After looking at related questions, they don't answer the my question which relates to the Android Studio IDE.
I'm making an app that should only be used in Landscape Orientation and instead of switching all my *.xml files' previews to Landscape, I'd like to create a new *.xml file and have the preview automatically be in Landscape.
Is this possible? And if so, how do I set the "Orientation for Preview" to default it to Landscape?
The picture below shows the option to change it manually.
You need to move all of your layouts to layout-land folder instead of layout folder.
I am currently developing from Visual Studios, we have been working on iPhone primarily, but a scope has crept in to support iPad.
We are using Xamarin.Forms.Shell for our main page and navigation, but all the content pages are not filling the iPad. The navigation buttons are at the bottom as expected, but the content within while in portrait stops half way.
in info.plist I have Device Orientation checked all boxes, devices set tot Universal.
This happens on all pages.
What could I be missing?
Your VerticalOptions could be not set to expand, e.g: StartAndExpand or FillAndExpand.
Also, your stackLayout HeightRequest could be setted. If so, then the height will be limited as is.
Check also the main orientation of your project, if is Portrait or Landscape.
If the steps above don't work, please, edit your question and put the XAML of this page.
I am using the xamarin to code my project. Now i have an issue when i deploy to the IOS. I am intending to create a splash screen, i have put all the images into the universal icon, but in the end when i debug it the splash screen does not show the image i put. In this case, But google shows below resolution
After deleting the launch story board parameter in the info.plist. The solution works but a new problem appears, after the splash screen is loaded, all the textbox and the label showed a bigger font and I bet the resolution droped since i left the launch story board empty, how do i solve this?
If the screen resolution is incorrect, then ios thinks your app is not targeted for the current device resolution, and scale it.
So make sure you set all the required launchscreen and app icons for your device.
Btw if you are using Visual Studio, it won't work. switch to Xamarin Studio Mac, delete all existing asset catalogs, and create a new one.
One it work with Xamarin Studio Mac, it will also work in Visual Studio. But never edit the assets catalogs with Visual Studio again.
I have a website that allows users to view PDF documents. In mobile safari in iOS 8 I am having issues with landscape oriented PDF's being squeezed to fit the window. This pdf should have a landscape orientation (it looks like the browser is forcing it into portrait). The user is being directly linked to the pdf file they wish to view aka:
Here is a screenshot of the issue in the IOS simulator (Iphone 5, IOS 8.1). I do not have this issue in IOS 7. Any thoughts on a fix or where the issue is originating from? I'm thinking it's either way the PDF's are saved or something must be fixed for the browser itself.
I regard this primarily as a Safari bug in iOS 8.
However, I have found a way to modify a PDF document to avoid this problem. My method works only on a Mac:
Open the existing PDF doc by the Preview app.
Select "Export as PDF..." from the File menu.
In the pop-up box where you select the new file name, click first on the button "Show details" in the lower left corner.
Select the icon for landscape orientation!
Give the document a new filename.
Click Save.
(I run a Swedish version of Mac OS X, so I am not 100% sure that I have used exactly the correct terms used in the menus of the English version, but I think you will find your way based on my description.)
Credits to these posts, putting me on the right track:
In the second one, you will find a specific description on how to fix the problem using Acrobat Distiller, if you happens to have that application installed. That should be a way forward if you run Windows, I believe.
I need some help regarding "Screen Rotation". I am creating this application in Landscape mode but I also want to be able to turn the iPad to Portrait mode. I am trying something different and making the application inside the viewcontroller. Basically copy and paste a view controller over and over. My issue is that even after I select, "Portrait" to be the ViewControllers Mode it still changed to landscape when i the iPad is turned to Landscape mode. I hope this made sense. Any answers are greatly appreciated!
If you're setting the supported orientation modes under the 'Deployment Info' section of your project file in Xcode, might be worth double checking that you are setting the modes for iPad rather than iPhone if you setup your project as a Universal app.
On iPhone and iPad I successfully added icon (project should contain square images icon.png and logo.png), and corrected LoginView.xib and LoginView-iPad.xib, so icon is shown in top of the screen.
But I discover that in landscape mode on iPad not only icon, but also login/psw fields are placed out of the screen. How i can change xib for authorization?
The xib for authentication can be completely customized, and since the source code is open source, it can be modified as well. Having said that, landscape support should be built in. You can track this issue on GitHub.