Unable to access datasource mbeans via jmx in wildfly swarm/thorntail - jmx

I'm trying to enable JMX for my wildfly swarm component. I'm used to seeing several mbeans for a variety of wildfly subsystems, I'm specifically interested in the data source mbeans.
I've pasted a snippet below, I've got the jmx fraction and I have statistics-enabled set to true. When thorntail is running I can connect to the JVM via JMX, but I am cannot see any datasource mbeans. Is there something else that needs to be enabled for them to show up?
The app is currently on swarm 2018.2.0.Final
expression-expose-model.domain-name: RemoteJMX
use-management-endpoint: true
resolved-expose-model.domain-name: RemoteJMX
show-model: true
driver-name: com.microsoft.sqlserver
connection-url: jdbc:xyz
statistics-enabled: true

First of all, WildFly Swarm 2018.2.0.Final is very old. In the meantime, WildFly Swarm got renamed to Thorntail; you can automatically migrate by running mvn io.thorntail:thorntail-maven-plugin:2.5.0.Final:migrate-from-wildfly-swarm.
And then: if you connect to JMX, do you see any WildFly MBeans at all? I mean, is the problem with datasources only, or is it more general?
During boot, you should see JMX-related log messages, such as JMX not configured for remote access or JMX configured for remote connector: implicitly using ... interface. Do you see any of them?
Finally, it seems you want JMX exposed on the management port. Do you have a dependency on the management fraction?


Apache Artemis queue monitoring with Zabbix

I'd like to keep track of data that might be stuck in Apache Artemis queues and I'd like to leverage its JMX management abilities together with our Zabbix instance.
What steps do I need to take in order to successfully connect Zabbix to Artemis via JMX? The ones mentioned in https://activemq.apache.org/artemis/docs/latest/management.html are not quite clear to me.
I had to disable the internal connector and go the other way around by adding this to the artemis.profile file:
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote"
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false"
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false"
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099"
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=1098"
JAVA_ARGS="$JAVA_ARGS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=edimq-broker-master-az1.dc01.clouedi.local"
However, this way it's anything but secure, I know.
As the documentation states, you need to add this to your management.xml:
<connector connector-port="1099"/>
This will expose a JMX connector on localhost so if you want to be able to access it remotely from another machine on your network (i.e. your Zabbix instance) then you should do something like:
<connector connector-port="1099" connector-host="myhost" />
Also, if you have multiple IP addresses on the machine hosting the broker you'll want to set this system property in the JAVA_ARGS variable in artemis.profile:
Then point your Zabbix instance at the broker using a url like:
You can see this in action by running the jmx example shipped with Artemis in the examples/features/standard/ directory. Just navigate into that directory and run mvn verify. Running the example will create a broker instance, start the broker instance, and run the client all automatically. After the example runs you can go to into the target/server0 directory and look at all the configuration files to compare them to your own. You can also start broker independently of the example if you wish (by running ./artemis run from the target/server0/bin directory). Once the broker is running you should be able to connect to it with JConsole no problem using a JMX url like this:

Get WildFly/Keycloak datasources pool statistics via JMX

I'm using Keycloak 3.4.3.Final version in domain mode.
And I can obtain DataSources statistics (like ActiveCount,AviableCount,..)
from WildFly management console.
But when I connect remotely via JMX to some cluster node using JConsole,
MBeans tab of JConsole doesn't contain information about pool statistics-
only some static information about configuration is shown
in jboss.as/auth-server-clustered/datasources item
Is it possible to get this statstics via JMX?

How to manage Wildfly-embedded HornetQ with jconsole?

I am running HornetQ inside Wildfly. I want to monitor/manage messages with Jconsole locally, however when I open Jconsole I don't see a process for HornetQ and when I tried the different Wildfly processes listed, there are no HornetQ beans listed. What am I missing?
Resolved the problem by running Wildfly's own Jconsole version (found in WILDFLY_HOME/bin/jconsole.bat (or .sh).

TITAN server monitoring via JMX

Is it possible to monitor TITAN cassandra server with rexster remotely via JMX using something like VisualVM?
I have titan installed on the cloud and want to monitor it from my dev box. Is this possible.
I have read this
but it seems that JMX MBeans are only available locally however I could be wrong
You can monitor Rexster JMX remotely with VisualVM, but it takes a bit of configuration and changes to rexster.sh as you need to include these environment variables:
You can read some more about how to do remote setup on the VisualVM site.
You mentioned that you are trying to monitor an instance in the cloud. You didn't mention the cloud provider, but I've had trouble doing this with EC2 in the past. Perhaps this post will help you out. While I've had issues with VisualVM remoting to EC2, I have successfully connected to Rexster via VisualVM from another EC2 instance without trouble so if all else fails that could be your workaround.

Cassandra Cluster Setup getting JMX error

I m trying setup a cassandra cluster as a test bed but gave the JMX remote connection error. I seem to found the answer for my error from cassandra FAQ page
Nodetool says "Connection refused to host:" for any remote host. What gives?
Nodetool relies on JMX, which in turn relies on RMI, which in turn sets up it's own listeners and connectors as needed on each end of the exchange. Normally all of this happens behind the scenes transparently, but incorrect name resolution for either the host connecting, or the one being connected to, can result in crossed wires and confusing exceptions.
If you are not using DNS, then make sure that your /etc/hosts files are accurate on both ends. If that fails try passing the -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$IP option to the JVM at startup (where $IP is the address of the interface you can reach from the remote machine).
But can somebody help me on how to do -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$IP
Or what to add is hosts file, i know that in hosts normally we add "IP Alias", but whose ip and alias.
I dont know much java or either linux
I m currently working on ubuntu v10.04 and cassandra v0.74
For JMX you need to enable JMX-remoting:
java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
Depending on from where you want to access the jmx-server, you also need to specify a port:
and set or disable passwords.
Have a look at http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/agent.html for more details.
