworks it had a path in the build settings called Framework Search Paths set to the location of the frameworks. For some reason it was this flag in this framework that was causing the problem specified in the questions. I eventually imported X's dependencies with Git submodules so that I didn't have to set the Framework Search Paths flag. I the exported the framework and manually added it to my project I was submitting to the AppStore. Then it worked.
I can reproduce this when I 'create folder references' for my resources folder as opposed to 'create groups' when adding in.
I contacted HockeyApp and they suggested not to add the SDK to app bundle. So I navigated to Target -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources and removed HockeySDKResources.bundle from there. iTunes Connect accepted my binary.
In my case it was a info.plist duplicated that was not used. (it wasn't easy find out the problem). I removed almost all the files of my project until remove this one and.. it worked
Clearing the value for Code Sign Resource Rules Path in each target resolved the issue.

App submission binary does not show up in iTunes Connect

I want to update my app. I have a new version of the app and now it says "Prepare for Submission".
Now I want to perform "Prepare for Upload" but I cannot find this in the new iTunes Connect.
I have tried to upload the app to iTunes using Application Loader and Xcode 5.1 but still the status hasn’t changed and when I click on "Submit For Review" I get the following error:
You must choose a build.
It is quite weird but let me show what I have learnt from this new iTunnesConnect layout.
Step 1: You should wait around 10 min to 20 min to see your uploaded binary file in the prerelease section. .
Step 2: After you wait a while (10-20 min) then you would see the below icon
Step 3: Then you could able to see that your binary is ready.
Step 4: Then click on plus (+) sign, you now could able to choose your binary and then click submit for review button to finalize.
Look for it here:
Here's the new binary I uploaded:
Then, don't forget to create a new version and then assign the new binary to it (after process is completed):
I had the same problem, and waited for more than 8 hours without any result. The plus-icon never showed up under the build section!
Then I saw a new (tax-agreement) contract that I had not signed. I signed it, waited for a few more minutes, and then the plus-icon showed up!
The reason could also be that you are still releasing binary with the old TestFlight SDK in it.
A few months ago TestFlight updated their service meaning that it is now included in iTunesConnect, previously a TestFlightSDK was included in the project and various codes needed to enable TestFlight for users. This is all now depreciated. This means if you release a new version of an app which still has the TestFlightSDK included your binary won't appear in iTunes Connect and you will receive an email like this:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "blahApp". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
TestFlight SDK - TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing, crash reporting and analytics. To continue using TestFlight, set up Beta Testing in iTunes Connect and remove references to the SDK from the following executables:
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
You need to remove the TestFlightSDK and also all code linked to the old TestFlight. Once this is done the binary should start being picked up by iTunes Connect as the answer above states.
The tricky thing about this issue is that if you're like me the email could go through to your junk, to an old account or if you're working for a client and don't have access to their personal email it is tough to find. Apple give you no other indication that this is what's wrong.
Hope this helps people with this problem going forward
Just took 19 minutes. If you click the activity tab you can see that the upload is processing.
At this time of writing, binary submission should take only few minutes to appear in iTunesConnect. When my binary did not show up for hours, I can immediately tell that something is not right. Most of the answers I found resolved to waiting. This was not the case for me. I went to ask Apple support and I got the answer. My app was missing purpose string for one of my protected data class (for iOS 10 and later). Once I provided the usage description and resubmitted it, the binary shows up right away.
I thought someone else might be facing the same problem. For a complete list of protected data class that requires descriptions, check out this link:
